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Ayurveda – The Way to Healthy Living. The Answer: through Ayurveda How can we uplift our Life by Indian system of healing?

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Presentation on theme: "Ayurveda – The Way to Healthy Living. The Answer: through Ayurveda How can we uplift our Life by Indian system of healing?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Ayurveda – The Way to Healthy Living

2 The Answer: through Ayurveda How can we uplift our Life by Indian system of healing?

3 The term Ayurveda is taken from the Sanskrit words ayus, meaning life or lifespan, and veda meaning knowledge. Just as everyone has a unique fingerprint, according to Ayurvedic beliefs, each person has a distinct pattern of energy - a specific combination of physical, mental, and emotional characteristics What is Ayurveda? (or Real meaning and aim of Ayurveda)

4 AIM The aim of this system is to prevent illness, heal the sick and preserve life. This can be summed up as follows: To protect health and prolong life ("Swasthyas swasthya rakshanam") To eliminate diseases and dysfunctions of the body ("Aturasya vikar prashamanamcha")

5 Ayurveda is based on the premise that the universe is made up of five elements: air,fire, water, earth and ether. These elements are represented in humans by three "doshas", or energies: 1. Vata:- pertains to air and ether elements 2. Pitta :- pertains to fire elements 3. Kapha:- pertains to water and earth elements. 5 elements theory (Body Constitution)

6 When any of the doshas accumulate in the body beyond the desirable limit, the body loses its balance. Every individual have unique body constitution (Vata Pita Kapha) and each person is diagnosed as per his/her Body constitution 5 elements theory (Body Constitution)

7 A healthy person, as defined in Sushrut Samhita, one of the primary works on Ayurveda, is "he whose doshas are in balance, appetite is good, all tissues of the body and all natural urges are functioning properly, and whose mind, body and spirit are cheerful..." Definition of health according to Ayurveda

8 Food – our eating habits Lifestyle – the way we live Time period ( according to age and period) 3 root cause for manifestation of diseases

9 Eight important rules are involved in the intake of a proper diet. These are called Asta Ahara Vidhi Visesayatana 1.Prakruti - (Constitution) 2.Karan -(Processing) 3.Samyog -(Combination) 4.Rashi -(Quantity) 5.Desha -(Place) 6.Kala-(Time) 7.Upayoga samstha -(intake of food) 8.Upayokta -(morality of individual who takes it) Food 8 Golden rules

10 1.Prakruti -Nature of food articles. Impact Of Food on body as per the constitution Every individual have unique body constitution (Vata Pita Kapha) Depending on our dosha, or constitutional type, some foods can be beneficial, and others should be avoided. Food 8 Golden rules

11 Food 8 Golden rules Vata Leads to : Anxiousness, Hyper activeness Be cautious : Avoid following food Big Beans, Big Pulses, Dry Food, Cauliflower, Taro Do This Take lukewarm fresh food with enough quantity of milk, butter. Have more green vegetables, salads

12 Food 8 Golden rules Pitta Leads to : Anger Be cautious : Avoid following food Repeatedly hot, spicy, chilly food Excess oily & alcohol, smoking Do This Have coconut water, lime juice or buttermilk often Have sprouted food Have Pineapple juice, butter, and grapes

13 Food 8 Golden rules Kapha Leads to : Laziness, Obesity Be cautious : Avoid following food Excess soft drinks, ice creams & milk Chilled, sweet food Do This Have lukewarm water and limited food Always have fresh hot food

14 Food 8 Golden rules 2. Karana - Method involved in the processing of the food articles. Preparation is the process performed to modify the natural properties of substances. This modification is brought about by Dilution, Application of heat (vaporization, distillation and sublimation), Clarification, Emulsification, Storing, Maturing, Flavoring, Impregnation, Preservation.

15 Food 8 Golden rules Recommendations Pressure Cooker for Preparing food Steamed food Wash vegetables before slicing Use Organic Food Peel skin of vegetables and fruits if food is not organic Condemnation Microwave cooked food Deep fried food Stale food

16 Food 8 Golden rules 3. Samyoga -Combination of food articles Combination is the combining together of two or more substances. This chemical combination exhibits special properties which none of the substances ever possessed. The new property thus formed could be useful or in some cases harmful to the body.

17 Food 8 Golden rules Examples of useful Combination Milk & Clarified Butter Milk & Turmeric Milk & Dry Ginger Milk & Honey Banana & Lukewarm Milk

18 Food 8 Golden rules Examples of harmful Combination Milk & Eggs Milk & Meat products Milk & Salt Hot Drinks & Honey Wheat & Riceer Banana & Cold Milk Citrus & Milk Products Fruits & Meal (Gap of at least half hour is recommended) Combination Of Fruits

19 Food 8 Golden rules 4. Rasi - Quantum The rasi (quantum) is the measure of the total mass of each constituent, which helps in determining the effects of the right and wrong doses of our diet. The measure of the entire meal as a whole is the total measurement of the diet. On the other hand measuring of each and every article of diet is called detailed measurement. Similarly measuring the parts separately is also known as detailed measurement. Example:- Never eat to a full stomach. Always leave the table with a feeling that you could eat more

20 Food 8 Golden rules Rashi (Quantum) on different types of body constitution Vata :- Breakfast is highly recommended Fluctuating Pitta:- Balance food throughout Kapha:- Light Breakfast Spread meals

21 Food 8 Golden rules 5. Desa - Habitat/climate Habitat is a geographic region. It indicates variations in equalities of substances due to difference in soil, use and climate Examples:- Recommended food for People living in Cold region Heavy food like meat etc. Heavy Milk products like Cheese, butter etc. Recommended food for People living in Hot region Light Food Vegetables Milk Fruits

22 Food 8 Golden rules 6. Kala - Time Time is used in two senses time in the general sense and time in the sense of a stage. Stage is used in relation to disease whereas time in the general sense is used in relation to seasonal wholesomeness. Examples:- Avoid curd at night. Always have light Dinner

23 Food 8 Golden rules 7. Upayoga samstha - Rules governing the intake of food There are certain dietetic rules, which need to be followed by one and all, and these are usually determined by the strength of digestion of a person. (On Doctor’s Prescription) 8. Upayoka - Wholesomeness of individual who takes it The user is the one who makes use of food and habituation depends upon him. (On Doctor’s Prescription)

24 Lifestyle Along with a balanced diet, incorporating other healthy habits into a daily routine can prevent disease at its very root. Ayurveda refers to daily healthy routine as Dinacharya, which is the art of living in awareness with every activity of the day. A lifestyle which incorporates regular eating and sleeping habits, as well as daily routine, will bring discipline and help maintain the harmony of the doshas, thus promoting overall good health.

25 Lifestyle Examples Of Lifestyle leading to different doshas Late night awake – Increases vata Late Morning sleep – Increases Kapha Untimely meals – Increases Pita Examples of Lifestyle to be followed to control doshas Wake up on time Drink good amount of water Exercise, yoga, Pranayam, Mudras,Meditation

26 Pulse diagnosis (naadi parikshan) General appearance of the patient and Examination of the constitution (Prakriti). Diagnosis method

27 Panchakarma If toxins in the body are abundant, then a cleansing process known as panchakarma is recommended to purge these unwanted toxins. This fivefold purification therapy is a classical form of treatment in ayurveda. These specialized procedures consist of the following: a. Therapeutic vomiting or emesis (Vaman) b. Purgation (Virechan) c. Enema (Basti) d. Elimination of toxins through the nose (Nasya) e. Bloodletting or detoxification of the blood (Rakta moksha) Therapies

28 SPA a.Different types of massage according to your body elements b.Steam(By different types of herbs) c.Shirodhara (Oil being poured on head) d.Marma Therapy ( on vital points of body) Therapies

29 1.Abhayanga 2.Pizichilli 3.Hot stone therapy 4.Uzhichil 5.Udvartna Different types of massages

30 CHERTHALA, DISTRICT-ALLAPUZA, KERALA, INDIA. Phone No.:+91-478-2865345 Website: Corporate Office: A-150, SECTOR 43, NOIDA-201301, UP, India Tele: +91-120-2570150 | Fax: +91-120-2577150 Mobile: +91-8826581582, +91-9910604383 | email: Website:

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