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Major Food Sources Chapter 11 APES January 2008. Food What do we eat? What do other cultures eat? Are we using our food resources effectively? What changes.

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Presentation on theme: "Major Food Sources Chapter 11 APES January 2008. Food What do we eat? What do other cultures eat? Are we using our food resources effectively? What changes."— Presentation transcript:

1 Major Food Sources Chapter 11 APES January 2008

2 Food What do we eat? What do other cultures eat? Are we using our food resources effectively? What changes could we make to do better?

3 Do we have enough for all? Can the world support the population that is skyrocketing? Can we feed these folks?

4 Our global grocery Despite the fact that we have innumerable edibles on our planet, we exist on: One dozen seeds/grains 20 fruits/vegetables 6 mammals 2 fowl A few fish and marine life

5 Our global grocery Beef Veggie data Link for data:]





10 Major Crops of the World Wheat Rice Maize

11 Some staggering numbers: 1,600 metric tons grown each year Staples for 5 billion people 60 calories consumed by people directly

12 What about special climates? Sometimes these crops cannot be grown in the areas due to climate limits. As a result some folks have adapted to eating what they can grow.

13 Cool, moist, high altitude climes Potatoes, barley, oats, rye

14 Warm, wet climes Cassava, sweet potatoes, roots and tubers

15 Drought options Sorghum and millet

16 Fruits and Vegetables High levels of vitamins Minerals Fiber Complex carbohydrates

17 Now for the Decadent foodstuffs: Meat Milk Seafood Do we need it? No. Do we want it and like it? Yes.

18 The Stats: North America, Japan and Europe (20% of the worlds population) consume 80% of the worlds meat. The 80% raise 60% of the 3 billion ruminants and 6 billion poultry but only consume 20% of the animals products. HMMMMM………something’s wrong here?


20 Here’s the most amazing fact: 90 percent of US grain goes to feeding dairy and beef cattle, hogs, poultry, and other animals.

21 Ponder that for a moment. Here OR Here? Where should the Life giving grain go?

22 Consider the numbers: 16kg of soybeans gets turned into 1kg edible beef (15kg wasted as heat….review?) If you ate it directly you would get 21 times more calories and 8 times more protein as well as a healthier colon and heart. Hogs: 2 times as efficient as beef Poultry: 4 times as efficient

23 Vegetarianism Could you make an argument that it’s better for: Your health Human rights The environment Global change An animal rights too? Might be something to check into. This is why I hunt.

24 Arguments against meat Tax the meat! Meat consumption in the US Go veg Scary facts from the union for concerned scientists Scary facts from the union for concerned scientists

25 Ahhhhh…..and seafood. 94 million metric tons of seafood are consumed by humans Important protein source for some countries

26 So what’s the problem with fish? Over harvesting and habitat destruction

27 Some Scary stats: Since 1989: 14 of 17 major marine fisheries have taken a plunge in population UN: 70% of edible seafood is declining and in need of conservation efforts 1 in 4 animals caught is an “unwanted” catch. (birds, mammals, reptiles, other fish)

28 WHY???? Pressures of a growing population Better fishing technology Global warming and habitat damage Exotics

29 After decades of growth, the reported global wild fish catch peaked in 2000 at 96 million tons and fell to 90 million tons in 2003, the last year for which worldwide data are available.* The catch per person dropped from an average of 17 kilograms in the late 1980s to 14 kilograms in 2003—the lowest figure since 1965.*

30 Annual fish catch (millions of tonnes): North America

31 Annual fish, mollusc and crustacean catch (milllion tonnes) by region

32 Annual fish, mollusk and crustacean catch per capita (kg) by region

33 Annual aquaculture production (million tonnes) by region

34 Some cool Overharvesting links BBC 2050 we may be done….how old will you be? Threats to our oceans

35 Types of fishing methods Links to types of fishing Pics of types of fishing

36 How to save our oceans Is it that complex of an issue? EAT fish that you know has been farmed in a sustainable way. Convince others to save the fish while there is still time.

37 SO what does this all mean to you?

38 What role does food play for you in your life? Culture Survival Social norms Others? How do you make changes and still fit in? Or do you?

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