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Presentation on theme: "MRS. MOOT’S AND MRS. PRICE’S 2 ND GRADE CLASS 2011-2012."— Presentation transcript:


2 ARRIVAL AND DISMISSAL  Your child may arrive at school beginning at 7:15.  The tardy bell rings at 7:50.  It is important that your child arrives before the 7:50 bell.  In the afternoon, dismissal begins at 2:15.

3 TRANSPORTATION  One of our top priorities is getting your child home safely. In order to do that, we need your help.  If there is ANY change in how your child will be going home, a note must be sent.  Please include the following on all transportation notes: Your child’s name Teacher’s name Date  Place the note in your child’s communication folder.  If a last minute change must be made during the day, please call or fax the note (with the same information) to the front office at 770-578-7214 no later than 1:00.

4 SPECIALS  Our specials time is from 8:10-8:55.  We have a five day rotation which includes PE(twice), Art, Music, and Technology.  Please dress appropriately (sneakers!) on PE days.  The specials schedule will be sent home in a monthly calendar.

5 LUNCH  We have lunch from 12:15 to 12:45.  Please feel free to join us by meeting us in the front hall by the cafeteria.  Food from outside restaurants may not be brought in to the cafeteria.  Please make sure to label all lunch money with your child’s name, grade, and teacher’s name.  Envelopes are available. Breakfast$1.00 Lunch$1.65 ($2.50 for guests, even siblings) Extra Milk50¢ Ice Cream60¢

6 BIRTHDAYS  If your child would like to share a birthday treat with the class. We prefer individual treats instead of a cake or large cookie. You may send it in the morning or bring it during snack or lunch.  Please send a note or email me when you would like to celebrate this special time!

7 CONTACTING US  If you ever have a questions or concerns, please contact us.  You can drop a note in your child’s folder, email me ( (, or call me (770-578-7214) at  If you call during the regular school day, you will be sent to a voice mail.  Due to our schedule, we may not receive your message until after the students have left.  If I have not returned your call by the next day, please drop a note in your child’s communication folder.  Email is usually the fastest way to reach me.  Please note that transportation changes can not be left on voice mail or email.

8 MONEY  Please make sure any money you send in is marked properly and in the correct envelope.  ASP money must be in a brown ASP envelope that has been completely filled in.  PTA money can be in a plain envelope, but needs to be marked “PTA” and must show your child’s name, grade, and teacher’s name.  All money for field trips, performing arts, etc. must be sent in a white activity envelope.We will send the envelope with permission forms. This envelope must be completely filled in with your child’s name, classroom teacher’s name, grade and the necessary information at the bottom. Please DO NOT place any permission slips or order forms in the envelope; attach any forms to the outside of the sealed envelope.

9 SNACK  Please send in a healthy snack for your child each day.  We do not eat lunch until 12:15 and the children get very hungry.  We are flexible with snacks. Usually we eat during recess, at 10:30.

10 HOMEWORK  Homework assignments will begin soon!  Please help your child take responsibility for completing and returning homework.  Homework is an extension of study at school and allows your child extra practice.  Completed homework is due on Fridays.

11 MEDICATION  If your child needs to take medication at school or keep an inhaler for emergencies, please send in a detailed note.  A medication form from the clinic must be completed before any medicine can be administered.

12 LABEL BELONGINGS  Please label all personal items (jacket, book bag, lunch box, etc.).  Your child’s name should be clearly visible.  Many children have the same exact bag or coat.  If an item gets misplaced, let me know and I can remind your child to check the lost and found.

13 DISCIPLINE  Behavior management is vital to creating a classroom where learning is the focus.  We want to develop a climate of respect and responsibility.  We use a system that enables us to provide positive reinforcement and encourage appropriate behavior by celebrating those students who do the right thing.  All 2 nd grade students are working on being PRO students! Prepared Respectful On Task

14 POINT SYSTEM  Points will be earned by students throughout the day as they model good behavior.  Students begin the day on a 3 and can earn or lose points throughout the day.  Students who end the day on a 3 or 4 earn a B-Buck. Students with a 5 earn 2 B- Bucks.  If a student has a 2 or 1 at the end of the day, we will write a note in their agenda explaining why they lost points.  Notes for behavior will be sent home from Specials teachers when necessary.

15 DRAWER STORE  Drawer store is on Fridays. Students can buy lunch with a friend, lunch with the teacher, homework pass, sit at the teacher’s desk, or no shoes day.  I frequently purchase items for the B-Buck store in order to make this a fun incentive for good behavior; however, I really appreciate any donations your family would like to make.  In the past popular items have been from the party-favor aisle at Wal- mart/Target, things from the Dollar Store, and Happy Meal prizes. Thanks!

16 THANK YOU!!  Thank you for coming!  Please let me know if you have any questions!  We are looking forward to working with your child this year!!

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