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VOCABULARY Poetry Collections 1 and 3 Grade 8. FLATTERER (N.) Defintion: One who praises insincerely to win approval Example Sentence: I do not take Liz’s.

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Presentation on theme: "VOCABULARY Poetry Collections 1 and 3 Grade 8. FLATTERER (N.) Defintion: One who praises insincerely to win approval Example Sentence: I do not take Liz’s."— Presentation transcript:

1 VOCABULARY Poetry Collections 1 and 3 Grade 8

2 FLATTERER (N.) Defintion: One who praises insincerely to win approval Example Sentence: I do not take Liz’s compliments seriously because she is a flatterer.

3 SCAMPERING (V.) Definiton: Running quickly Example Sentence: The scared rabbit went scampering away.

4 REEDS (N.) Definition: Tall slender grasses that grow in wetland areas Example Sentence: A duck hid in a clump of marsh reeds.

5 IMMENSITY (N.) Definition: Vastness; hugeness Example Sentence: The immensity of the universe makes me feel small and insignificant.

6 RAPTURE (N.) Definition: Ecstasy Example Sentence: Athletes dream of Olympic gold with rapture.

7 PONDEROUS (ADJ.) Definition: Very heavy Example Sentence: We heard his ponderous footsteps echoing in the stairwell.

8 BELLOW (V.) Definition: Make a deep, loud sound like a bull Example Sentence: Listen to him bellow like an injured animal when the doctor injects the needle.

9 URBAN (ADJ.) Definition: Related to the city or city life Example sentence: Skyscrapers lined the urban landscape.

10 ROAM (V.) Definition: Go aimlessly; wander Example Sentence: We keep our cat inside so she will not roam.

11 DEW (N.) Definition: Tiny drops of moisture that condense on cooled objects at night Example Sentence: We sat down on a grassy slope, damp with dew, to gaze at the stars.

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