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Community Partners Meeting June 27, 2013 1. Agenda 1.Project Update (30 mins) 2.Input on Creating Community-School Partnerships (45 mins) 3.Q&A (15 mins)

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Presentation on theme: "Community Partners Meeting June 27, 2013 1. Agenda 1.Project Update (30 mins) 2.Input on Creating Community-School Partnerships (45 mins) 3.Q&A (15 mins)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Community Partners Meeting June 27, 2013 1

2 Agenda 1.Project Update (30 mins) 2.Input on Creating Community-School Partnerships (45 mins) 3.Q&A (15 mins) 2

3 Project Update Scope of Work was submitted on April 8 We heard your feedback: Incorporated CBOs as partners in SOWs Including CBOs as partners in implementation workgroups Community Network Steering Committee is our outreach “hub” Scope of Work approval is expected by start of school 3

4 Project 1 Update: Investment Fund for Teaching & Leading Technical Workgroup formed to advise on criteria for RFP Representation included: District leaders and practitioners UW WA STEM OSPI Community-based organizations (Families for Multicultural Communities) Education Associations Executive Committee approved criteria on May 23 Draft RFP was released on June 19 Final RFP will be released July 1 Proposals due Aug. 19 4

5 Project 2 Update: Regional Data Portal Data Coordinating Committee formed to advise on design and implementation. Representation includes: District IT leaders Community-based organizations (Community Schools Coalition, White Center CDA, YDEKC, Communities & Parents for Public Schools, CCER) WA STEM There will be 3 phases for this work: 1.Inventory current district data capacity, policies & systems 2.Design data portal 3.Implement & train stakeholders on data portal 5

6 Project 3 Update: PreK-3 rd Grade Systems Building teams who will guide each district to develop PreK-3 rd grade action plans. Partnering with Dr. Kristi Kauerz from UW PreK-3 Kick-off Event Aug. 1 Birth through 3 rd Grade Work Group sent letter to Executive Committee outlining priorities Technical Workgroup will advise on Investment Fund criteria. Includes community partners (Child Care Aware, Seattle Early Education Collaborative, Open Doors for Multicultural Families) Executive Committee will approve criteria in August 6

7 Project 4 Update: Digital STEM Tools in High-Need Elementary & Middle Schools Advisory Team created to advise on implementation Representation includes: Districts CBOs (Community Schools Coalition, YMCA, CCER) UW WA STEM Advisory Team will start a process for selecting tools this summer/fall. 7

8 Project 5 Update: Career Awareness & Exploration System This project is being led by PSESD and the King County STEM Network The first steps are to: Identify what schools and businesses need to do to build the network, and, Determine how many students and teachers will be impacted. 8

9 Project 6 Update: Middle & High School Advising Contracting with UW Dream Project to provide Counselor Assistants in 17 high-need middle and high schools starting this fall High School & Beyond Institute will support counselors in August Based on feedback from counselors, an RFP will be used to solicit professional development proposals for counselors 9

10 Project 7 Update: College Board Pathway Students will take the ReadiStep, PSAT and SAT for free this coming school year We are training districts on how to be ready for these assessments and on how to use the data 10

11 Project 8 Update: College & Career Readiness Investment Fund Technical Workgroup formed to advise on criteria for RFP Representation included: District leaders and practitioners UW Community-based organizations (Kent Youth & Family Services, Neighborhood House, Seattle Education Access) Executive Committee approved criteria on June 20 Currently writing RFP (expected release in mid-July) 11

12 Deep Dive 1 Update: Kent East Hill Team has worked to refine the SOW based on feedback from Dept. of Education. As part of the Initiative, there have been several CBO’s involved, including: KCHA, Building Better Futures Board, KFYS, CHS, Refugee Women’s Alliance, LEV, & CC&R. Hiring a Family Engagement and Student Achievement Facilitator to work with the Read to Succeed extended learning programs and other extended day providers. Plans include data coaching and professional development for school staff and community partners 12

13 Deep Dive 2 Update: White Center Family Navigators: Taskforce created Ongoing community input into model Eligibility and recruitment plans in process Early Learning: Initial partners identified and meeting – model has been developed to aid FFN providers in supporting kindergarten readiness Hiring process begun for early learning outreach staff to FFN providers Plan for Highline Public Schools to collaborate with White Center :Promise Extended Outcomes: Position posted Schools taking stock of needs 13

14 Deep Dive 3 Update: Investment Fund for Additional School-Community Partnerships Community Network Steering Committee is a partner in guiding this work Also studying the Seattle Public Schools Intensive School Partnerships model Criteria for the RFP will be developed in August and approved by the Executive Committee in September We would like to get your thoughts on this today. 14

15 Agenda 1.Project Update (30 mins) 2.Input on Creating Community-School Partnerships (45 mins) 3.Q&A (15 mins) 15

16 Input on Creating Community-School Partnerships Please discuss the following questions at your table for 20 minutes. A facilitator will take notes so we can incorporate your feedback into the RFP criteria. We will come back together to share our responses, and then break into a general Q&A. 1.What are you currently doing to create strong community- school partnerships? 2.What makes a community-school partnership successful? 3.What supports do community-based organizations and districts need to create strong partnerships? 16

17 Agenda 1.Project Update (30 mins) 2.Input on Creating Community-School Partnerships (45 mins) 3.Q&A (15 mins) 17

18 Questions What questions do you have? 18

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