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An Ad Hoc Network Taxi Dispatch System E Huang Digital Technology Group Computer Laboratory University of Cambridge.

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1 An Ad Hoc Network Taxi Dispatch System E Huang Digital Technology Group Computer Laboratory University of Cambridge

2 Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (MANETs) Consist of a set of self-organized, decentralized, mobile hosts that roam at will and communicate directly with each other Consist of a set of self-organized, decentralized, mobile hosts that roam at will and communicate directly with each other We propose a novel application scenario in the form of a MANET dispatch system for taxis We propose a novel application scenario in the form of a MANET dispatch system for taxis

3 Financial Feasibility Analysing the value proposition for primary players Analysing the value proposition for primary players Competing technologies Competing technologies Cost comparisons Cost comparisons MANETs likely to be cheaper and easier to roll out MANETs likely to be cheaper and easier to roll out

4 Technical Feasibility Mobility model based on Manhattan Grid System with realistic movement and traffic systems Mobility model based on Manhattan Grid System with realistic movement and traffic systems Radio propagation model for microcells, based on a recursive path loss model with multipath fading and interference from other nodes Radio propagation model for microcells, based on a recursive path loss model with multipath fading and interference from other nodes

5 Performance Evaluation Performance evaluation made based on outage durations, connectivity, maximum outage time etc Performance evaluation made based on outage durations, connectivity, maximum outage time etc Established relationships between performance and number of nodes, connection times, traffic congestion etc Established relationships between performance and number of nodes, connection times, traffic congestion etc

6 Conclusion Allows us to establish physical bound for network connectivity independent of upper layer protocols Allows us to establish physical bound for network connectivity independent of upper layer protocols System is unsuitable for real time communication, however feasible for dispatch type applications System is unsuitable for real time communication, however feasible for dispatch type applications There are a number of business and technical risks to consider, however serves to highlight considerations for this type of application There are a number of business and technical risks to consider, however serves to highlight considerations for this type of application

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