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AHPS Phase IX Web Page Requirements Dan Matusiewicz National Hydrologic Information Dissemination Services Leader OCWWS/HSD.

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Presentation on theme: "AHPS Phase IX Web Page Requirements Dan Matusiewicz National Hydrologic Information Dissemination Services Leader OCWWS/HSD."— Presentation transcript:

1 AHPS Phase IX Web Page Requirements Dan Matusiewicz National Hydrologic Information Dissemination Services Leader OCWWS/HSD

2 Agenda Phase IX requirements implemented prior to March 25, 2014. Additional information added to the AHPS CMS prior to March 25, 2014. Phase IX requirements implemented on March 25, 2014. Phase IX requirements to be implemented sometime later in FY14.

3 Phase IX requirements implemented prior to March 25, 2014

4 Add the TADD sign icon to the hydrograph pages

5 Add links to iNWS, flood loss, and AHPS web brochure under Additional Resources

6 Stop re-centering the map and show the whole pop-up hydrograph when selecting a point Before November 15, 2013On and after November 15, 2013

7 Within the Gauge Map Configuration section of the Edit Gauge portion of the AHPS CMS, enable the pan and roam features of Google Maps to allow the user to adjust the default display of the gauge location Before November 15, 2013 On and after November 15, 2013

8 Addition information added to the AHPS CMS prior to March 25, 2014

9 Additional info on the Admin Gauges page

10 Additional info on the Dropdown Navigation page

11 Additional info on the Rivers page

12 Additional info on the Admin Gauges page

13 Phase IX requirements implemented on March 25, 2014

14 On the hydrograph webpages, change “Other Data Sources:” header to “Current/Historical Observations:” Before March 25, 2014On and after March 25, 2014 Other Data Sources: U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Data and Site Info for Leesburg Current/Historical Observations: U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Data and Site Info for Leesburg

15 Make tabular data available in local time as well as UTC Before March 25, 2014 On and after March 25, 2014

16 Add an “Initial Display” [On/Off] control to the AHPS FIM Configuration Management System (CMS) for custom layers Before March 25, 2014 On and after March 25, 2014

17 Add auto-update capability to the AHPS web pages Before March 25, 2014 On and after March 25, 2014

18 When changing the hydrograph flow units in the AHPS CMS to cfs, have flow in the tabular data expressed in cfs. Before March 25, 2014 On and after March 25, 2014

19 Display a “tool tip” when mousing over the Permalink link on the national and regional AHPS web pages Before March 25, 2014On and after March 25, 2014 If you would like to bookmark or share your current view, you must first click the “Permalink” button. The URL in your browser window can then be bookmarked or shared.

20 Add a selection in the AHPS CMS to allow WFOs to turn off the river and rain gage separately. Before March 25, 2014 Since AFWS was incorporated into AHPS, HPMs have been limited to turning both river and rain gages off and on at the same time. This does not accommodate a scenario when only one instrument is malfunctioning. On and after March 25, 2014 A CMS selection will be available that allows the WFO to turn off either the river or rain gage separately.

21 Add two selections to the AHPS CMS Forecast Status Gauge Configuration dropdown selection box Before March 25, 2014 CMS options include: 1.No routine (Graphical forecasts are not available. During times of high water, forecast crest information can be found in the text products.) 2.Navigation Season (Forecast are issued routinely during the navigation season, and as needed at other times of the year.) 3.Summer-only (Forecast are issued routinely during the warm season, and as needed at other times of the year.) 4.Year-round (Forecasts are issued routinely year-round.) 5.High Water (Forecasts are issued as needed during times of high water, but are not routinely available) 6.Data Point (Forecasts are not available. Only observed stages are available.) On and after March 25, 2014 CMS options include: 1.No routine (Graphical forecasts are not available. During times of high water, forecast crest information can be found in the text products.) 2.Navigation Season (Forecast are issued routinely during the navigation season, and as needed at other times of the year.) 3.Summer-only (Forecast are issued routinely during the warm season, and as needed at other times of the year.) 4.Year-round (Forecasts are issued routinely year-round.) 5.High Water (Forecasts are issued as needed during times of high water, but are not routinely available) 6.Data Point (Forecasts are not available. Only observed stages are available.) 7.Low Water/No Routine Fcst (Forecasts are issued as needed during times of low flow, but are not routinely available.) 8.Low Water and High Water/No Routine Fcst (Forecasts are issued during times of low flows and high flows, but are not routinely available.)

22 Provide prominent explanation of the mixed usage of local time and UTC Before March 25, 2014 On and after March 25, 2014 The main reason for using UTC is to avoid confusion about time zones and daylight saving time. UTC does not change with a change of seasons, but local time or civil time may change if a time zone jurisdiction observes daylight saving time (summer time). For example, local time on the east coast of the United States is five hours behind UTC during winter, but four hours behind while daylight saving is observed there.

23 Add fields to the AHPS observed and forecast shapefiles Before March 25, 2014 Current observed flow and pe code are not included in the observed shapefile and pe code is not included in the forecast shapefile. On or after March 25, 2014 Current observed flow and pe code is included in the observed shapefile and pe code is included in the forecast shapefile.

24 Implement capability for HPMs to add headlines to AFWS pages Before March 25, 2014 On and after March 25, 2014 AHPS CMS (WFO – HSA Main) HPM’s headline will appear above the AFWS map AFWS Message of the day (MOTD) not available in the AHPS CMS. HPM’s headline will appear above the AFWS map

25 Make geo-location info box draggable to outside the data area so that inundation areas are not covered Before March 25, 2014 On and after March 25, 2014

26 Modify CMS to allow automatic display/removal of seasonal information in hydronotes by allowing specification of a default valid period Before March 25, 2014 On and after March 25, 2014 AHPS CMS WFO – Edit Gauge Page

27 Add a note in the Flood Impacts section of the hydrograph page Before March 25, 2014 On and after March 25, 2014

28 Put tear away layer controls either within the FIM interface or on white space to the right of the map Before March 25, 2014 On and after March 25, 2014

29 Add an “in-progress” message to the precipitation pages Before March 25, 2014 On and after March 25, 2014

30 Allow HPM to specify exactly which stages should be denoted with an asterisk to indicate extended ratings Before March 25, 2014 On and after March 25, 2014

31 Phase IX requirements to be implemented sometime later in FY14

32 Plot forecast data without current observation Before implementationAfter implementation

33 Provide enhanced information about our probabilistic products Before ImplementationAfter Implementation The AHPS requirements team will provide Orion with updated information. Some of the information provided in WFO Grand Forks’ NWS Probabilistic Flood Outlook Tutorial available at: webinar_probabilistic_outlook may be included.

34 Add the NOAA logo to the QPE graphic Before Implementation After Implementation

35 Move the AFWS State River stage summary tables to the AHPS page and include the non-AFWS river gages

36 Make it configurable for a line to appear between lake level forecasts and observations that are less than 24 hours apart

37 Add counties as either part of the base AHPS Google maps or as an overlay that can be toggled off and on Before ImplementationAfter Implementation

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