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Welcome to… the Candy Bar Treats’ Game Bones Directions  Read each question.  Click on the correct answer.  If you are correct, you will automatically.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to… the Candy Bar Treats’ Game Bones Directions  Read each question.  Click on the correct answer.  If you are correct, you will automatically."— Presentation transcript:


2 Welcome to… the Candy Bar Treats’ Game Bones

3 Directions  Read each question.  Click on the correct answer.  If you are correct, you will automatically be taken to the next question.  If you are incorrect, you will be returned to the beginning of the game.  To end your game, click on the red button in the bottom right corner.  Click here to begin the Click to skip directions

4 pivot joints hinge joints gliding joints $1,000 Question Joints with disks of cartilage

5 100% Correct! Way to lift your hunger!!! Let’s continue playing….

6 Back to the beginning for you!!! That’s a “whopper” of an answer, but it is just not correct.

7 immovable gliding pivot $2,000 Question The cranium has _____ joints

8 Way to play it!!! Let’s sweeten the pot. Mmmmm Butterfinger! Mmmmmm

9 involuntary voluntary $3,000 Question Skeletal muscles are _____.

10 How yummy!!! Way to tackle the question and hit it right on!!!

11 gliding joints pivot joints ball-and-socket joints $4,000 Question Joints where the large round end of one long bone fits into the circular shaped hollow of another bone

12 You have won $4,000!!! The Joy of being right should give you great confidence!

13 pivot gliding ball-and-socket $5,000 Question There are _____ joints at the hips and shoulders.

14 Yummy!!! The sweetness of life can be exhilarating

15 pivot gliding immovable $6,000 Question _____ joints can be found at the elbows.

16 Yummy!!! One of the finest answers we have heard in a long time!!!

17 hinge ball-and-socket gliding $7,000 Question Fingers, toes, elbows, and knees have _____ joints.

18 Let’s win more money. Such a wonderful surprise! A bouquet of candy!!!

19 involuntary voluntary $8,000 Question Cardiac muscle is ____ muscle.

20 Smart choice Great choice! Not too filling and right on target!

21 joints ligaments intersection $9,000 Question Places in your skeleton where two or more bones meet or are joined together

22 Smarting our way to the future A double treat for such a great answer!

23 cartilageligament brain $10,000 Question Soft, flexible part of your skeleton

24 Success! You are doing a great job. Keep thinking positive and with confidence!

25 smooth muscle skeletal muscle cardiac muscle $11,000 Question Muscle found in many places inside your body

26 On to $13,000 A big surprise with every bite!

27 gliding pivot immovable $13,000 Question _____ joints are in the vertebrae.

28 Movin’ on… Such an ambitious hunger! Flying through the questions to success!

29 in pairs with friends alone $15,000 Question Muscles work _____.

30 On to $20,000 Even the best want a bit size junior mint!!!

31 glucose glycerin pizza $20,000 Question Main fuel of muscle

32 Let’s win some more money! Great job…and the race continues to success!

33 cartilage cushion ligaments $30,000 Question Helps reduce bone-on-bone friction and cushions bones against pressure

34 You are a winner! Peanut butter & chocolate brings out the best in you!!!

35 immovable joints pivot joints movable joints $40,000 Question Joints that allow no range of movement at all

36 You win! I’m Peppermint Patty & YOU are sooo awesome!

37 ligaments rubber bands cartilage $50,000 Question Strong bands of tissue that hold bones together

38 Yummy! Spice up your life with chocolate mints!

39 yellow blue red $60,000 Question Marrow found in the long parts of bones

40 On to $70,000! A rainbow of fun with every correct answer you give!!!

41 fluidcartilage ligaments $70,000 Question Nourishes and lubricates the surfaces of the joint

42 Mixing up the ideas can proved to be very rewarding!!! On to bigger and better things

43 hinge joints pivot joints immovable joints $80,000 Question Joints that move back and forth like the movement of a door hinge

44 Winning the all times prize. You are doing a great job! One for the road.

45 skeletal muscle smooth muscle cardiac muscle $90,000 Question Muscle that move bones

46 A little goodness can put a smile on the worst of faces!!! For $100,000

47 periosteum mitochondria skin $100,000 Question Thin living membrane on the outside of the bone

48 Yummy rewards for yummy answers! For $200,000

49 red blue yellow $200,000 Question Marrow where new blood cells are made

50 Way to go!!! You are 100% correct! Movin’ to the next question.

51 spongy bone endoplasmic reticulum membrane $300,000 Question Inner bone layer with many openings

52 Bowls of goodness with every correct answer! Let’s win $400,000!

53 compact bone mitochondria compress bone $400,000 Question Hard thick outer bone layer

54 The best surprises come from within!!! Game’s almost over!

55 pivot joints immovable joints ball-and-socket joints $500,000 Question Joints that allow the movement of rotation

56 Rewards come in all shapes and sizes! Great job! On to the final question

57 smooth muscle skeletal muscle cardiac muscle $1,000,000 Question Muscle that make up the walls of your heart

58 $1,000,000

59 Congratulations!!! You have made it through the Candy Bar Treats Game! Click here to re-start game Hit Esc to exit game.

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