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Educational support for the socially excluded Savar Tribal Community Children by YUVA (Youth Unity for Volunteer Action)

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Presentation on theme: "Educational support for the socially excluded Savar Tribal Community Children by YUVA (Youth Unity for Volunteer Action)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Educational support for the socially excluded Savar Tribal Community Children by YUVA (Youth Unity for Volunteer Action)

2 Presentation Agenda YUVA profile SAVAR tribe current life situation Proposed project strategy Project proposed budget

3 Presentation Agenda YUVA profile SAVAR tribe current life situation Proposed project strategy Project proposed budget

4 Overview of YUVA YUVA (Youth Unity for Voluntary Action ) is a registered NGO, formed in mid nineties YUVA mainly focuses on the social development of poor and marginalized tribal communities in Jharkhand Works in the field of education, healthcare, livelihood, environment; special focus on small children, youth and women Jharkhand mostly composed of tribal and other backward communities – literacy late very poor, SC/ST population as high as 28%, typically daily wage laborers

5 YUVA projects summary Ongoing projectsPast projects Jharkhand Tribal Development Programme (Dec 06-Jun 11, ~Rs 11 lacs, govt funded) Promote generation of increased agricultural production by increasing productivity of land & water resources Shiksa Se Parivartan (Sep 08-Aug 11, ~Rs 10.5 lacs, funded by SPAR, Development Focus,EDUKANS, Netherlands) To ensure quality education to children of age 6-14 & engage children of higher age in earning and occupational activities Enrolment & retention of at risk/drop out children in mainstream education(May 05-Oct 07, ~Rs 19 lacs, govt funded) Major outcome - Formed & managed 33 bridge schools, got 1945 children to them Formation of 50 Self Help Groups, provided connection with local banks for business start ups (2 year project, ~1.25 lacs, govt funded) Red Ribbon Club and Project to promote awareness of HIV/other STDs among truck drivers(1 year projects, ~90 k and 5.6 lacs resp, govt funded)

6 Presentation Agenda YUVA profile SAVAR tribe current life situation Proposed project strategy Project proposed budget

7 Stigmatized as “born criminals”; SAVAR tribe denied fundamental human rights Isolated housing due to social exclusion Live in a hamlet outside the society in the fringe of forests; hamlet made using bamboo, wood, straw; no legal rights over any type of land No source of safe drinking water and sanitation Rely on contaminated water from natural resources - high incidence of water borne diseases; No proper arrangements for sanitation - go behind the bushes or on banks of canals; environment degradation Poor nutrition and health Due to poverty, children ill regularly, specially malnutrition – child mortality rate specially high; Restricted access to public healthcare facilities – rely on traditional knowledge of herbal treatment only No Literacy 0% literacy among tribe; earlier failed self attempts to demand right to education have left them hopeless; children play among themselves and roam around in the jungle Limited livelihood means No steady source of income; mostly collect and sell forest products – fire wood, medicinal plants; sell only in nearby village due to lack of mobility – hence not properly compensated; some work as daily laborers as almost half the minimum wage rate

8 Presentation Agenda YUVA profile SAVAR tribe current life situation Proposed project strategy Project proposed budget

9 Internally – bottoms up and participative approach with education as starting point Child centric education plan to prepare children for future admission to formal schools Development of project center - utilize one govt allotted vacant room Recruit two project staff from nearby community – to act as teachers cum social animators Divide 24 Savar children into two groups – Junior 3- 8 and senior 9-14 Once all 24 admitted to formal school, project centre to be converted to crèche Nutritional and healthcare to counter existing poor health and to promote motivation for learning Formation of Savar Self Help Group to promote knowledge and awareness in Savar families* In the short term, dry packed food served twice daily per student – before & after school hours In the long term, provide food cooked by Savar SHG women Provision of free treatment and medicine Engagement of qualified doctor from nearby community - will refer complicated cases to govt hospital Elementary education for 37 adult members Creating awareness about Health and hygiene Saving habits Legal rights on immovable assets Conducting sustainable livelihood activities for women - cooking, tailoring Organizing loan provision through Revolving Fund and govt schemes *funding not requested

10 Externally – working towards sensitizing community and government to SAVAR tribe Already started educating other communities on Savar cause Undertaken several surveys, discussions and information sessions with school admissions councils – To ascertain their openness to admission of SAVAR children – Promote and encourage their voluntary involvement in the project e.g. teachers give guest lectures sometime; school premises & facilities open to use by SAVAR children for one evening every month Working with 2 schools to design a more formal curriculum for project Holding talk and information sessions with several local govt bodies to increase their involvement and efforts in Savar cause – For e.g. in 2008, in a local district general meeting, YUVA voiced the need for allocation of housing facilities for Savar families. As a result, under the Indira Awaas Scheme, Savar families were allocated 23 line rooms in a village. This led to some sense of confidence & hope in Savar tribe

11 Presentation Agenda YUVA profile SAVAR tribe current life situation Proposed project strategy Project proposed budget

12 Project Proposed Budget (Part 1/2) S. NoExpenditure line itemAmount (Rs) 1One time cost for one black board, teaching materials, educational items like pictures of various objects, toys, chalk, duster, roll call register, mats for seating children 6000 2Annual cost for 2 sets of school dress (150x2) with 1 pair of shoes & socks(100) for 24 students @ Rs. 400 per head 9600 3Monthly cost to supply daily use items like toothpaste, toothbrush, soap, hair-oil, comb, detergent powder etc. for 24 students @ Rs. 50 per month per student (50X12X24) 14400 4Annual cost for nutritional support (dry food packets, twice daily, per student– before and after school ) for 24 student for 300 school days per year.@ Rs. 3/- per food pkt ( Rs3 x 2 times X 300 days x 24 heads) 43200 524 food serving bowls @ Rs 25 per bowl (25X24)600 6Annual cost for salary of one teacher cum social animator @ Rs. 2500/- per month ( 2500 x 12) 30000

13 Project Proposed Budget (Part 2/2) S. NoExpenditure line itemAmount (Rs) 7Annual cost for salary of one asst teacher cum junior social worker @ Rs. 1500/- per month ( 1500 x 12) 18000 8Provision of medical support including medicine for students on need basis @ Rs.1000/- per month avg (1000 x 12) 12000 9Travelling costs for two project staff @ Rs 300 / per month (300x12) 3600 10Reporting, accounts, printing, office stationary, photographs, telephone, meeting costs etc @Rs500 per month (500x12) 6000 11Miscellaneous exp @Rs50 per month (50x12)600 TOTAL ANNUAL PROJECT COST144000 ( ~ $3130) Note: Project approval being requested for at least 5 years of the initial phase

14 SAVAR - update (10/28/2010)

15 Curriculum Multi-grade, multi-level approach Since every single Savar child is not literate, flexible curriculum structure required 24 students divided into 2 groups, 3-8 years (15 students) and 9-14 years (9 students) For age group 3-8 (15 students), elementary education using toys, singing, dancing in addition to formal curriculum (designed by YUVA and education committees of 2 schools) o After 1 year, progress of every child will be assessed and it will be ascertained which grade the child is most suited for Same approach for age group 9-14 (9 students), but more time and effort spent to ensure that every child catches up fast o Students will attend classes of age group 3-8 as well o Extra classes/tuition/study material offered on voluntary basis by 2 schools pbnxhc2hhc2Z3aWtpfGd4OjQwNTEwYTU5YTJlZTY0ODg&pli=1

16 Netherlands funded project EDUKANS-Netherlands is supporting YUVA with a project called ‘Shiksha-se-parivartan" - target beneficiaries are all the children of 20 villages, mostly scheduled tribes "Bhumji" and "Santal" Project is aimed at promoting awareness on and spreading the need for education of such children, and also to discourage drop-outs o Through road shows, meetings, discussions, formation of "Children's Parliament" in separate district blocks, formation of Self Help Groups, involvement of formal schools' education committees etc Not involved in designing of curriculum - all project activities aimed at encouraging village families to admit their children to formal school and also not to take them out of school SAVAR tribe not included as they feel too socially excluded currently

17 Pictures

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