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ROAM – IMOS comparisons David Griffin | Madeleine Cahill | Peter Oke Gary Carroll | Uwe Rosebrock CSIRO Marine and Atmospheric Research.

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Presentation on theme: "ROAM – IMOS comparisons David Griffin | Madeleine Cahill | Peter Oke Gary Carroll | Uwe Rosebrock CSIRO Marine and Atmospheric Research."— Presentation transcript:

1 ROAM – IMOS comparisons David Griffin | Madeleine Cahill | Peter Oke Gary Carroll | Uwe Rosebrock CSIRO Marine and Atmospheric Research

2 Evaluation of ROAM surface currents using IMOS data HF radar system off Perth – only instrument to provide maps of current velocity right near the surface, out to ~100km depending on radar range at the time Look at this first, then briefly also: ADCPs off Townsville (more regular in time, all depths below ~12% of water depth, isolated locations). David Griffin 2 |

3 David Griffin 3 |

4 Lets look at time series of u and v at these 5 points David Griffin 4 |

5 Agreement (V component) fairly good, especially phase of inertial oscillations David Griffin 5 |

6 Eastward velocity component (u) also OK David Griffin 6 |

7 Different run (slightly bigger domain): more disagreement David Griffin 7 |

8 Especially for V (northward velocity) David Griffin 8 |

9 Larger domain: needs data assimilation (not used for this run, will do soon) David Griffin 9 |

10 Off Townsville, daily averages at 20m, fair qualitative agreement David Griffin 10 |

11 Tides also good. Roll eddy imaginary? David Griffin 11 |

12 Thankyou. Sorry I couldn’t make it. David Griffin 12 |

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