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PeopleSoft Upgrade v9.0 Non-PO Voucher/Accounts Payable Delta Presentation – November 2008.

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Presentation on theme: "PeopleSoft Upgrade v9.0 Non-PO Voucher/Accounts Payable Delta Presentation – November 2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 PeopleSoft Upgrade v9.0 Non-PO Voucher/Accounts Payable Delta Presentation – November 2008

2 Non-PO Accounts Payable Changes Overview  Global Changes  Page Changes −Summary Tab −Related Document Tab −Invoice Information Tab −Copy Worksheet  Delete Voucher

3 Non-PO Accounts Payable Changes Overview (Con’t)  Payment Inquiry  Voucher Inquiry  Review Vendor Balances  Review Accounting Entries

4 Global Change  Chartfield Distribution now includes the “project” as a field −PS 8.8 the “project” was a link that took you to another screen where you had to enter either a project number or “00” −PS 9.0 the “project” is a field on the distribution line which still needs to be filled in with either “00” or the project number

5 Page Changes – Re-wording of Navigation/Pages or Adding New Fields  In some instances, either the navigation or fields on a page have changed from the 8.8 version to 9.0. Please see the screen captures to view these page changes.

6 Add/Update Regular Voucher -> Regular Entry -> The Summary Tab – v8.8 The Summary Tab has been reorganized in v9.0 Budget Header Status and Non-Prorated Budget Status field names have changed in v9.0

7 Add/Update Regular Voucher -> Regular Entry -> The Summary Tab – v9.0 A View Related dropdown box has been added allowing the user to view pages related to the selected voucher.

8 Add/Update Regular Voucher -> Regular Entry -> The Summary Tab – v9.0 Selecting Payment Inquiry from the dropdown and clicking on the “Go” hyperlink, the user is directed to a new page automatically

9 Payment Inquiry - v9.0 The Payment Inquiry directs the user to a new window screen which includes the details on the payment information.

10 Add/Update Regular Voucher -> Regular Entry -> The Summary Tab – v9.0 Selecting Accounting Entries Inquiry from the dropdown and clicking on the “Go” hyperlink, the user is directed to a new page automatically.

11 Accounting Entries Inquiry – v9.0 Review all accounting entry information on the new page.

12 Add/Update Regular Voucher -> Regular Entry -> The Related Documents Tab – v9.0 The Related Documents Tab has been added in v9.0, allowing the user to access a wealth of information about the voucher. This is an entirely new page that did not exist in v8.8. -Payment Status -Payment Reference -Vendor ID

13 Add/Update Regular Voucher -> Regular Entry -> The Invoice Information Tab – v9.0 The Invoice Information Tab layout has changed in v9.0.

14 Add/Update Regular Voucher -> Regular Entry -> The Invoice Information Tab – v9.0 The Copy from Source Document box has been moved from the bottom of the page to the top under the voucher header information in v9.0

15 Add/Update Regular Voucher -> Regular Entry -> The Invoice Information Tab – v9.0 The payment due information has been reorganized and moved closer to the top of the page. A packing slip field has been added but this field is used for information only.

16 Add/Update Regular Voucher -> Regular Entry -> The Invoice Information Tab – v9.0 The Comments now includes a number (1) when there are comments added, otherwise will show (0) when no comments have been added. The Non-Merchandized Summary and Session Defaults links are new and are not used in business processes.

17 Add/Update Regular Voucher -> Regular Entry -> The Invoice Information Tab – v9.0 The Calculate button is located in three places. Header – click to view any balance discrepancies. If out of balance, the difference will display with a red background. Invoice Line section – click to view any balance discrepancies with multiple invoice/distribution lines. Balancing section – click to view any balance discrepancies. If out of balance, the difference will display with a red background.

18 Add/Update Regular Voucher -> Regular Entry -> The Invoice Information Tab – v9.0 A copy down check box has been added in v9.0 to allow the user to easily copy an existing distribution line down to a new one. In addition, the ‘+’ and ‘-’ symbols used to add a line or delete a line from the invoice section and/or the distribution section are moved to the far left of the line in v9.0, rather than the far right as in v8.8.

19 Add/Update Regular Voucher -> Regular Entry -> The Invoice Information Tab – v9.0 The chartfields in the distribution lines now include the Project as a ‘field’ in v9.0, rather than a ‘hyperlink” like it was in v8.8.

20 Add/Update Regular Voucher -> Regular Entry -> The Invoice Information Tab – v9.0 The invoice information has been grouped and summarized at the bottom of the page.

21 Delete Voucher – v9.0 Navigation: Accounts Payable>Vouchers>Add/Update>Delete Voucher Only the navigation to the page has changed – the functionality is the same

22 Accounts Payable -> Review Accounts Payable Info -> Payment Inquiry v9.0 Rather than the columnar layout of v8.8, v9.0 has the fields represented in a vertical format with From and To columns in order that a range of payments may be searched for.

23 Accounts Payable -> Review Accounts Payable Info -> Voucher Inquiry v9.0 Rather than the columnar layout of v8.8, v9.0 has the fields represented in a vertical format with From and To columns in order that a range of vouchers may be searched for.

24 Accounts Payable -> Review Accounts Payable Info -> Voucher Inquiry v9.0 After selecting a voucher for Inquiry, icons are available to drill down to Accounting Entries and Payment Information from the Inquiry Page.

25 Accounts Payable -> Review Accounts Payable Info -> Vendor -> Current Balances v9.0 The same fields are present, but a Max Row return field was added to the page in v9.0. The layout of the page for Reviewing Vendor Current Balances has changed.

26 Accounts Payable -> Review Accounts Payable Info -> Vendor -> Current Balances v9.0

27 Remember that PS v8.8 will not be available after 5 p.m. on Friday, November 21, 2008.

28 PeopleSoft v9.0 will be available on Monday, December 1, 2008 If you have any questions, please feel free to call the Accounting Services HelpDesk at 882-3051. Thanks!

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