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American and French Revolutions.  America growing in its own identify  Intellectual (science and philosophy, Economic Wealth: cotton, tobacco, rise.

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Presentation on theme: "American and French Revolutions.  America growing in its own identify  Intellectual (science and philosophy, Economic Wealth: cotton, tobacco, rise."— Presentation transcript:

1 American and French Revolutions

2  America growing in its own identify  Intellectual (science and philosophy, Economic Wealth: cotton, tobacco, rise of middle class) Political: most part self rule  Influence of the ideas of the enlightenment John Locke Natural Law and Natural Rights  Second paragraph of DOI See enlightenment hound out.  The Trigger :Stamp Act 1776 to pay for French Indian War

3 Enlightenment ideas spread, Sons of Liberty Thomas Payne Common Sense… Independence becomes ingrained in based on Natural Laws principles. American Reaction (taxation without rep.) Enjoyed never being taxed directly (Spoiled)



6  This begins the down road spiral leading to Revolution  Townsend Acts (more taxes)  Boston Massacre not a massacre propaganda used by Paul Revere and others to stir up anti British sentiment

7  Cause  Reaction from the Tea Act which required Colonists to get tea from the East India Co. exclusively Symbolic for breaking cultural ties with England (tea) ( a new identity forming) and moral symbolism of the “noble savage” the Mohawk Indian. Why did this lead to the intolerable Acts? Result (Effect) The Intolerable Acts, Closing the Port of Boston, quartering of Soldiers Suspending state legislators etc.

8 1775 Lexington/Concord British Soldiers move to find stolen cannons. Fighting breaks out. “Shot Heard Round the World.”

9  Thomas Jefferson: Drafter of the Declaration of Independence, Secretary of State, 3 rd President, Founder of the University of Virginia, Author of the Virginal Declaration of Religious Rights, Inventor, Planter, Slave owner

10  American used Indian Gorilla techniques  Supported financially and with military help from France  American Torres and King loyalist largely unharmed  Many move (Migrate) to Canada, back to England and Bermuda other British colonies  After War  Articles of Confederation created at start of Revolution first National Government created purposely weak, Shay’s Rebellion show need for stronger central government, based on Locke, Roam  1787 – 1989 Constitutional Convention, Federalist Papers, ratification, Washington sworn in  1791 Bill of Rights amended to Constitution  1791 French Rev. Begins

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