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Mars EDL CubeSat Mission Jekan Thanga 1, Jim Bell 1 Space and Terrestrial Robotic Exploration Laboratory School of Earth and Space Exploration (SESE) Arizona.

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Presentation on theme: "Mars EDL CubeSat Mission Jekan Thanga 1, Jim Bell 1 Space and Terrestrial Robotic Exploration Laboratory School of Earth and Space Exploration (SESE) Arizona."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mars EDL CubeSat Mission Jekan Thanga 1, Jim Bell 1 Space and Terrestrial Robotic Exploration Laboratory School of Earth and Space Exploration (SESE) Arizona State University

2 Introduction How to utilize one of the 6  25 kg tungsten blocks on Mars 2020 EDL to carry a 3U CubeSat Obtain high res surface imagery (science data) covering niche not covered by current or future Mars assets Demonstrate airfoil technology for developing future Mars aircraft. Better characterize the Martian atmosphere 2

3 Motivation MSL can traverse 1 km/sol. Estimating visual coverage of 0.05 km 2 /sol MRO can resolve 0.9 m object on surface. There is a gap between the two. Need for higher pixel scale images that helps rover planning and where to go next What is over the next hill ? What is at the bottom of the cliff ? What is beyond the next crater ? 3

4 Mission Objectives Primary: Obtain 0.1 m/pixel resolutions images or higher of an area 10 km x 10 km near the Mars 2020 landing zone. Secondary: Demonstrate powered glide and characterize Martian atmosphere using experimental airfoil. Early airfoil technology demonstrator for possible future Mars “aircraft.” Tertiary: Track and video Mars 2020 landing sequence or high-speed impact to expose Martian terrain of interest tracked by MRO. 4

5 System Concept

6 Melt nichrome wire that swings tail into deployed config.

7 Concept of Operations Impact Glide Science Separate Deploy

8 (1) Separate. System separates with tungsten blocks. Protected by heat shield. Initially travelling at 125 m/second (2) Deploy. Release tail, transform into shuttle cock Achieve a 2 km separation distance from main reentry vehicle (3) Glide. Uses cold gas propulsion at high altitude Airfoil, shuttle cock for steering, shallow glide last 2-3 km (4) Science. – take ground images and if possible Mars 2020 and sky crane landing (5) Impact. – Max propulsion thrust, feather into dive Concept of Operations

9 Ensuring shallow controlled dive Shuttle cock design is the preferred solution Redundancy using 3-axis reaction wheel with cold-gas Parachute if needed Ensuring steady camera view Reaction wheels Gimbaled pan-tilt unit Dealing with unsteady flow and disturbances Determining steering limits of shuttle-cock tail Find the optimal dive angle to get camera images Option: Impact at high velocities Challenges and Strengths

10 Space flight heritage for all components except the actuated shuttle cock frame design. Pan-tilt unit would be developed using Mars heritage components. Power from LiSoCl 2 – Mars Pathfinder heritage. 400 Whr total energy from battery Cold gas propulsion with  v = 250 m/s Feasibility

11 Early separation with tungsten blocks at 8 km altitude Flight heritage for all components except shuttle cock frame Triple redundancy for attitude control Cold-gas propulsion Ensure shallow dive using parachute assist. Minimizing Risk

12 1) Detailed feasibility analysis Selection of airfoil Parachute sizing Control authority limits Structural analysis of frame How “shallow” a dive How many pictures and video possible ? 2) Miniature wind tunnel tests to prove shuttle cock design for Mars. 3) Representative demonstration Required Next Steps

13 Proposed an innovative 3U CubeSat that would deployed during EDL with tungsten blocks Most selected components have space flight heritage Would take images with resolution and area range not possible with current Mars assets Demonstrate technologies for future Mars aircraft Triple redundant attitude control and descent Conclusions

14 Thank You!

15 Questions ?

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