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Volatile Recycling at Subduction Zones Terry Plank, Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory The Subduction Factory.

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Presentation on theme: "Volatile Recycling at Subduction Zones Terry Plank, Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory The Subduction Factory."— Presentation transcript:

1 Volatile Recycling at Subduction Zones Terry Plank, Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory The Subduction Factory

2 Is the Ocean Shrinking?



5 60% of structurally- bound H 2 O released Hacker (2008) G3; Jarrard (2003) G3 Water Fluxes During Subduction

6 60% of structurally- bound H 2 O released Hacker (2008) G3 Water Fluxes During SubductionH 2 O Output? H 2 O % in magma Magma Mass Flux

7 012345678 Centam H 2 O (least degassed) wt% Arc Data: 2000 MORBMORB (SubFac Science Plan)

8 012345678 Aleutians Centam Marianas Mexico Tonga Kamchatka H 2 O (least degassed) wt% Arc Data: 2009 MORBMORB 3.9 wt% H 2 O +/- 1.0 (1 stdev)

9 Average Arc Growth Rates Suyehiro et al. (1996) Science Holbrook et al (1999) Geology ( km 3 /km/Ma) Izu Arc Aleutian Arc 23-33 (Reymer&Schubert, 1984) 75-82 (Holbrook et al., 1999) 59-61 (Dimalanta et al., 2002) 89-182 (Jicha et al., 2006) Duration: 46 Ma 28 (Reymer&Schubert, 1984) 66 (Suyehiro et al., 1996) 56-60 (Dimalanta et al., 2002) Duration: 47 Ma

10 Th input (g/yr) Th output (g/yr) = C Th * Magma Mass Flux Hebert et al (2009) 100 km

11 60% of structurally- bound H 2 O released Hacker (2008) G3 Water Fluxes During Subduction4 +/- 1 wt% H 2 O arcs 60 +/- 20 km 3 /km/Ma 3.0E8 = 40 +/- 20 % recycled to arc

12 0 300 600 Millions of years before present 200 400 600 800 1000 Relative sea level change (meters) 70% 40% 50% Subduction of Water Lowering Sea Level 50% water recycled to surface from Rupke et al. (2004)

13 Millions of years before Present Global Sea Level Variations meters Hallam (1982); and Wallman (2001) Sea level fall over past ~ 600 Ma due to subduction of water??

14 from Rupke et al, Earth and Planetary Science Letters (2004) Size of Ocean today Ocean growing Ocean shrinking hotter mantle cooler mantle


16 2% H 2 O in 4 km mantle 5.7

17 All serpentine- bound H 2 O bypasses arc? Hacker (2008) G3 Water Fluxes During Subduction

18 2% H 2 O in 4 km mantle 5.7 past arc 0.5 2.5 5.4 Lose ocean In 1.7 Ga!

19 Wiens/Lizarralde MARGINS experiment

20 Subducting Carbonate and CO 2 Cycling

21 GLOSS - global subducting sediment Plank & Langmuir (1998) Centam Plank, et al (2002) Geology

22 Altered oceanic crust Alt figure?? (1999) GCA

23 CO 2 Output?? Figure from Wallace (2005) JVGR

24 Melt Inclusions - minimum CO 2 ? Benjamin et al. (2007) JVGR -- Irazu Volcano, Costa Rica

25 Global Flux Estimates from Wallace (2005) JVGR

26 C Flux in & out of the mantle (Alt & Teagle, 1999; Sleep & Zahnle, 2001; Jarrard, 2003) Courtesy of M. Hirschmann Input Output 25%

27 Centam, CO 2 flux from slab Gorman et al (2006) G3

28 Shaw et al (2003) EPSL Typical CO 2 / 3 He in Centam despite major carbonate subduction

29 H 2 O Recycling REE/Th CO 2 Recycling 40-60% returned to arc serpentine subduction? 25% returned to arc decarbonation? CO 2 fluxes out volcanoes

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