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Hacking And Cracking ICT Project.

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Presentation on theme: "Hacking And Cracking ICT Project."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hacking And Cracking ICT Project

2 What is Hacking Hacking is where you get in to someone else's server or account. Hacking is illegal but most hackers only want to explore or create software.

3 What is Cracking Cracking is almost the same as hacking because they both get into peoples servers and accounts illegally. But a cracker destroys the information and software that they get into.

4 Misunderstanding Hacking
Many people get mixed up between Hacking and Cracking because they don’t know what a cracker is or they think it is the same thing. Even I didn’t know the difference between them before I did this project.

5 Why do People Hack or Crack
People hack to Explore or Create new software. But Crackers want to destroy things on the software. But I already said that earlier in my presentation.

6 The End Thank You for watching my presentation. By Daniel Whiting.

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