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Nicholas Crowe April 1, 2009 Education 5063.  Children develop their own racial identity during preschool and elementary school years (Ramsay, 2003).

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1 Nicholas Crowe April 1, 2009 Education 5063

2  Children develop their own racial identity during preschool and elementary school years (Ramsay, 2003).  Conservative estimates suggest children are watching at least 30 hours a week of TV.  Advertisers believe that 2.5 million dollars is worth 30 seconds of advertising during the Superbowl.  Imagine the impression that hour after hour of images can have on children.  Disney cartoons are harmless, right?

3 ALADDIN LYRICS AND VIDEO PICTURE OF JAFAR  Arabian Nights  Oh I come from a land, from a faraway place  Where the caravan camels roam  Where it's flat and immense  And the heat is intense  It's barbaric, but hey, it's home  Oh I come from a land, from a faraway place  Where the caravan camels roam  Where they cut off your ear  If they don't like your face  It's barbaric, but hey, it's home








11  Fluttering eyelashes, large eyes, tiny waist, big breasts, coy and shy yet coquettish (teases), usually white, petite.  Often, the female characters seduce male characters.  Submissive to the male characters. ( Snow White had to awakened by a man/ The theme of Beauty and The Beast was for the Beauty to put up with the rage of the beast and to change him into a Prince, etc.)



14  Abs, barrel chest, violent, strong chin and jaw, physically gifted, heroes are often white.  Those that do not fit this image are the outcasts (LeFou).  Movies often end with a battle between men over a female character (it goes without saying that relationships are always heterosexual).


16  “We have no obligation to make history, we have no obligation to make art. We have no obligation to make a statement. To make money is our only objective.” -Michael Eisner, CEO of Disney

17  1. What is normal and good?  2. Race was socially constructed to permit the profitable practice of the slavery. Do you think this construction continues and what does it allow us to do with a clear conscience ?

18  Jim Crow- http://animated- content/uploads/2007/01/d umbo05.jpghttp://animated- content/uploads/2007/01/d umbo05.jpg  Michael Eisener’s comments: ark/288E35D0-91E5-4EC7- B059-3D3D052375DB/ ark/288E35D0-91E5-4EC7- B059-3D3D052375DB/  Ramsey, P. (2003) Growing up with the contradictions of race and class. In C. Copple (Ed.), A world of difference: Readings on teaching young children in a diverse society (pp.24-28), Washington, D.C.: National Association for the Education of Young Children.  Images:  astimages/img/hercules_ 3.jpg astimages/img/hercules_ 3.jpg  /article_15677_9-most- racist-disney- characters.html

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