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Safety First, Safety Always!! Never give your name, address, telephone number, school, teacher or parent’s names, addresses, or telephone numbers to ANYONE.

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Presentation on theme: "Safety First, Safety Always!! Never give your name, address, telephone number, school, teacher or parent’s names, addresses, or telephone numbers to ANYONE."— Presentation transcript:


2 Safety First, Safety Always!! Never give your name, address, telephone number, school, teacher or parent’s names, addresses, or telephone numbers to ANYONE you meet on the internet. Never give your e-mail password to anyone (even your best friend!) other than your teachers/parents. Never send pictures of yourself or others to anyone over the internet without your teacher/parents permission.

3 Safety Continued….. Never fill out any form or request online that asks me for information about my school, family, or myself without first asking for permission from my teacher/parents. I will tell my teacher/parents if I see any bad language or pictures on the internet, or if anyone makes me feel nervous or uncomfortable online. I will not use any articles, stories, or other works I find online and pretend it is my own.

4 Safety…..Again. Never use bad language online. Always practice safe computing, and check for viruses whenever I borrow a disk from someone, download something from the internet, or receive an attachment. I will be a good online citizen and not participate in any activity that hurts others or is against the law or the school’s policy. Make sure you return your safety pledge to Ms. Downs ASAP!!

5 Safety is a Mind-Set You may only operate equipment if you have been instructed in its use. When removing electrical plugs from outlets make sure you PULL THE PLUG AND NOT THE CORD! Before you begin everyday, you should check your workspace for any frayed wires, burning odors, flickering lights, or any other irregularities. If you come across any of the above issues, you should report them immediately to the instructor.

6 What is Ergonomics? Most times, the work we do is hard on our body. Even if we sit at a computer all day! DO THIS: Find the lever on your chair and pull up on it. This will lower your seat as far down as it will go. Now look up at your computer screen. Imagine looking up at this screen for 8 or 9 hours a day. Your neck might bother you by the end of the day, right?! Ergonomics is how we design our workplace to reduce fatigue on our bodies, which will increase productivity.

7 Workplace Safety When using a paper cutter, make sure the blade is always pointing down so we cannot place our hand on an open blade. When bending to lift anything heavy we should use our LEGS, NOT OUR BACK! When placing things in a filing cabinet, we should only have ONE drawer open at a time to make sure the cabinet doesn’t fall on us. We should also keep any heavier loads in a bottom drawer.

8 CMS Safety Procedures If there is ever a fire in the building, the red fire alarms on the walls will go start making a loud noise and lights will blink on the alarm. We will evacuate the building from the exit door in my classroom. There should be NO TALKING as we exit and as we wait. If there is ever a tornado an announcement will come over the intercom telling us to take cover. You will get a book and line up silently. We will sit along the wall that is in the middle of the 6 th grade hall. You will sit on your knees, head down, with your book over the back of your head. NO TALKING!

9 CMS Safety Procedures In the event of a lockdown, an announcement will come over the intercom. We will cover the glass on the classroom doors, turn the lights off and sit silently. Be thinking of one thing that we could do in this classroom or school that would make you feel safer. You will have to write down your idea on our safety test!

10 I look forward to having a great year!! Please bring all of your forms back ASAP

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