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Clearwater Fine Foods Inc.

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1 Clearwater Fine Foods Inc.

2 Clearwater Fine Foods Inc. (CFFI)
World’s largest integrated shellfish harvester and processor. Leading seafood producers Largest buyer, producer, and exporter of live lobster Largest producer of sea scallops Major exporter of shrimp, surf clams, ground fish tuna and shark In 1976, CFFI was John Risky’s and Colin MacDonald’s retail store that started trucking live lobster to Boston. Within the next 10 yrs the company expanded into the world’s largest exporters of live lobster. They Pioneered Air shipments to Tokyo/ Paris by developing new methods for storming and shipping live lobster. Read Slide Clearwater fine foods was shipping 7 days a week to North America Europe and Asia. In 1986 To increase its products and market share it obtained a mix of secondary processors via joining forces with Hillsdown Holdings.

3 Organization Structure as of 1997
CFFI had parted company with Hillsdown in 1989 Maintaining 100% of its Canadian seafood businesses Owns Grand Banks seafood for Icelandic scallops, surf clams Argentina joint venture producing Antarctic scallops Controlling interest in Ocean Nutrition Canada Fish oil encapsulated products

4 Organization Structure as of 1997
International Sales Offices: Santa Ynez, California Orlando, Florida Windsor , UK Shanghai, China

5 Organization Ownership- 100% managment Sales - $200M CAD
Board of Directors -Internal Operations 12 Divisions 10 Processing Plants 30 Vessels 4 Sales Offices Internal Board of Directors is important to note because these are the decision makers front line people not outsider delegates, but instead an internal group truly involve with the outcome of the decision. Overall a lot of people means are potentially great number of vies ideas, directions and complaints, which has its pros and cons for problem seeking, brain storming and problem solving.

6 Clearwater Fine Foods Inc.
Divisions: Blue Ribbon Seafoods Clearwater Arctic Surf Clam Co. Clearwater Lobsters Clearwater Lobster Shops (Retail Stores) Continental Seafoods Deep Sea Trawlers Grand Bank Seafoods Highland Fisheries Ocean Prawns Partnership Pierce Fisheries China Sales Office Toronto Sales Office CFF (Europe) Ltd. Windsor, U.K. CFF (U.S.A) Inc.. Santa Ynez, CA Orlando, FL Clearwater Limited Partnership Eastern Quebec Seafoods Ltd. Ocean Nutrition Canada Glacier Pesquera S.A.

7 Organization Employs 90 head office (Bedford, Nova Scotia)
30 in 3 retail outlets 650 in vessels 1875 regular seasonal in processing plants 5 sales staff Internal Board of Directors is important to note because these are the decision makers front line people not outsider delegates, but instead an internal group truly involve with the outcome of the decision. Overall a lot of people means are potentially great number of vies ideas, directions and complaints, which has its pros and cons for problem seeking, brain storming and problem solving.

8 Corporate Strategy Focused on growing distribution channels
Diversified products through strategic partnering and market growth Primarily decentralized yet vertically integrated, dominating or leading each product line

9 Organizational Problem
Change in Corporate Strategy in1995 Growth oriented to “CFFI Vision 2000” Five and Three Year Corporate Goals Targets Financial Product Market Operations Performance In 1995, Management wanted insure it’s stability and strength in the market by seize as many opportunities as possible. It set out its “CFFI Vision 2000” containing 5 year and 3 year corporate goals and targets in finance, product creation/development, marketing and operations. Each line and support function were required to create their own strategic plans that would attribute to the success of Vision 2000. Yearly update meetings were planned and by the 1996 meeting communication and collaboration problems within the company were apparent.

10 Organizational Problem
Development of Strategic Plans Each Line and support function creates their own plan Outlining the objectives in Vision 2000 List of implications to operations/ actions for Vision 2000 success In 1995, Management wanted insure it’s stability and strength in the market by seize as many opportunities as possible. It set out its “CFFI Vision 2000” containing 5 year and 3 year corporate goals and targets in finance, product creation/development, marketing and operations. Each line and support function were required to create their own strategic plans that would attribute to the success of Vision 2000. Yearly update meetings were planned and by the 1996 meeting communication and collaboration problems within the company were apparent.

11 Information Aspect of the Problem
1996 Yearly Update Meetings Noted Problems with Communication and Collaboration within the company. Contributing Factors Size Diversification Decentralized Vertically integration

12 Diversified and Decentralized
Clam Processing Shrimp Processing Groundfish Processing Scallops, Clam Processing Dryland Lobster Saltfish Plant Saltfish, Scallops Head Office Dryland Lobster Fleet Headquarters 3 Retail Stores Offshore Lobster Plus: 3 Vessels off coast of Argentina and Sales Offices in Toronto, US, UK and China

13 IT/IS Aspect of the Problem
Pre 1996 Basic Internet site but no intranet

14 Define Solution in Case
MIS Manager , Leonard Landry Developed a Corporate Intranet Secure, common area to post company interests Upgraded to Microsoft Exchange for Shared Calendars, Corporate Address Book Ease of contacting colleagues ** Search for Brainstorming and Consensus- building Software to aid in decision making Leonard, MIS manager realized the technology would partially solve the problem.

15 Group Decision Support Systems (GDSS)
Combines Communication Computer and Decision Technologies Support formulation and solution on unstructured problems in group meetings Used when problems are not optimal, evident or possible Used in real time

16 Group Decision Support Systems (GDSS)
Decision Rooms U Shaped Configuration Network Micro Computer Stations Color monitors sunk into desktops Wide screen protector at front of room Central desk, server Independent Facilitator

17 Group Decision Support Systems (GDSS)
A Member of MIS Steering Committee suggested: Queens University Executive Decision Room Uses Group Systems Software DeSantis-Gallupe matrix in text Brent Gallupe is a professor at Queens University Founder of the first group-decision support lab.

18 Group Decision Support Systems (GDSS)
Committee decided to send a group to evaluate the QEDC usefulness Group selected was the Finance and Admin Department Two Goals of the meeting Develop an initial draft of a strategic agenda for the department Familiarize Managers with the tools of GDSS

19 Bedford Accounting and Finance Group : Organization Chart
Bob Wight VP Finance Rein Liiva Controller CFFI Emerson Fiske Internal Auditor Leonard Landry MIS Manager Linda Fowler Accounting Supervisor John Miller Controller Clearwater Lobsters Bill Stafford Controller Ocean Nutrition Canada Sandy Rudolph LAN/WAN Administrator Andrew Bower Programmer/Analyst Debbie Korecki Lori MacCaull Information Manager Clint Slaunwhite End User Support Accounting Staff 13 people Accounting Staff 3 people

20 The Meeting Bob Wight and his 6 direct reports
Meeting lasted 8 hrs in duration Began with a electronic brainstorming exercises to familiarize team with the technology Completed a SWOT Analysis Topic Commentator Through Discussion they decreased the volume of ideas then ranked their strengths and weaknesses from the SWOT analysis using a vote tool

21 The Meeting Goal Generation Creation of Objections for each Goal
Idea Organizer Tool Discussion reduced to 10 items Reduced again to 5 main goals with the Vote Tool Creation of Objections for each Goal Electronic brainstorming created 90 goals Ended with 4 main objectives per goal Team mapped out a list of actions items and assigned responsibility through discussion

22 The Meeting Meeting Ending: Last activity Had 5 main goals,
4 objectives per goal Assigned action items to responsible parties in the meeting All agreed to a follow-up session after discussion with other senior managers in the org. Last activity Discuss suggestions and ideas for the groups long term vision for which they used the Topic Commenter

23 The Meeting Evaluation
Meeting evaluation using the questionnaire tool PROS All members felt satisfied Felt they had equally contributed Felt unthreatened Like the lack of interruption CONS Felt Rushed Isolated from Group Ideas Overlooked Felt ideas were left out

24 The Follow Up: Meeting took place on November 6th
All agreed to collect feedback and have a follow up session at the end of November March 1997 at case end Feedback had been solicited No follow session took place

25 How well did CFFI Implement GDSS Software as a solution?
Pros Solicited an outside facilitator for first meeting Used a test group that included the MIS manager Buy in would be important in full scale implementation Mixed technology use with old fashion face to face discussion Help to improve consensus

26 What Went Wrong in the Implementation of the GDSS Software as a Solution?
Cons Test group only included managers Nice to have all levels of opinions Lower level staff may seen more benefit from anonymity Due to the facilitator, a main leader did not emerge from the group Follow up meeting was never planned and implemented Progress stalled on strategic plan and full use of GDSS Team seemed to lose interest Take more time to pre plan to use GDSS Booking time to travel etc.

27 What Other Alternatives Were Available?
Non Technology Tools for Strategic Planning Brainstorming Nominal group techniques Explain/ defend opinions Final decision Organizing and Prioritizing Fishbone Diagram Venn Diagram Etc Activity Group decisions: what is the most popular activity for the summer for children of all ages. The old fashion way Non Technology Tools for Strategic Planning Silent brainstorming possibly with sticky notes To attempt to Stay anonymous Or just reading out loud Then some one has to take the time to record, we have to worry about group think, and the chance that individuals may not feel comfortable to share with the group Nominal group techniques sticky notes, dots, votes Explain/ defend opinions possibly even revote Final decision Organizing and Prioritizing Fishbone Diagram Venn Diagram Etc

28 Alternative PROS CONS Cheaper Promotes relationship building
Difficult to document all suggestions and ideas, challenge for group to focus Slower and inefficient Productivity is also low Smaller ideas get lost due to difficultly to capture No anonymity to idea generation

29 Solution and Advantages
GDSS Software: Saves time, increases efficiency/ productivity Avoid Group Think Equal participation by providing anonymity Users work simultaneously and independently Eliminates time restraints of debate Ideas are quickly edited, sorted, saved, discarded, and copied In this case, it GSS may not work as well as hoped for collaboration due to the organizational set up of the company. It is difficult for a group to acknowledge and solve problems when each member has their own agenda, problems and are disassociated with the other inner operations of the divisions. Management of this system is key, the technolgy is a tool that if used properly increases the effeciency and productivity of the group. “To alter a popular saying somewhat to fit this situation better…You can lead them to water, you can give them the plumbing system, faucet and even a cup, but you still can not make them drink.” Remember that technology is only the start of the solution. There must be buy in from the users Cost benefit analysis must show a positive Technology may not solve corporate or organizational barriers. The novelty of using technology wears off in time, be sure functionality is the cause of such an investment

30 Messages for a Modern Leader
Creating the need for change Study found on average spend 800 hrs in meetings and executives consider 240 of those hours as wasted time. Fewer and/or more productive meetings means more time for other activities However, people are less likely to use this tool as it requires more motivation and effort than paper based tools. Team must be open to developing new skills and consider innovation and efficiency a priority Increased co-ordination to book rooms, travel to events, co-ordinate time schedules, learn the system.

31 Messages for a Modern Leader
Systems need to be managed There should be a centralized leader to follow thru after the meeting and encourage continued participation and buy-in. Silos created between organizational structure can not be removed with the addition of technology alone. Different time and place tools could be used to help improve collaboration and communication between all department lines

32 Define Alternatives: Zing Technologies
AnyZing Requires a single computer, a data projector and several keyboards. It had 3 components called Create, Meet and Learn ZingThing Requires a server and client computers, one for the facilitator. Additional participants use extra keyboards attached to the client machines.

33 Define Alternatives: Zing Technologies
Pros over Groupsystems Link 12 people through single computer Can rent system to determine needs Server software and intra or internet based Consultant Kit $3,000 vs $20 – 40,000 Networking allows laptops to be linked using wireless LAN No Limit to Users

34 New Developments Clearwater Fine Foods (USA) Inc.
Public Offering in Trust, 2002 Bob Wright CFO “The way to manage the company’s costs was to invest. We have invested in the latest and best technology to reduce costs and improve quality.  That has given us a competitive edge in this industry.” John Risley, Co-Founder CFFI

35 Q & A

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