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Annex 7 Data Supplement on Management Results 17 May 2012.

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1 Annex 7 Data Supplement on Management Results 17 May 2012

2 List of tables and figures Human resources ………………………………………….................................................................................................... 3 Staff vacancy rate ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………... 3 Programme ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 4-16 Results-based management (RBM) ………………………………………………………………………………………… 4-5 Evaluation …………………………………………………………….............................................................................................................. 6-8 Knowledge management ……………………………………………………………...................................................................... 9-10 South-South cooperation ……………………………………………………………………………………………………................ 11 Joint programmes ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………... 12 Programme support …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 13-15 Country programme annual workplan …..………………………………………………………………………………. 16 Resources management ………………………………………………………………….................................................. 17-23 Expenditures ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 17 Resource contributions ………………………………………………………………………………………………………................ 18-19 Resource mobilization ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 20-21 National execution (NEX) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 22-23

3 UNFPA staff vacancy rates, 2009-2011 There has been a declining trend in UNFPA staff vacancy rates from 19.6 per cent in June 2009 to16.4 per cent at the end of 2011. Source: Quarterly UNFPA Positions Statistics Overview (Reports for 2009-2011). 3

4 905 UNFPA staff completed RBM training (workshop and online/distance learning) in 2011, and 212 of the total completed the RBM Basics E-module launched in April. Source: UNFPA COARs 2010-2011 and Division of Human Resources Learning Management System. UNFPA staff trained in results-based management, 2010-2011 4

5 All country offices reported to have benefited from a variety of results-based management trainings in 2011. Source: UNFPA COARs 2008-2011. UNFPA country offices with staff participating in results-based management trainings, 2008-2011 5

6 80% 95% 100% Percentage of CPEs reported by country offices. Compliance with requirements of Evaluation Guidelines, 2011 Note: Data is based on 20 country programme evaluations self-reported by country offices in their 2011 annual reports. In 2011, the majority of country programme evaluations (CPEs) adhere to Evaluation Guidelines requirements. Source: UNFPA COARs 2011. 6

7 Strengthening UNFPA capacity in evaluation, 2010-2011 *Includes staff trained in Results-Based Management with enhanced evaluation modules. Increasingly, more UNFPA staff are trained in evaluation, as training coverage continues to expand across regions and country offices in 2011. Source: UNFPA Programme Division/ESPB Evaluation Training Data. 7

8 By 2013, all country programmes (CPs) submitted to the Exec. Board are accompanied by country programme evaluations (CPEs). 2010 35% of country programmes submitted to the Exec.Board have country programme evaluations 2010 35% of country programmes submitted to the Exec.Board have country programme evaluations 2010 20% of country programme evaluations have management responses prepared 2010 20% of country programme evaluations have management responses prepared 2010 8% of evaluations were rated ‘Good' 2010 8% of evaluations were rated ‘Good' 2011 Data will be available after DOS quality assessment 2011 100% of country programmes submitted to the Exec. Board have country programme evaluations 2011 100% of country programme documents submitted for Exec.Board approval were informed by country programme evaluations Evidence from evaluation were used in the Strategic Plan midterm review 71% country programme evaluations have management responses prepared Our approach for improving quality includes: Capacity development activities through training COs in preparing and managing CPEs, Issuance of new evaluation guidelines, Obtaining technical support from peers and Regional M&E advisors Continuing webinars on evaluation topic s. Increased Coverage By 2013, at least 75% of CPs are informed by evaluation evidence. All CPEs have a management response. Enhanced Use By 2013, at least 75% of CPEs attain a ‘Good’ rating in the evaluation quality assessment. Measures to Improve Quality Performance of country programme evaluation function 8

9 Knowledge management, 2011 * Webinars held and recorded through the Global Crossing Platform only. Data does not include UNFPA-wide video conferencing and web sessions. In 2011, content development and use of platforms and tools for knowledge sharing has improved. Source: UNFPA Global Crossing and MyUNFPA platforms 2011. Good Practices 98 country offices reported sharing good practices in 2011; 33 documented good practices using standard template Webinars 82 UNFPA Webinars 2,745 Participation Fusion+Resources 87,052 use-visits 312 Fusion assets; 73 Fusion groups created in 2011 MyUNFPA 375,310 user-visits in 2011 Good Practices 98 country offices reported sharing good practices ; 33 documented good practices, using standard template Docushare 104 country offices submitted 5,144 documents to Docushare, and 104 Docushare queries cleared Webinars* 82 UNFPA webinars; 2,745 participation Fusion+Resources 87,052 user-visits; 312 Fusion assets, and 73 Fusion groups created MyUNFPA 375,310 user-visits 9

10 Use of webinars, 2009-2011 There is an increasing trend in the use and number of webinars for knowledge sharing across UNFPA. In 2011 alone, there were 82 webinars with 2,745 participation. Source: UNFPA Global Crossing Platform, 2011. **Total participation are estimates. A logged-in participant is counted as one; whereas, there could be more than one listener per location. *Webinars held and recorded through the Global Crossing Platform. It does not include UNFPA-wide video conferencing and web sessions. 10

11 More than 60 percent of South-South cooperation initiatives, supported by UNFPA in 2011, were in the area of knowledge sharing and capacity development. Source: UNFPA COARs 2011. South-South cooperation initiatives supported by UNFPA, 2011 11

12 Strategic plan outcome areas Number of joint programmes 2008200920102011 Population dynamics and inter-linkages 14 1911 Young people’s rights and needs 11 23 1610 Population, gender and sexual and reproductive health data for development 18 13 2821 Emerging population issues in development 8 5 83 Promote sexual and reproductive health rights and demand 7 13 16 Access to maternal health services 24 23 3530 Access and utilization of family planning services 6 4 32 Demand and utilization of HIV/STI services 40 25 2132 Access of young to sexual and reproductive health 14 13 1518 Gender equality and human rights in policies 15 23 1820 Gender equality, reproductive rights and empowerment 13 10 2318 Human rights protection systems and mechanisms 9 11 78 Response to gender-based violence 35 32 3835 Others 10 12 00 Total active joint programmes224221244224 UNFPA participation in joint programmes by strategic plan outcome areas, 2008-2011 In 2011, UNFPA participated in 224 joint programmes, covering all strategic plan outcome areas. Source: UNFPA COARs, 2008-2011. 12

13 Areas of support 2008200920102011 Number% % % % Strategic guidance on common country assessment/UNDAF, country programme formulation and implementation 30 26 42 35 65 516148 Technical contribution to the programming process 74 65 85 70 93 739373 Coordination of inputs from other headquarters divisions for improved quality of programming 49 43 55 46 62 494838 Joint review of the country programme/projects in terms of relevance and effectiveness 14 12 28 23 31 244535 Support to country programme M&E activities 29 25 49 41 88 698970 Political support to help better position country programme vis-à-vis government priorities in the national development context 40 35 36 30 47 373528 Support to the United Nations country team 36 32 33 27 38 302822 Other 33 29 33 27 32 253024 Received support in at least one area114100121100127100127100 Support provided by regional offices to country offices, 2008-2011 In 2011, country offices reported to have received a variety of support from regional offices, mainly in the areas of technical contributions to the programming process and support to country programme monitoring and evaluation activities. Source: UNFPA COARs, 2008-2011. 13

14 Country offices' assessment of support by regional offices Relevance of support Quality of support Timeliness of support Impact upon overall quality of CP and programme delivery Number of COs % % % % Total (all regions) Excellent2822231816132318 Good7660806359465342 Satisfactory2217221744354737 Poor11228643 Total127100127100127100127100 In a non-confidential assessment, about 70 per cent of country offices rate support from regional offices as “good” or “excellent”. Source: UNFPA COARs, 2011. *see next slide for regional disaggregated data. Country office assessment of support provided by regional offices, 2011 14

15 Country office assessment of the support provided by regional offices, 2011 (Continued) Country offices' assessment of support by regional offices Relevance of supportQuality of supportTimeliness of support Impact upon overall quality of CP and programme delivery Number of COs % Number of COs % Number of COs % Number of COs % Africa Excellent 1023716511614 Good 2557276117391534 Satisfactory 81892018412148 Poor 12124925 Total 44100441004410044100 Asia and Pacific Excellent 3133 29417 Good 135713571148730 Satisfactory 7306267301043 Poor 001431329 Total 23100231002310023100 Arab States Excellent 5364292142 Good 75010719641071 Satisfactory 21400321214 Poor 00000000 Total 14100141001410014100 Eastern Europe and Central Asia Excellent 5254204 630 Good 1365136511551050 Satisfactory 2103154204 Poor 00001500 Total 20100201002010020100 Latin America and the Caribbean Excellent 5195 312519 Good 1869176511421142 Satisfactory 31241512461038 Poor 00000000 Total 26100261002610026100 15

16 UNFPA country offices that reported achieving indicator targets for more than 75 percent of their annual work plan outputs, 2007-2011 In 2011, about 83 per cent of country programmes implemented 75 per cent of planned annual work plan outputs Source: UNFPA COARs, 2007-2011. 16

17 Outcome 2.3, 6.9% Outcome 2.4, 5.0% Outcome 2.5, 5.2% UNFPA financial assistance by strategic plan outcomes, 2011* * Data are provisional. Focus area expenditure in reproductive health and rights has the largest chunk of about 58.0 percent in 2011. Source: UNFPA Statistical and Financial Review 2011 17

18 Regular contributions and other resources (co-financing) revenue from donor governments and the private sector, 2008 – 2011 * (in millions of USD and percentage of total revenue in parenthesis) * Figures for 2008-2010 are net. Data for 2011 are provisional and include trust funds, refunds to donors and JPO programme. Since 2008, total resources have increased from $751m to $891m due to increase in co-financing revenue. However, the proportion of total contributions that are regular resources declined in 2011. Source: UNFPA Report on contributions by member States and others to UNFPA and revenue projections for 2012 and future years, and UNFPA Statistical and financial review 2011. 18

19 Percentage of annual regular contributions from other than the top 15 donors, 2007–2011 Regular contributions from other donors represent only 2 per cent of the annual total in 2011. Source: UNFPA Report on contributions by member States and others to UNFPA and revenue projections for 2012 and future years. 19

20 Number of donor government to regular resources, 2000-2011 After a peak in 2007, there has been a consistent decline in the number of donor governments to UNFPA regular resources. Source: UNFPA Report on contributions by member States and others to UNFPA and revenue projections for 2012 and future years. 20

21 Strategic plan funding target achievement, 2008-2011 * Data for 2011 represents commitments made for regular resources and trust funds. Revenues from donor governments and private sector exceed the strategic plan target in 2011. However, regular contributions were 4 per cent short of the target. Source: UNFPA Report on contributions by member States and others to UNFPA and revenue projections for 2012 and future years. 21

22 NEX audit status 2006 – 2010 audit cycles Indicator DOS reportedNEXAMS reported 2006 audits 2007 audits 2008 audits 2009 audits 2010* audits Number of negative audit reports (qualified, disclaimer and adverse) in % of total number of audit reports submitted 28%17%10%17%13% Total expenditure for audit reports with negative opinions $ 37.7m$ 17.8m$ 8.3m$ 29.1m$ 31.2m Unsupported expenditure (in % of total audited NEX expenditure) $ 6.2m (5.6%) $ 1.1m (1.1%) $ 1.2m (1.4%) $ 3.7m (2.9%) $ 6.1m (3.8%) Key performance indicators on NEX audits with negative opinion NEX performance in 2010 is not entirely comparable with prior years. In 2010, about 75% of all the audits were performed by a global audit firm, while in previous years, they were performed entirely by Supreme Audit Institutions (SAI)/ Locally Hired Auditors (LHA). The shift towards the use of services of a global auditing firm resulted in higher quality audits that identified a higher proportion of negative observations and unsupported amounts as compared to audits undertaken by SAI/LHA. Source: UNFPA Division for Oversight Services, Oversight Assessments of NEX, 2007 and 2009 and NEX Audit Management System (NEXAMS). *see next slide for the details of 2010 audit cycle. 22

23 Region Number of reports Audited expenditure (US$) Reports with negative opinion Unsupported expenditure Number Percentage of total audit reports submitted Amount (US$) Percentage of total audited NEX expenditure Africa (sub-Saharan) 26261,109,9513915%1,548,3912.5% Asia and Pacific18344,058,2242111%916,7172.1% Latin America and Caribbean 16227,967,1742113%2,463,6908.8% Arab States8410,575,686911%285,3022.7% Eastern Europe and Central Asia 343,561,60226%27,0930.8% Headquarters5514,552,0781120%839,7545.8% TOTAL780161,824,71510313%6,080,9473.8% NEX audit results by UNFPA headquarters and regions, 2010 audit cycle Source: Moore Stephens, 16 January 2012. 23

24 UNITED NATIONS POPULATION FUND 605 Third Avenue New York, NY 10158 U.S.A Tel: +1 (212) 297-5000 © UNFPA 2012

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