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CounterPath Corporation William Khris Kendrick: – Director of Business Development and Channel Marketing – –

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3 CounterPath Corporation William Khris Kendrick: – Director of Business Development and Channel Marketing – – – @khriskendrick – Linkedin Khris Kendrick

4 E-SBC Deep Dive What is an SBC or E-SBC? Why do they exist and Matter? Can SBC’s save you money? What features and functions Matter – Would a large multinational not use an SBC? What is a Soft SBC? – Purpose Built versus COTS IPPBX Attacks (Not if,….. but When) DDOS Attacks and Floods

5 Securing the Network Secure Tunnels (VPN) Authentication – IP address, Client Header – Hiding of the Topology – Encryption (SRTP, TLS, Ipsec) – Detecting DDOS

6 E-SBC Deep Dive Deployment Strategies – Premise or cloud – Solves NAT issues – Message Manipulation (normalizing variants of SIP) – Translation of protocols – E-SBC is the Enterprises Network Traffic COP – Black List and White List

7 Enterprise Support for Remote Workers Home user Remote Worker Traveling user Home NAT SIP capable proxy- based firewall Hotel NAT 802.11 Hotspot Internet Remote SIP Connectivity module Clear Media / Signal Encrypted Media / Signal

8 Measures quality of voice path and near-end and far-end – Based on RTCP-XR data provided by far-end client, the receiver is also able to determine the voice quality as perceived at the far-end Voice Quality Monitoring Dashboard – In addition to MOS, the following characteristics are measured: jitter, packet loss, burst gap loss, delay, signal level, noise level and echo return loss End to End Voice Quality Monitoring 8

9 E-SBC Deep Dive Resources

10 Try Bria Play – Realtime Mobility& Security in action 10

11 E-SBC Deep Dive Thank you! Khris Kendrick Dir of Business Dev and Channel Marketing @khriskendrick



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