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A Randomized Polynomial-Time Simplex Algorithm for Linear Programming Daniel A. Spielman, Yale Joint work with Jonathan Kelner, M.I.T.

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Presentation on theme: "A Randomized Polynomial-Time Simplex Algorithm for Linear Programming Daniel A. Spielman, Yale Joint work with Jonathan Kelner, M.I.T."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Randomized Polynomial-Time Simplex Algorithm for Linear Programming Daniel A. Spielman, Yale Joint work with Jonathan Kelner, M.I.T.

2 where is a n x d matrix,  R n Terminology: c = objective function b = right-hand side vector A has rows a 1,…,a n Linear Programming maximize subject to

3 Linear Programming Algorithms 1940s—Dantzig, simplex method First practical method for solving linear programs Runs efficiently in practice on most problems No known variant ran in worst-case poly time 1979—Khachiyan, Ellipsoid Poly time, but usually slower than simplex 1984—Karmarkar, Interior Point Methods Poly time, sometimes slower than simplex, sometimes faster

4 Simplex Methods Typically, walk on vertices and edges of feasible polytope Not known if graph on vertices and edges has polynomial diameter (See Kalai-Kleitman) Simplex methods have been generalized to walk on more general graphs. Ex.: Self-dual simplex (Dantizg, Lemke), Criss-cross, Admissible pivots (See Fukuda-Lüthi-Namiki)

5 Main Result A Randomized Polynomial-Time LP Simplex Method polynomial dependence on bit-length Walks on perturbations of polytopes generated from original LP problem No bound on diameters of polytopes A worst-case analysis inspired by Smoothed Analysis (S-Teng),

6 Overview 1. Reduce to problem of certifying boundedness 2. Boundedness does not depend on RHS, 3. Perturb, and run shadow-vertex simplex on perturbed polytope to generate certificate of boundedness 4. If fail, adjust distribution on perturbations, and try again.

7 Certifying Boundedness Unbounded if feasible region contains a ray in direction such that Unbounded iff all s lie in a halfspace Certify boundedness by expressing origin as a full-dimensional convex combination of the s

8 Reduction to certifying boundedness Recall dual LP: Combine primal and dual so that just need feasible Standard reduction to certifying boundedness, removing degeneracy by deterministic perturbation (See Megiddo-Chandrasekaran)

9 Boundedness Certification Problem Need to show origin in To apply simplex method, consider polytope Boundedness independent of, so can perturb Find certificate by optimizing random and, using shadow-vertex simplex method

10 Perturbing Walking on perturbed polytope is the same as walking on possibly infeasible vertices of original polytope

11 Simplex methods easy in 2d Feasible region is a polygon Possible pivot rules are “clockwise” and “counterclockwise” Lift this simplicity to higher- dimensional LPs The Shadow Vertex Pivot Rule

12 The Shadow of a Polytope Vertices  Vertices, Edges  Edges

13 objective start The Shadow Vertex Pivot Rule Vertices in shadow = those optimizing objective functions in shadow plane

14 Definition: A polytope is k-well-rounded if where = radius r ball centered at origin Well-Rounded Polytopes

15 Perturbing a Well-Rounded Polytope Given k-well-rounded polytope Perturb, to get Where r i are exponential rand vars with expectation 1/n :

16 Perturbing a Well-Rounded Polytope Theorem: For a uniform random shadow plane V, Expected number edges of shadow of onto V is at most Where, P is k -well-rounded,

17 Proof of well-rounded shadow bound Expected length of perimeter of shadow of is < For every potential edge, given that it appears on the shadow, expected length of its shadow is > So, expect at most edges

18 Expected length of edge on shadow An edge is determined by the set of d-1 constraints that are tight on it For each, let be event that it appears on the convex hull of Q and in the shadow on V. If appears in shadow, let  be its length Lemma:

19 Expected length of edge on tope If appears, let be its length For each, let be event that it appears on the convex hull of Q. Lemma:

20 Arbitrarily set r i for all Consider line L of points satisfying a i T x=1+r i for all Every other constraint intersects this line either positively or negatively Edge length is distance between intersection points of max neg. constraint and min pos. constraint Proof: Expected length edge on tope

21 As perturb, intersection point moves by at least size of perturbation Small edge unlikely now follows from memoryless property of exponential distribution: Proof: Expected length edge on tope

22 Proof: Expected length of shadow edge Projection unlikely to decrease edge length too much Let be angle of edge to V. Lemma: Remark: Simple if do not condition upon

23 Proof: Expected length of shadow edge Lemma: To condition on, Note in shadow iff V intersects So, parameterize V by point in and a point orthogonal to that Compute integral in these new variables

24 Obstacles to obtaining algorithm Cannot use random 2-plane: Must have start vertex and objective function. Resolve by planting start vertex, and slightly extending theorem. Polytope is not necessarily well-rounded. But, when fail, learn how to make it rounder.

25 Starting Observe that did not need uniform random 2-plane: only need polynomial randomness, so take span( c, v ), where v is random. Insert a vertex optimizing a 1/poly ball around by adding d artificial constraints near Will become the start vertex Vertex optimizing c will not involve artificial constraints Choose c from a 1/poly ball around

26 If Not Well-Rounded Run algorithm as if it were well-rounded If do not go all the way around shadow, learn a point in polytope of large norm. Using this point, change probability distributions on r 1, …, r n and V. Is like re-scaling. Only need to do number times polynomial in bit-length. Is only barrier to strongly-polynomial time.

27 If Not Well-Rounded Using this point, change probability distributions on r 1, …, r n and V. Is like re-scaling.

28 If Not Well-Rounded Using this point, change probability distributions on r 1, …, r n and V. Is like re-scaling.

29 If Not Well-Rounded Using this point, change probability distributions on r 1, …, r n and V. Is like re-scaling.

30 If Not Well-Rounded Using this point, change probability distributions on r 1, …, r n and V. Is like re-scaling.

31 If Not Well-Rounded Using this point, change probability distributions on r 1, …, r n and V. Is like re-scaling.

32 Open Questions Strongly Polynomial Algorithm? Other Algorithmic Applications?

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