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Morning Math… Where’s my coffee?????? Dinner Party Logic We were hosting a formal dinner party for ten (including ourselves) which is a number I always.

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Presentation on theme: "Morning Math… Where’s my coffee?????? Dinner Party Logic We were hosting a formal dinner party for ten (including ourselves) which is a number I always."— Presentation transcript:

1 Morning Math… Where’s my coffee?????? Dinner Party Logic We were hosting a formal dinner party for ten (including ourselves) which is a number I always like because the host can sit at one end of the table and the hostess at the other, and still maintain the correct alternate male and female around the table. My wife was trying to work out the seating. "Tom and Jean have not been here to dinner before so they are the guests of honor. Tom must sit on my right and Jean on your right, but I don't know how I want to seat the others.: "Well," I said, "I would like Janet on my left. I have a soft spot for her." "You can have her," replied my wife, "but I will not have her husband Jack next to me; I think he should be next to Mary Ann." Since we do not place husbands and wives next to each other, this determined the seating of everyone, including Howard's wife Lois, and Mary Ann's husband Bill. Can you work out the seating arrangement?

2 What do we know? Who is coming to the party? 10 people total Husband & Wife hosting the party Tom & Jean- guests of honor Janet & Jack Mary Ann & Bill Howard & Lois Host will sit at opposite ends of the table Husband’s and wives CAN’T sit next to one another Alternate men and women

3 Table Diagram

4 Will a grid help you solve this? HusbandWifeTomJeanJanetJackMary AnnBillHowardLois Husband Wife Tom Jean Janet Jack Mary Ann Bill Howard Lois

5 Launching Your Deep Dive! Things to prepare for your learners Kindergarten Unit 4: Measuring and Counting

6 What materials do you have to help you? Investigations Unit 4 Teacher’ Guide Investigations Implementations Guide School Based Resources: Kathy Richardson Assessments Developing Number Concepts by Kathy Richardson NCTM Kindergarten Standards CMS Math Wiki Internet Resources SmartBoard and/or Powerpoint Presentations

7 Step 2: Determine the “Big Ideas” for Unit 4 The Investigations Teacher Guide provides a summation of the unit in the front section. Take a moment to review pp. 12-15 The Big Ideas Are….. Using multiple non-standards unit to measure length Counting sets of objects What happens when a small amount is added to or taken away from a set

8 Step 2: Determine the “Big Idea” for Unit 4 What needs to be added to an existing group to create a stated group size (algebraic thinking) Begin to understand concept of addition and subtraction Different ways to create and recreate images of quantities up to 10. Compare amounts when counting Compare objects through measurement

9 Step 3: What Essential Skills will this chapter cover? Number and Operations K.N.1 Use counting to determine how many (to at least 30). K.N.1.2 Implement correct counting procedures by pointing to one object at a time (one-to-one tagging) using one counting word for every object (synchrony), while keeping track of objects that have and have not been counted. K.N.1.3 Recognize that the last number tells the quantity of the set (cardinality). K.N.2 Understand that there are relationships between and among numbers (to at least 10). K.N.2.1 Recognize that the number said when the last object of a set is counted includes all of the objects previously counted (inclusion). K.N.2.2. Compare sets of objects and numbers using appropriate vocabulary (more, less, same/equal, one more, one less, first, second, third, etc.). K.N.2.6 Use numerals to represent physical models and representations

10 What Essential Skills will this chapter cover? Number and Operations K.N.3 Understand the concepts of joining and separating through modeling (to at least 10). K.N.3.1 Use informal language (and, minus/subtract, the same as) to describe joining situations (putting together) and separating situations (breaking apart). K.N.4 Share fairly (equipartition) collections of up to 10 items between 2 or 4 people, and reassemble. Algebra K.A.1 Understand the concepts of equality. K.A.1.1 Recognize that any given group of objects (up to 10) can be separated into sub groups in multiple ways that are equivalent in number to the original group. K.A.1.2 Explain equivalent relationships using words (and, minus/subtract, the same as), numbers and objects, rather than symbols (+, -, =).

11 What Essential Skills will this chapter cover? Measurement K.M.1 Recognize that length and weight are attributes and can be measured. K.M.1.1 Compare two objects using direct comparison in terms of length and weight. K.M.1.2 Use appropriate vocabulary to describe differences in length and weight (e.g. longer, shorter, smaller, heavier, lighter).

12 Step 4: Read as much as you can to prepare for your Deep Dive!! Suggested Reading: Unit 4 Teacher’s Guide  Mathematics In This Unit (Unit 4 pp 12-15)  Connections (Unit 4 pp 18-19)  Professional Development (Unit 4 pp 169-180) Implementation Guide  Number and Operations (pp 15-17)  Measurement (pp. 17-18)

13 Step 4: Read as much as you can to prepare for your Deep Dive!! Suggested Reading: Investigations Facilitator’s Unit Guide *Included in your green folder is a copy of the Unit 4 guide. This will help you think about the important concepts that you will want to cover in your discussion. IF this should be misplaced, the Unit Guide can be located on the CMS math wiki.

14 Step 4: Read as much as you can to prepare for your Deep Dive!! Suggested Reading: Developing Number Concepts by Kathy Richardson This series helps the reader understand how the concept of number can be facilitated in the class- room. Your green folder includes excerpts about the measurement and more/less concept.

15 Step 4: Read as much as you can to prepare for your Deep Dive!! Connect to NCTM Standards Standard 1: Number and Operation Read pp. 24-29 Standard 4: Measurement Read pp. 108-119

16 Step 5: What activities do we need to prepare? Unit 4: Investigation 2 2 Games Re-visited from 2 nd Unit: Build It! (TE 59) Grab and Count: 2 Handfuls (TE 59) New Games Collect 10 Together (TE 66) Collect 15 Together (TE 83) Build On! (TE 72) *variation of Build It! Roll and Record 2 (TE 77)

17 Step 5: What activities do we need to prepare? Unit 4: Investigation 3 Racing Bears (TE 91) One More, One Fewer (TE 101) Double Compare (TE 104) Build It/Change It (TE 114) *A variation of Build It! And One More, One Fewer

18 Step 5: What activities do we need to prepare? Unit 4: Investigation 4 Six Tiles in All (TE 129) Arrangements of 5 to 10 Tiles (TE 139) Toss The Chips (TE144) Quick Images in Pairs (TE 149)

19 Step 6: What benchmarks will I observe and assess? Session 1.1 Checklist (Measuring Lengths) Measuring the length of an object by lining up multiple units. *Measuring Shoes, *Measuring with Sticks *Measuring with Cubes

20 Step 6: What benchmarks will I observe and assess? Session 2.1 Checklist (Counting) Count a set of objects up to 15 objects. *Grab and Count 2 Handfuls *Collect 15 Together *Counting Jar

21 Step 6: What benchmarks will I observe and assess? Session 3.3 Checklist (One More, One Fewer) Figure out what is one more or one fewer than a number. *One More, One Fewer *Counting Jar

22 Step 7: Are there any Kathy Richardson assessments that I can use for this unit? Yes!!!! Concept 2: Beginning Number Relationships *Adding to and taking away to change the number. *Knowing relationships between numbers. Concept 3: More/Less Trains *Using what we know about one quantity to determine another. *How many more or less one number is than another?

23 Step 8: How can I differentiate this unit so ALL kids are successful? Let’s share ways that we can differentiate the measurement portion of this unit! *

24 Step 9: Final prep before “The Deep Dive” Select a date and time when your participants will be able to give you their attention. Be sure to set the norms for your session ( no cell phones, no grading papers while you talk, no talking over you, etc.) Be mindful to share information your participants can and will use. Remember that your job is to make your participants aware of the math concepts in more depth than when they entered your session. Be well prepared for your presentation. Good luck- CMS is counting on our leadership to help our kids shine!

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