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11 Rotational Mechanics An object will remain in rotational equilibrium if its center of mass is above the area of support.

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1 11 Rotational Mechanics An object will remain in rotational equilibrium if its center of mass is above the area of support.

2 11 Rotational Mechanics What determines whether an object will rotate when a force acts on it? Why doesn’t the Leaning Tower of Pisa rotate and topple over? What maneuvers does a falling cat make to land on its feet? This chapter is about the factors that affect rotational equilibrium.

3 11 Rotational Mechanics How do you make an object turn or rotate? 11.1 Torque

4 11 Rotational Mechanics To make an object turn or rotate, apply a torque. 11.1 Torque

5 11 Rotational Mechanics Every time you open a door, turn on a water faucet, or tighten a nut with a wrench, you exert a turning force. Torque is produced by this turning force and tends to produce rotational acceleration. Torque is different from force. Forces tend to make things accelerate. Torques produce rotation. 11.1 Torque

6 11 Rotational Mechanics A torque produces rotation. 11.1 Torque

7 11 Rotational Mechanics A torque is produced when a force is applied with “leverage.” You use leverage when you use a claw hammer to pull a nail from a piece of wood. The longer the handle of the hammer, the greater the leverage and the easier the task. The longer handle of a crowbar provides even more leverage. 11.1 Torque

8 11 Rotational Mechanics A torque is used when opening a door. A doorknob is placed far away from the turning axis at its hinges to provide more leverage when you push or pull on the doorknob. The direction of your applied force is important. In opening a door, you push perpendicular to the plane of the door. A perpendicular push or pull gives more rotation for less effort. 11.1 Torque

9 11 Rotational Mechanics When a perpendicular force is applied, the lever arm is the distance between the doorknob and the edge with the hinges. 11.1 Torque

10 11 Rotational Mechanics When the force is perpendicular, the distance from the turning axis to the point of contact is called the lever arm. If the force is not at right angle to the lever arm, then only the perpendicular component of the force will contribute to the torque. 11.1 Torque

11 11 Rotational Mechanics The same torque can be produced by a large force with a short lever arm, or a small force with a long lever arm. The same force can produce different amounts of torque. Greater torques are produced when both the force and lever arm are large. 11.1 Torque

12 11 Rotational Mechanics Although the magnitudes of the applied forces are the same in each case, the torques are different. 11.1 Torque

13 11 Rotational Mechanics think! If you cannot exert enough torque to turn a stubborn bolt, would more torque be produced if you fastened a length of rope to the wrench handle as shown? 11.1 Torque

14 11 Rotational Mechanics think! If you cannot exert enough torque to turn a stubborn bolt, would more torque be produced if you fastened a length of rope to the wrench handle as shown? Answer: No, because the lever arm is the same. To increase the lever arm, a better idea would be to use a pipe that extends upward. 11.1 Torque

15 11 Rotational Mechanics What happens when balanced torques act on an object? 11.2 Balanced Torques

16 11 Rotational Mechanics When balanced torques act on an object, there is no change in rotation. 11.2 Balanced Torques

17 11 Rotational Mechanics Children can balance a seesaw even when their weights are not equal. Weight alone does not produce rotation—torque does. 11.2 Balanced Torques

18 11 Rotational Mechanics A pair of torques can balance each other. Balance is achieved if the torque that tends to produce clockwise rotation by the boy equals the torque that tends to produce counterclockwise rotation by the girl. 11.2 Balanced Torques

19 11 Rotational Mechanics do the math! What is the weight of the block hung at the 10-cm mark? 11.2 Balanced Torques

20 11 Rotational Mechanics do the math! The block of unknown weight tends to rotate the system of blocks and stick counterclockwise, and the 20-N block tends to rotate the system clockwise. The system is in balance when the two torques are equal: counterclockwise torque = clockwise torque 11.2 Balanced Torques

21 11 Rotational Mechanics do the math! Rearrange the equation to solve for the unknown weight: The lever arm for the unknown weight is 40 cm. The lever arm for the 20-N block is 30 cm. The unknown weight is thus 15 N. 11.2 Balanced Torques

22 11 Rotational Mechanics Scale balances that work with sliding weights are based on balanced torques, not balanced masses. The sliding weights are adjusted until the counterclockwise torque just balances the clockwise torque. We say the scale is in rotational equilibrium. 11.2 Balanced Torques

23 11 Rotational Mechanics How is the center of gravity of an everyday object related to its center of mass? 11.3 Center of Gravity

24 11 Rotational Mechanics For everyday objects, the center of gravity is the same as the center of mass. 11.3 Center of Gravity

25 11 Rotational Mechanics Center of mass is often called center of gravity, the average position of all the particles of weight that make up an object. For almost all objects on and near Earth, these terms are interchangeable. There can be a small difference between center of gravity and center of mass when an object is large enough for gravity to vary from one part to another. The center of gravity of the Sears Tower in Chicago is about 1 mm below its center of mass because the lower stories are pulled a little more strongly by Earth’s gravity than the upper stories. 11.3 Center of Gravity

26 11 Rotational Mechanics Wobbling If you threw a wrench so that it rotated as it moved through the air, you’d see it wobble about its center of gravity. The center of gravity itself would follow a parabolic path. The sun itself wobbles off-center. As the planets orbit the sun, the center of gravity of the solar system can lie outside the massive sun. Astronomers look for similar wobbles in nearby stars— the wobble is an indication of a star with a planetary system. 11.3 Center of Gravity

27 11 Rotational Mechanics If all the planets were lined up on one side of the sun, the center of gravity of the solar system would lie outside the sun. 11.3 Center of Gravity

28 11 Rotational Mechanics Locating the Center of Gravity The center of gravity (CG) of a uniform object is at the midpoint, its geometric center. The CG is the balance point. Supporting that single point supports the whole object. 11.3 Center of Gravity

29 11 Rotational Mechanics The weight of the entire stick behaves as if it were concentrated at its center. The small vectors represent the force of gravity along the meter stick, which combine into a resultant force that acts at the CG. 11.3 Center of Gravity

30 11 Rotational Mechanics The weight of the entire stick behaves as if it were concentrated at its center. The small vectors represent the force of gravity along the meter stick, which combine into a resultant force that acts at the CG. 11.3 Center of Gravity

31 11 Rotational Mechanics If you suspend any object at a single point, the CG of the object will hang directly below (or at) the point of suspension. To locate an object’s CG: Construct a vertical line beneath the point of suspension. The CG lies somewhere along that line. Suspend the object from some other point and construct a second vertical line. The CG is where the two lines intersect. 11.3 Center of Gravity

32 11 Rotational Mechanics You can use a plumb bob to find the CG for an irregularly shaped object. 11.3 Center of Gravity

33 11 Rotational Mechanics The CG of an object may be located where no actual material exists. The CG of a ring lies at the geometric center where no matter exists. The same holds true for a hollow sphere such as a basketball. 11.3 Center of Gravity

34 11 Rotational Mechanics There is no material at the CG of these objects. 11.3 Center of Gravity

35 11 Rotational Mechanics think! Where is the CG of a donut? 11.3 Center of Gravity

36 11 Rotational Mechanics think! Where is the CG of a donut? Answer: In the center of the hole! 11.3 Center of Gravity

37 11 Rotational Mechanics think! Can an object have more than one CG? 11.3 Center of Gravity

38 11 Rotational Mechanics think! Can an object have more than one CG? Answer: No. A rigid object has one CG. If it is nonrigid, such as a piece of clay or putty, and is distorted into different shapes, then its CG may change as its shape is changed. Even then, it has one CG for any given shape. 11.3 Center of Gravity

39 11 Rotational Mechanics What is the rule for toppling? 11.3 Torque and Center of Gravity

40 11 Rotational Mechanics If the center of gravity of an object is above the area of support, the object will remain upright. 11.3 Torque and Center of Gravity

41 11 Rotational Mechanics The block topples when the CG extends beyond its support base. 11.3 Torque and Center of Gravity

42 11 Rotational Mechanics The Rule for Toppling If the CG extends outside the area of support, an unbalanced torque exists, and the object will topple. 11.3 Torque and Center of Gravity

43 11 Rotational Mechanics This “Londoner” double- decker bus is undergoing a tilt test. So much of the weight of the vehicle is in the lower part that the bus can be tilted beyond 28° without toppling. 11.3 Torque and Center of Gravity

44 11 Rotational Mechanics The Leaning Tower of Pisa does not topple because its CG does not extend beyond its base. A vertical line below the CG falls inside the base, and so the Leaning Tower has stood for centuries. If the tower leaned far enough that the CG extended beyond the base, an unbalanced torque would topple the tower. 11.3 Torque and Center of Gravity

45 11 Rotational Mechanics The Leaning Tower of Pisa does not topple over because its CG lies above its base. 11.3 Torque and Center of Gravity

46 11 Rotational Mechanics The support base of an object does not have to be solid. An object will remain upright if the CG is above its base of support. 11.3 Torque and Center of Gravity

47 11 Rotational Mechanics The shaded area bounded by the bottom of the chair legs defines the support base of the chair. 11.3 Torque and Center of Gravity

48 11 Rotational Mechanics Balancing Try balancing a broom upright on the palm of your hand. The support base is quite small and relatively far beneath the CG, so it’s difficult to maintain balance for very long. After some practice, you can do it if you learn to make slight movements of your hand to exactly respond to variations in balance. 11.3 Torque and Center of Gravity

49 11 Rotational Mechanics Gyroscopes and computer- assisted motors in the self- balancing electric scooter make continual adjustments to keep the combined CGs of Mark, Tenny, and the vehicles above the support base. 11.3 Torque and Center of Gravity

50 11 Rotational Mechanics The Moon’s CG Only one side of the moon continually faces Earth. Because the side of the moon nearest Earth is gravitationally tugged toward Earth a bit more than farther parts, the moon’s CG is closer to Earth than its center of mass. While the moon rotates about its center of mass, Earth pulls on its CG. This produces a torque when the moon’s CG is not on the line between the moon’s and Earth’s centers. This torque keeps one hemisphere of the moon facing Earth. 11.3 Torque and Center of Gravity

51 11 Rotational Mechanics The moon is slightly football- shaped due to Earth’s gravitational pull. 11.3 Torque and Center of Gravity

52 11 Rotational Mechanics Rotating objects tend to keep rotating while non- rotating objects tend to remain non-rotating.

53 11 Rotational Mechanics In the absence of an external force, the momentum of an object remains unchanged— conservation of momentum. In this chapter we extend the law of momentum conservation to rotation.

54 11 Rotational Mechanics How does rotational inertia affect how easily the rotational speed of an object changes? 11.4 Rotational Inertia

55 11 Rotational Mechanics The greater the rotational inertia, the more difficult it is to change the rotational speed of an object. 11.4 Rotational Inertia

56 11 Rotational Mechanics Newton’s first law, the law of inertia, applies to rotating objects. An object rotating about an internal axis tends to keep rotating about that axis. Rotating objects tend to keep rotating, while non- rotating objects tend to remain non-rotating. The resistance of an object to changes in its rotational motion is called rotational inertia (sometimes moment of inertia). 11.4 Rotational Inertia

57 11 Rotational Mechanics Just as it takes a force to change the linear state of motion of an object, a torque is required to change the rotational state of motion of an object. In the absence of a net torque, a rotating object keeps rotating, while a non-rotating object stays non-rotating. 11.4 Rotational Inertia

58 11 Rotational Mechanics Rotational Inertia and Mass Like inertia in the linear sense, rotational inertia depends on mass, but unlike inertia, rotational inertia depends on the distribution of the mass. The greater the distance between an object’s mass concentration and the axis of rotation, the greater the rotational inertia. 11.4 Rotational Inertia

59 11 Rotational Mechanics Rotational inertia depends on the distance of mass from the axis of rotation. 11.4 Rotational Inertia

60 11 Rotational Mechanics By holding a long pole, the tightrope walker increases his rotational inertia. 11.4 Rotational Inertia

61 11 Rotational Mechanics A long baseball bat held near its thinner end has more rotational inertia than a short bat of the same mass. Once moving, it has a greater tendency to keep moving, but it is harder to bring it up to speed. Baseball players sometimes “choke up” on a bat to reduce its rotational inertia, which makes it easier to bring up to speed. A bat held at its end, or a long bat, doesn’t swing as readily. 11.4 Rotational Inertia

62 11 Rotational Mechanics The short pendulum will swing back and forth more frequently than the long pendulum. 11.4 Rotational Inertia

63 11 Rotational Mechanics For similar mass distributions, short legs have less rotational inertia than long legs. 11.4 Rotational Inertia

64 11 Rotational Mechanics The rotational inertia of an object is not necessarily a fixed quantity. It is greater when the mass within the object is extended from the axis of rotation. 11.4 Rotational Inertia

65 11 Rotational Mechanics You bend your legs when you run to reduce their rotational inertia. Bent legs are easier to swing back and forth. 11.4 Rotational Inertia

66 11 Rotational Mechanics Formulas for Rotational Inertia When all the mass m of an object is concentrated at the same distance r from a rotational axis, then the rotational inertia is I = mr 2. When the mass is more spread out, the rotational inertia is less and the formula is different. 11.4 Rotational Inertia

67 11 Rotational Mechanics Rotational inertias of various objects are different. (It is not important for you to learn these values, but you can see how they vary with the shape and axis.) 11.4 Rotational Inertia

68 11 Rotational Mechanics think! When swinging your leg from your hip, why is the rotational inertia of the leg less when it is bent? 11.4 Rotational Inertia

69 11 Rotational Mechanics think! When swinging your leg from your hip, why is the rotational inertia of the leg less when it is bent? Answer: The rotational inertia of any object is less when its mass is concentrated closer to the axis of rotation. Can you see that a bent leg satisfies this requirement? 11.4 Rotational Inertia

70 11 Rotational Mechanics What are the three principal axes of rotation in the human body? 11.5 Rotational Inertia and Gymnastics

71 11 Rotational Mechanics The three principal axes of rotation in the human body are the longitudinal axis, the transverse axis, and the medial axis. 11.5 Rotational Inertia and Gymnastics

72 11 Rotational Mechanics The human body can rotate freely about three principal axes of rotation. Each of these axes is at right angles to the others and passes through the center of gravity. The rotational inertia of the body differs about each axis. 11.5 Rotational Inertia and Gymnastics

73 11 Rotational Mechanics The human body has three principal axes of rotation. 11.5 Rotational Inertia and Gymnastics

74 11 Rotational Mechanics Longitudinal Axis Rotational inertia is least about the longitudinal axis, which is the vertical head-to-toe axis, because most of the mass is concentrated along this axis. A rotation of your body about your longitudinal axis is the easiest rotation to perform. Rotational inertia is increased by simply extending a leg or the arms. 11.5 Rotational Inertia and Gymnastics

75 11 Rotational Mechanics An ice skater rotates around her longitudinal axis when going into a spin. a.The skater has the least amount of rotational inertia when her arms are tucked in. 11.5 Rotational Inertia and Gymnastics

76 11 Rotational Mechanics An ice skater rotates around her longitudinal axis when going into a spin. a.The skater has the least amount of rotational inertia when her arms are tucked in. b.The rotational inertia when both arms are extended is about three times more than in the tucked position. 11.5 Rotational Inertia and Gymnastics

77 11 Rotational Mechanics c and d. With your leg and arms extended, you can vary your spin rate by as much as six times. 11.5 Rotational Inertia and Gymnastics

78 11 Rotational Mechanics Transverse Axis You rotate about your transverse axis when you perform a somersault or a flip. 11.5 Rotational Inertia and Gymnastics

79 11 Rotational Mechanics A flip involves rotation about the transverse axis. a.Rotational inertia is least in the tuck position. 11.5 Rotational Inertia and Gymnastics

80 11 Rotational Mechanics A flip involves rotation about the transverse axis. a.Rotational inertia is least in the tuck position. b.Rotational inertia is 1.5 times greater. 11.5 Rotational Inertia and Gymnastics

81 11 Rotational Mechanics A flip involves rotation about the transverse axis. a.Rotational inertia is least in the tuck position. b.Rotational inertia is 1.5 times greater. c.Rotational inertia is 3 times greater. 11.5 Rotational Inertia and Gymnastics

82 11 Rotational Mechanics A flip involves rotation about the transverse axis. a.Rotational inertia is least in the tuck position. b.Rotational inertia is 1.5 times greater. c.Rotational inertia is 3 times greater. d.Rotational inertia is 5 times greater than in the tuck position. 11.5 Rotational Inertia and Gymnastics

83 11 Rotational Mechanics Rotational inertia is greater when the axis is through the hands, such as when doing a somersault on the floor or swinging from a horizontal bar with your body fully extended. 11.5 Rotational Inertia and Gymnastics

84 11 Rotational Mechanics The rotational inertia of a body is with respect to the rotational axis. a.The gymnast has the greatest rotational inertia when she pivots about the bar. 11.5 Rotational Inertia and Gymnastics

85 11 Rotational Mechanics The rotational inertia of a body is with respect to the rotational axis. a.The gymnast has the greatest rotational inertia when she pivots about the bar. b.The axis of rotation changes from the bar to a line through her center of gravity when she somersaults in the tuck position. 11.5 Rotational Inertia and Gymnastics

86 11 Rotational Mechanics The rotational inertia of a gymnast is up to 20 times greater when she is swinging in a fully extended position from a horizontal bar than after dismount when she somersaults in the tuck position. Rotation transfers from one axis to another, from the bar to a line through her center of gravity, and she automatically increases her rate of rotation by up to 20 times. This is how she is able to complete two or three somersaults before contact with the ground. 11.5 Rotational Inertia and Gymnastics

87 11 Rotational Mechanics Medial Axis The third axis of rotation for the human body is the front-to- back axis, or medial axis. This is a less common axis of rotation and is used in executing a cartwheel. 11.5 Rotational Inertia and Gymnastics

88 11 Rotational Mechanics How does Newton’s first law apply to rotating systems? 11.6 Angular Momentum

89 11 Rotational Mechanics Newton’s first law of inertia for rotating systems states that an object or system of objects will maintain its angular momentum unless acted upon by an unbalanced external torque. 11.6 Angular Momentum

90 11 Rotational Mechanics Anything that rotates keeps on rotating until something stops it. Angular momentum is defined as the product of rotational inertia, I, and rotational velocity, . angular momentum = rotational inertia × rotational velocity (  ) = I ×  11.6 Angular Momentum

91 11 Rotational Mechanics Like linear momentum, angular momentum is a vector quantity and has direction as well as magnitude. When a direction is assigned to rotational speed, we call it rotational velocity. Rotational velocity is a vector whose magnitude is the rotational speed. 11.6 Angular Momentum

92 11 Rotational Mechanics Angular momentum depends on rotational velocity and rotational inertia. 11.6 Angular Momentum

93 11 Rotational Mechanics The operation of a gyroscope relies on the vector nature of angular momentum. 11.6 Angular Momentum

94 11 Rotational Mechanics For the case of an object that is small compared with the radial distance to its axis of rotation, the angular momentum is simply equal to the magnitude of its linear momentum, mv, multiplied by the radial distance, r. angular momentum = mvr This applies to a tin can swinging from a long string or a planet orbiting in a circle around the sun. 11.6 Angular Momentum

95 11 Rotational Mechanics An object of concentrated mass m whirling in a circular path of radius r with a speed v has angular momentum mvr. 11.6 Angular Momentum

96 11 Rotational Mechanics An external net force is required to change the linear momentum of an object. An external net torque is required to change the angular momentum of an object. 11.6 Angular Momentum

97 11 Rotational Mechanics It is easier to balance on a moving bicycle than on one at rest. The spinning wheels have angular momentum. When our center of gravity is not above a point of support, a slight torque is produced. When the wheels are at rest, we fall over. When the bicycle is moving, the wheels have angular momentum, and a greater torque is required to change the direction of the angular momentum. 11.6 Angular Momentum

98 11 Rotational Mechanics The lightweight wheels on racing bikes have less angular momentum than those on recreational bikes, so it takes less effort to get them turning. 11.6 Angular Momentum

99 11 Rotational Mechanics What happens to angular momentum when no external torque acts on an object? 11.7 Conservation of Angular Momentum

100 11 Rotational Mechanics Angular momentum is conserved when no external torque acts on an object. 11.7 Conservation of Angular Momentum

101 11 Rotational Mechanics Angular momentum is conserved for systems in rotation. The law of conservation of angular momentum states that if no unbalanced external torque acts on a rotating system, the angular momentum of that system is constant. With no external torque, the product of rotational inertia and rotational velocity at one time will be the same as at any other time. 11.7 Conservation of Angular Momentum

102 11 Rotational Mechanics When the man pulls his arms and the whirling weights inward, he decreases his rotational inertia, and his rotational speed correspondingly increases. 11.7 Conservation of Angular Momentum

103 11 Rotational Mechanics The man stands on a low-friction turntable with weights extended. Because of the extended weights his overall rotational inertia is relatively large in this position. As he slowly turns, his angular momentum is the product of his rotational inertia and rotational velocity. When he pulls the weights inward, his overall rotational inertia is decreased. His rotational speed increases! Whenever a rotating body contracts, its rotational speed increases. 11.7 Conservation of Angular Momentum

104 11 Rotational Mechanics Rotational speed is controlled by variations in the body’s rotational inertia as angular momentum is conserved during a forward somersault. This is done by moving some part of the body toward or away from the axis of rotation. 11.7 Conservation of Angular Momentum

105 11 Rotational Mechanics A falling cat is able to execute a twist and land upright even if it has no initial angular momentum. During the maneuver the total angular momentum remains zero. When it is over, the cat is not turning. This cat rotates its body through an angle, but does not create continuing rotation, which would violate angular momentum conservation. 11.7 Conservation of Angular Momentum

106 11 Rotational Mechanics Although the cat is dropped upside down, it is able to rotate so it can land on its feet. 11.7 Conservation of Angular Momentum

107 11 Rotational Mechanics 1.Applying a longer lever arm to an object so it will rotate produces a.less torque. b.more torque. c.less acceleration. d.more acceleration. Assessment Questions

108 11 Rotational Mechanics 1.Applying a longer lever arm to an object so it will rotate produces a.less torque. b.more torque. c.less acceleration. d.more acceleration. Answer: B Assessment Questions

109 11 Rotational Mechanics 2.When two children of different weights balance on a seesaw, they each produce a.equal torques in the same direction. b.unequal torques. c.equal torques in opposite directions. d.equal forces. Assessment Questions

110 11 Rotational Mechanics 2.When two children of different weights balance on a seesaw, they each produce a.equal torques in the same direction. b.unequal torques. c.equal torques in opposite directions. d.equal forces. Answer: C Assessment Questions

111 11 Rotational Mechanics 3.The center of mass of a donut is located the hole. material making up the donut. c.near the center of gravity. d.over a point of support. Assessment Questions

112 11 Rotational Mechanics 3.The center of mass of a donut is located the hole. material making up the donut. c.near the center of gravity. d.over a point of support. Answer: A Assessment Questions

113 11 Rotational Mechanics 4.The center of gravity of an object a.lies inside the object. b.lies outside the object. c.may or may not lie inside the object. near the center of mass. Assessment Questions

114 11 Rotational Mechanics 4.The center of gravity of an object a.lies inside the object. b.lies outside the object. c.may or may not lie inside the object. near the center of mass. Answer: C Assessment Questions

115 11 Rotational Mechanics 5.An unsupported object will topple over when its center of gravity a.lies outside the object. b.extends beyond the support base. displaced from its center of mass. d.lowers at the point of tipping. Assessment Questions

116 11 Rotational Mechanics 5.An unsupported object will topple over when its center of gravity a.lies outside the object. b.extends beyond the support base. displaced from its center of mass. d.lowers at the point of tipping. Answer: B Assessment Questions

117 11 Rotational Mechanics 6.The center of gravity of your best friend is located a.near the belly button. different places depending on body orientation. c.near the center of mass. a fulcrum when rotation occurs. Assessment Questions

118 11 Rotational Mechanics 6.The center of gravity of your best friend is located a.near the belly button. different places depending on body orientation. c.near the center of mass. a fulcrum when rotation occurs. Answer: B Assessment Questions

119 11 Rotational Mechanics 1.The rotational inertia of an object is greater when most of the mass is located a.near the center. center. c.on the rotational axis. d.away from the rotational axis. Assessment Questions

120 11 Rotational Mechanics 1.The rotational inertia of an object is greater when most of the mass is located a.near the center. center. c.on the rotational axis. d.away from the rotational axis. Answer: D Assessment Questions

121 11 Rotational Mechanics 2.How many principal axes of rotation are found in the human body? b.two c.three d.four Assessment Questions

122 11 Rotational Mechanics 2.How many principal axes of rotation are found in the human body? b.two c.three d.four Answer: C Assessment Questions

123 11 Rotational Mechanics 4.For an object traveling in a circular path, its angular momentum doubles when its linear speed a.doubles and its radius remains the same. b.remains the same and its radius doubles. c.and its radius remain the same and its mass doubles. d.all of the above Assessment Questions

124 11 Rotational Mechanics 4.For an object traveling in a circular path, its angular momentum doubles when its linear speed a.doubles and its radius remains the same. b.remains the same and its radius doubles. c.and its radius remain the same and its mass doubles. d.all of the above Answer: D Assessment Questions

125 11 Rotational Mechanics 5.The angular momentum of a system is conserved a.never. some times. all times. d.when angular velocity remains unchanged. Assessment Questions

126 11 Rotational Mechanics 5.The angular momentum of a system is conserved a.never. some times. all times. d.when angular velocity remains unchanged. Answer: B Assessment Questions

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