The Knoledge Media Institute of the Open University, Milton Keynes UK … DOAP FOAF DC RSS TAP WORDNET NCI Galen Music … … … … … … UoD"> The Knoledge Media Institute of the Open University, Milton Keynes UK … DOAP FOAF DC RSS TAP WORDNET NCI Galen Music … … … … … … UoD">

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Using Watson for Building Intelligent Applications in E-learning Mathieu d’Aquin The Knowledge Media Institute, The Open University

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1 Using Watson for Building Intelligent Applications in E-learning Mathieu d’Aquin The Knowledge Media Institute, The Open University Using Watson for Building Next Generation Semantic Web Applications

2 The Semantic Web A large scale, heterogenous collection of formal, machine processable, ontology-based statements (semantic metadata) about web resources and other entities in the world, expressed in a XML-based syntax Lee, J., Goodwin, R. (2004) The Semantic Webscape: a View of the Semantic Web. IBM Research Report.

3 Ontologies Metadata Elementaries - The Watson Blog "Oh dear! Where the Semantic Web is going to go now?" -- imaginary user 23 en Watson team Thu, 01 Mar 2007 13:49:52 GMT Pebble ( … Elementaries - The Watson Blog "Oh dear! Where the Semantic Web is going to go now?" -- imaginary user 23 en Watson team Thu, 01 Mar 2007 13:49:52 GMT Pebble ( … Zen wisteria Mathieu d'Aquin … Zen wisteria Mathieu d'Aquin … <rdfs:comment rdf:datatype="" >The Knoledge Media Institute of the Open University, Milton Keynes UK … <rdfs:comment rdf:datatype="" >The Knoledge Media Institute of the Open University, Milton Keynes UK … DOAP FOAF DC RSS TAP WORDNET NCI Galen Music … … … … … … UoD

4 Next Generation Semantic Web Applications

5 NG SW Application Able to exploit the SW at large –Dynamically retrieving the relevant semantic resources –Combining several, heterogeneous Ontologies –… Need tools to efficiently access the knowledge available on the SW: a Gateway…

6 Watson: a Gateway to the Semantic Web

7 Design Principles  Focused on Knowledge Qualities – Provided quality information about the collected ontologies and semantic data  A Variety of query and access mechanisms – To fit applications having different purposes and requirements – Ranging from Keyword search to ontology exploration and formal queries (SPARQL)  Support for relations between ontologies – Detecting redundancy, duplication, incompatibility (contradiction), modularization, versioning, etc.

8 Architecture Keyword Search SPARQL Query Crawling Parsing (Jena) Validation/ Analysis Indexing RepositoryURLsMetadataIndexes populates used extracted retrieved Ontology Exploration queries request WWWWWW discovered CollectingAnalyzing Querying

9 Interfaces Human: AJAX based Web interface for Keyword Search, Ontology Exploration and SPARQL Queries Programs: Web services and API for accessing the content and features of Watson

10 Interfaces: WUI Web User Interface:

11 Interface: Web services and API Provide the same features as the Web interface, and more… Example (demo) applications built using the Watson API Example (demo) applications built using the Watson API

12 What can the Semantic Web do for e-Learning? Providing machine processable knowledge and data!

13 What can the Semantic Web do for e-Learning? Watson has collected tens of thousands of semantic documents. This represents Millions of RDF entities, most of them being instances. New sources of knowledge are regularly integrated (FOAF, DBPedia, etc.), so that these number is growing rapidly.

14 What can the Semantic Web do for e-Learning? Heterogeneity! Great variety in… Size Coverage Richness, etc.

15 What can Watson do for e-Learning? Providing an infrastructure for dynamically selecting, combining and exploiting these knowledge and data, within next generation semantic web applications!

16 PowerAqua 1. NL Question 2. Linguistic interpretation 3. Ontology based interpretation mathieu_daquin martin_dzbor enrico_motta victoria_uren vanessa_lopez marta_sabou 4. Answer

17 Magpie Ontology concepts Instances highlighted according to their type Contextual access to web services

18 Folksonomy enrichment Tags {camera, digital slr, photograph} {damage, flooding, hurricane, katrina, Louisiana} Clusters Digital SLR cameraphotograph takenWith Ontologies NLP/Clustering Find and combine Online ontologies +modularizaton +matching +modularizaton +matching Discovering relations between tags

19 Folksonomy enrichment Discovering relations between tags Example of result.

20 Ontology Matching ka2.rdf Researcher AcademicStaff Semantic Web Researcher AcademicStaff ISWC SWRC Ham SeaFood Semantic Web Ham SeaFood Meat SeaFood Agrovoc NALT pizza-to-go wine.owl NALT

21 Take Home Message Watson is an ongoing project to build a Gateway to the Semantic Web Usable Now! But lost of directions for improvements So… Use it! Show it! Torture it! Build new applications with it! And… Send feedbacks! Suggest new features! Suggest new applications!

22 Thank you! Website: Blog: E-mail: WUI: API: Twitter: watson_swg

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