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Presentation on theme: "NORTHERN NOMADIC DISABLED PERSONS’ ORGANIZATION (NONDO) …able to do things differently."— Presentation transcript:


2  Enhancing Accessibility for PWDs in Rural Areas: A Case of Northern Kenya. Presented by:- Harun M. Hassan Executive Director, NONDO

3 About NONDO. NONDO is a non-governmental organisation (NGO) formed by Persons with Disabilities (PWDs) from the Northern Kenya. It’s a network of DPOs of northern Kenya. NONDO is registered with government of Kenya under Section 10 of Non-Governmental Organization Co-ordination Act. Mission To improve the quality of life of persons with disabilities in the wider Northern Kenya, by eliminating all barriers that is hindering their full and effective participations thus giving them a platform to network, learn and have a voice. Vision To create a society where persons with disabilities are recognized, valued and accorded the opportunity to participate in and live a dignified lives. Motto: … to do things differently. Thematic focuses 1. Advocacy, awareness and Lobbying 2. Empowerment (education and income generating activities and 3. Health and Rehab.

4 Northern Kenya. General description Northern Kenya is generally an arid and semi-arid area where rainfall is scarce and unreliable. The economic activities possible are pastoralism (herding animals) and small-scale retail trade. The counties of northern Kenya are ranked among the poorest in Kenya. Northern Kenya borders the conflict-struck countries of Sudan, Ethiopia and Somalia. Despite forming about two thirds of the entire country, Northern Kenya is isolated from the rest of the country by its lack of infrastructure. Many different communities-largely nomads- live in Northern Kenya and use the same resources of land and water. Tribal clashes, with livestock rustling and banditry, are a common occurrence in many areas. The population of Seven counties of northern Kenya, NONDO’s catchment area is 3, 824, 533. (Mandera-1,025,756, Turkana 855, 399 Wajir- 661,941, Garissa-623,060, Marasabit-291,166, Samburu 223, 947 and Isiolo 143,294. (Kenya Population Census,2009)

5 Disability in northern Kenya  Northern Kenya has all the makings of challenges for PWDs: harsh weather, poor infrastructural development, high illiteracy level, escalating poverty, and long years of marginalization, among others.  Further compounding their challenges is again the nomadic lifestyle -they trek and roam for distances in search of water and pasture.  Cultural attitude/myths of the locals -disability viewed as a bad omen, a curse, unproductive and a burden.  This population therefore has negligible access to health, education, employment and proper rehabilitation services.

6 Enhancing accessibility for pwds  information- rising level of awareness among pwds  provisions of assistive devices- integration/participation-expensive; repairing; cost of transport  funding opportunities-poverty; awareness to access funding opportunities  Participation/representation to grassroots geographical (distance, vastness, roads network); illiteracy;

7 Q & A session

8 Thank you.

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