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Vanderbilt Institute for Clinical and Translational Research (VICTR) VICTR Application and Review Process.

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Presentation on theme: "Vanderbilt Institute for Clinical and Translational Research (VICTR) VICTR Application and Review Process."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vanderbilt Institute for Clinical and Translational Research (VICTR) VICTR Application and Review Process

2 VICTR Background VICTR – Vanderbilt Institute of Clinical and Translational Research –Funded by Vanderbilt Office of Research and the NIH sponsored CTSA (Clinical and Translational Science Award) Awarded in 2007 as 1 of 12 to be awarded –StarBRITE (Biomedical Research Integration, Translation, and Education portal) – interactive system to identify resources, find experts, access templates etc.


4 Scientific Review Committee Composition: 11 Voting Members with diverse research expertise: Infectious Diseases, Nephrology, Nursing, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Genetics, Pediatrics, Psychiatry, Cardiology, Imaging, Hematology, Oncology, Gerontology and Emergency Medicine Charge:  Review proposals for scientific merit and prioritize accordingly  Engage researchers in proposal development, facilitate access to support/services  Identify opportunities for internal RFAs  Oversee administrative review/approval of Vouchers

5 Scientific Review Committee Operation:  Meetings held twice a month to review and deliberate  Chair reviews expedited requests on a weekly basis NIH Review Criteria plus VICTR Criteria:  Will this project promote the career of a young investigator?  Will the project advance preliminary data for an important grant submission, e.g. an R01, P01, K23, SCCOR, etc?  Will the research likely result in a publication?  Will the research improve the translational research infrastructure?  Will the project enhance our community outreach?  Is the project multidisciplinary?

6 Resource Requests  Online centralized portal for all VICTR resources via StarBRITE  Broad range of requests including T1 and T2 research areas, across schools and departments  Overview: - Over 300 proposals reviewed - Smallest approved request: $47 - Largest approved request: $581,210

7 Items not fundable: Non-human studies or samples Animal purchase, housing and food Salary Support for PI or KSP PI & study team travel for meetings Expert Speaker/Consultant fees Publication fees Meharry direct expenses (salary support ) Radio or Television Advertising Computer purchase

8 Funding Requests with Special Considerations Software Travel Food Sample analyses in PI’s own lab Large equipment International studies/collaborations Human cell lines in animals Participant reimbursement Research Nurse/Coordinator/Assistant requests

9 Pre-submission Requirements: Research proposal based on template Any relevant quotes –Cores, Equipment, IDS Any relevant grants/contract budget Itemized list of research supplies Imaging FACTr (


11 VICTR Funding:

12 My Applications / New Requests

13 Pre- Request Rules

14 1. Navigation Instructions 2. Preliminary Information 3. Pick Resources 4. Review Resources 5. PI Information 6. Project Specific Information 7. Scientific Information 8. Documents 9. Final Review 10. Submitted

15 Step 3: Pick Resources

16 Pre-Review Description: Extensive pre-reviews prior to SRC review Goals: Ensure eligibility (human) and completeness of application Determine feasibility and enhance study design Categories: -Administrative -Biostatistics -Budget -CRC capacity/Nursing-Participant -Cores -Nutrition-Community

17 Review Pathways Requests > $100,000 are subject to subsequent VICTR Executive Committee Approval 1 Week 1 Month2 Months

18 After Approval


20 For additional information or questions please contact: Lesa Black, SRA II 343-1899 or Sharee Small, SRA I 343-1745 or

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