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CTAP 295 Presentation - Accessing Water Quality in a Local Creek by Sampling Macro Invertebrates By: Charlie Crannell Science Instructor Foothill High.

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Presentation on theme: "CTAP 295 Presentation - Accessing Water Quality in a Local Creek by Sampling Macro Invertebrates By: Charlie Crannell Science Instructor Foothill High."— Presentation transcript:

1 CTAP 295 Presentation - Accessing Water Quality in a Local Creek by Sampling Macro Invertebrates By: Charlie Crannell Science Instructor Foothill High School

2 CTAP 295 EXPECTATIONS Three weeks of absolute hell! Six units $500

3 What Really Happened Developed an understanding of the Internet. Found some cool web sites. Reinforced CTAP 100 lessons. Formalized and improved a lesson into an integrated unit. $1,000 and 6 units.

4 Learning Expectations for the Students Reinforce ecological principals. Apply Scientific Method. Facilitate independent learning. Break up the tedium of the traditional learning environment.

5 Student Learning Successes Motivated students explored web sites and developed their own experiments from what they learned. All students developed a better understanding of ecological principals. Students did something they had never done before.

6 Student Learning Failures Plagiarism - some of them just don’t get it! Independent learning frustrates the hell out of some students. Difficulties within groups.

7 Assessment Data Pre-Lab - 72% Post-Lab - 83% Improvement of 11% Pre-Lab Low - 54% Post-Lab Low - 66% Improvement of 12% Pre-Lab High - 90% Post-Lab High - 98% Improvement of 8%

8 Conclusion The positives of this experience have been: I have learned to better integrate technology into my lessons; The Standards-Based Lesson forced me to more clearly identify the objectives of my lesson; I found that technology based projects facilitate higher level learning. My lesson focuses on application, analysis, and synthesis of a final conclusion.

9 The Internet allows students to dive deeper into a subject by providing research capabilities not available in a traditional classroom; Spread sheets save time and remove most of the drudgery from analyzing data; And kids like technology! Return to web siteReturn to web site

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