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PERHAM CITY WELL INFORMATION Assembled by: Luke Stuewe MN Department of Agriculture.

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Presentation on theme: "PERHAM CITY WELL INFORMATION Assembled by: Luke Stuewe MN Department of Agriculture."— Presentation transcript:

1 PERHAM CITY WELL INFORMATION Assembled by: Luke Stuewe MN Department of Agriculture

2 Wells #3 & #4 Wells #5 & #6

3 Ground Surface #3#4#5#6 1954 196319761990 20’ 40’ 60’ 80’ = Well Casing = Well Screen 100’ 80’ 120’ 100’ 65’ 75’ 95’ 100’ 120’

4 City Purchased in 2004 Alfalfa 2003-2007

5 SUCTION LYSIMETER DATA Installed under this field In place since 2000


7 PERHAM CITY WELL DATA Data indicating declines and at the very least stabilization… –As expected, declines in groundwater nitrate will not happen as quickly as soil moisture levels

8 ½ pivot purchased by city planted into prairie grass full pivot planted into afalfa BeforeAfter


10 ½ pivot purchased by city planted into prairie grass full pivot planted into afalfa Before After

11 ½ pivot purchased by city planted into prairie grass full pivot planted into afalfa Before After

12 The city negotiated a trade of other city owned land for ½ of the other pivot adjacent to the city limits. –Northern ½ will remain in agricultural production for 10 yrs; after which time the owners agreed to take the land out of production Within the past year…

13 Perham’s Story…... Nitrate levels stabilized/declined following two major changes –Alfalfa planting –Land Acquisition Area producers have been actively involved groundwater protection –Nitrogen fertilizer research –ESN on corn & potatoes since the early 2000s –Alternative varieties (Altura’s and Umatilas) –Nitrogen fertilizer BMPs

14 Luke Stuewe Detroit Lakes 218-846-7425

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