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Microsoft Partner Conference 2004
Software Assurance Benefit (SAB) 2.0 Update
U-Li Ong Program Manager Microsoft Partner Conference 2004
What’s Changing On August 23rd, there will be many enhancements made to the current benefit administration processes in MVLS The enhancements will make management of many benefits easier for customers Based on Customer & Partner feedback There will be some minor changes to accepting the Terms and Conditions as well The following slides will cover the enhancements Due to the volume of changes, the enhancements will be covered in groups based on benefits Microsoft Partner Conference 2004
Acronyms MVLS = Microsoft Volume Licensing Services
SAB = Software Assurance Benefit BA = Benefits Administrator EA = Enterprise Agreement OLV = Open License Volume NC or NTC = Notices Contact EPP = Employee Purchase Program HUP = Home Use Program PRS = Problem Resolution Support Microsoft Partner Conference 2004
Updates General Changes PRS (Support) Changes HUP & EPP Changes
eLearning for OPEN Changes Training Voucher Changes Tools Changes SA Exchange Server Applications - Intelligent Message Filter Disaster Recovery Benefit ESLP changes reports SAB Admin Role Microsoft Partner Conference 2004
General Changes Microsoft Partner Conference 2004
General Changes These changes effect all benefits or large groups of benefits The changes in this section include: Bulk upload of benefit users Benefit subscription transfer Accepting terms and conditions Grace periods for benefit access New link to VLKs in MVLS Microsoft Partner Conference 2004
General - Bulk Upload of Benefit Users
Several benefits can have multiple users added to consume the benefits Prior to August 23rd, these users had to be added one at a time After August 23rd, a bulk upload feature will be available for the following benefits: Problem Resolution Support TechNet Online Concierge Chat TechNet Plus The next few pages show the difference in the processes For details processes for the three benefits listed above, see their individual sections in Module 8. Microsoft Partner Conference 2004
General - Bulk Upload of Benefit Users – Step 1
During activation of benefits that have many users, a group of users can be added in bulk. To add bulk users, the customer will have to create a spreadsheet of all the users they wish to add. Note: If the customer wants to add a single user they can still do so using the fields provided and clicking the Add New Contact button. Microsoft Partner Conference 2004
General - Bulk Upload of Benefit Users – Step 2
The customer needs to make sure all fields are represented in the spreadsheet. The following fields are required: Last Name First Name address Phone Number Organization Language If any of these fields are missing MVLS will not accept the bulk add. Also the Last Name Pronunciation and First Name Pronunciation fields must be present in the spreadsheet. If the customer doesn’t wish to complete them, they can be left blank. To add the users to MVLS, highlight all users in the list and copy them. Microsoft Partner Conference 2004
General - Bulk Upload of Benefit Users – Step 3
Click Paste Contact List to add the bulk users. All the users that were copied will be displayed at the bottom of the screen to be added. To complete the bulk add, click Submit Contact List. Microsoft Partner Conference 2004
General - Bulk Upload of Benefit Users – Edit Bulk List
To edit users on the bulk add list: Select the user to edit by clicking on the their line (this will highlight the entire user line) The user’s information will appear in the fields above the Benefit Contacts box. Edit the desired fields. Click Save Changes to save the changes. In addition a user can be removed by highlighting them in step 1 above and then clicking Remove Contact. To clear all users click Clear All Contacts. Microsoft Partner Conference 2004
General - Benefit Subscription Transfer
Before August 23rd, if a customer renewed their enrollment they would have to re-add all of their users to the new agreement/ enrollment to consume the benefits Starting August 23rd, existing users will be automatically transferred to the new enrollments Only for renewing Select & EA agreements/enrolments Not applicable for OPEN & OLV customers This process does not require customer interaction *If a customer has an existing SA enabled agreement/enrollment that is about the expire, the customer can “renew” by signing up for another agreement/enrollment with SA. When this is done, all users will be transferred from the old agreement to the new agreement. Microsoft Partner Conference 2004
General - Benefit Subscription Transfer – New Agreements/Enrollments
All benefits, except the Training Voucher benefit, will be automatically activated and transfer users on the Grace Period end-date of the agreement The Training Voucher benefit will still need to be activated Contacts will only be moved to the same benefit and from same program type (Example: From the expiring EA PRS benefit to the new EA PRS benefit) If a subscription is transferred, benefits that use ID numbers will retain their ID numbers The following data will be transferred for new agreements: User names and contact data ID numbers (examples: TechNet Subscriber ID’s, HUP program codes, etc.) Fulfillment languages for kits Domain and company names for HUP and EPP When users are transferred to the new benefits it activates the benefits as well, however, benefits that include Terms and Conditions will still require the user to accept them before consuming benefits. When the benefit link is clicked in MVLS, the Terms and Conditions will be displayed. Microsoft Partner Conference 2004
General - Accepting Terms and Conditions
Terms and Conditions are no longer part of registration Customers will not see a red text reminder on the Benefit Summary screen like in the past Terms and Conditions are now displayed when a benefit that requires them is selected from the benefit summary page (example: Support, HUP or EPP) If a customer does not accept the Terms and Conditions when it is first presented to them, it will appear the next time the benefit is clicked Microsoft Partner Conference 2004
General - Accepting Terms and Conditions the Old Way
Prior to August 23rd, when a customer had not accepted the Terms and Conditions, there was a red paragraph at the top of the Benefit Summary screen showing them they needed to accept the Terms and Conditions. Also the benefits that had unaccepted Terms and Conditions were highlighted in red. Microsoft Partner Conference 2004
General - Accepting Terms and Conditions the New Way
Now, the red text is gone. If a customer has not accepted the Terms and Conditions, a column on the screen indicates they have not accepted it. When the benefit is selected from the Benefit Summary screen, the Terms and Conditions will be displayed as part of activation. Microsoft Partner Conference 2004
General – SAB Grace Period for Benefit Access
Customers have a 90 day grace period to use any benefits that were included on an expiring agreement/ enrollment Provided they had registered on MVLS prior to agreement/ enrollment expiry date 90 days for Sel, EA customers OLV has 60 days grace period OPEN, CASA & EA Sub customers do not have grace period During this time period they can manage and consume existing benefits but cannot qualify for additional benefit awards If a customer purchases a new SA qualifying agreement, the benefits can still be administered until the grace period end date of the old agreement even though the new agreement is already Active Terminated agreements do not share this feature Benefits expire upon termination Microsoft Partner Conference 2004
General - New VLK Link There is a new link to access the Volume License Keys for installing the software from the main page of MVLS. Once a user is logged in they will see the link for the VLKS on the left hand side of the screen. Clicking the link will take the users to the list of Volume License Keys for all of the products in their agreement/enrollment. Microsoft Partner Conference 2004
Support Changes Microsoft Partner Conference 2004
Support Benefit Changes
In addition to bulk user upload, other support changes include: The Problem Resolution Support benefit now recognizes the 2 support incident benefit and tracking for Open Value customers Usage tracking for all support incidents is now supported in MVLS Microsoft Partner Conference 2004
Support Incident Tracking
The Problem Resolution Support benefit now provides usage reporting on the benefit detail screen. The total number of incidents (mostly applicable to Open Value customers) Used incidents and remaining incidents are all displayed here. A customer can view which of their users are using the incidents by clicking on the Benefit Use Report link. This will open a new window that lists all the used incidents and the user that has consumed the incident (screenshot unavailable at this time). Microsoft Partner Conference 2004
HUP and EPP Changes Microsoft Partner Conference 2004
HUP and EPP Benefit Changes
The communication template for both HUP and EPP is now available as a download from within MVLS Applicable only to licenses issued outside of AU & NZ N/A for NZ local enrolments Customers can view an HUP usage report from within MVLS Microsoft Partner Conference 2004
Template Download – The Link
There is now a link on the Benefit Details screen of the HUP and EPP benefit for customers to download the communication to the employees at their company. If they misplaced the original that is sent when they are assigned as the Benefit Administrator, they can click the Here link on the description paragraph. Microsoft Partner Conference 2004
Template Download – The Template
The entire message is displayed on the screen. The customer can either copy the text from the screen to paste into the document of their choice, or they can click on the Printer Friendly Version link at the bottom to print it directly from the site. Microsoft Partner Conference 2004
HUP Usage Reporting On the Benefit Details page of HUP, customers can track the usage of the products they are entitled to. Clicking on the link will display the users who have purchased the products. Microsoft Partner Conference 2004
eLearning Changes Microsoft Partner Conference 2004
eLearning Benefit Change
The eLearning benefit for Open customers will be displayed in eOpen with descriptions of the eOpen entitlement Microsoft Partner Conference 2004
eLearning in eOpen The eLearning benefits will now be visible in eOpen for the customers. When a customer clicks on the benefit, a pop up will inform them that the eLearning benefit for Open customers is a right to run the software on all of their covered systems after they buy the media. Microsoft Partner Conference 2004
Training Voucher Changes
Microsoft Partner Conference 2004
Training Voucher Changes
The new correct terminology has been updated changing all instances of CTEC to Microsoft Learning Solutions Partner The limit of the 38 approved classes has been dropped, now any Microsoft class offered by a participating Microsoft Learning Solutions Partner is eligible for use with a Training Voucher Extra days on training vouchers will now be returned to the usable pool rather than being lost if a class is shorter than the number of days on a voucher Microsoft Partner Conference 2004
Tools Changes Microsoft Partner Conference 2004
Tools Benefits Changes
In all screens WinPE has been changed to reflect the correct name – Windows Pre-installation Environment Microsoft Partner Conference 2004
New Benefit – SA Exchange Server Applications
Microsoft Partner Conference 2004
Tools - Intelligent Message Filtering
SA Exchange Server Applications is a new Benefit group which includes Intelligent Message Filter (IMF) The new benefit group can be assigned to Benefit Administrators like all other benefit groups IMF is a tool that works with Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 and Microsoft Office Outlook 2003 It is a server side tool that helps detect and block “spam” messages from being sent to users All Select, EA and Open Value customers who have Exchange Server covered by SA qualify for this benefit Each qualifying enrollment will receive one free media kit This tools benefit is activated and managed exactly like the other two tools benefits Please see the Tools module in your binder (module 8 section H) for detailed screens on activating and managing this benefit. Microsoft Partner Conference 2004
New Benefit – Disaster Recovery
Microsoft Partner Conference 2004
New Benefit – Disaster Recovery
Cold Backup Servers for Disaster Recovery is a new benefit that allows SA customers to have fully installed backup servers in case of emergencies For each SA covered server license a customer can install one additional instance of that software on a backup server The Backup servers must be “cold” servers – meaning they cannot be actively used until the a server goes down The Disaster Recovery licenses terminate with the agreement and with the Software Assurance coverage This benefit does not require any activation in MVLS Microsoft Partner Conference 2004
ESLP Benefit Change The ESLP (Enterprise Source License Program) benefit will now be linked from the Benefit Summary page Customers will still complete the request and have to complete the participation forms and legal disclaimers The change makes the benefit easier for customers to locate Microsoft Partner Conference 2004
40 Reports Microsoft Partner Conference 2004
41 Reports Partners can pull several useful reports from Explore to answer customer questions Feature available on Explore mid-Sept Customers can pull reports in Explore to show: HUP benefit consumption EPP benefit consumption Shipment reports for media fulfillment benefits These reports have high level details only and no personally identifiable information Customers will not be able to use Explore, customers should use MVLS Microsoft Partner Conference 2004
SAB Administrator Role
A new participant type role was added to the Enrollment forms – SAB Admin This role specifies a person that will be automatically invited to MVLS once the agreement is activated in the system The person listed in the agreement will automatically sent a PIN via , this would behave like a BA that was invited by an NC After the SAB Admin registers using the PIN, the NC would have to verify them and assign permissions as normal Microsoft Partner Conference 2004
General – Email to SAB Admin
to SAB Admin gets triggered 24 hrs after to Notices Contact (NTC) has been triggered Whether NTC has or has not registered on MVLS NTC must register on MVLS in order for SAB Admin to login to MVLS & administer the benefits If SAB Admin logins to MVLS before NTC has registered, the NTC will receive a notification that the SAB Admin is requesting access to MVLS If SAB Admin is same person as NTC, do not fill in details in SAB section on the enrolment, otherwise NTC will receive 2 s There is a new link to access the Volume License Keys for installing the software from the main page of MVLS. Once a user is logged in they will see the link for the VLKS on the left hand side of the screen. Clicking the link will take the users to the list of Volume License Keys for all of the products in their agreement/enrollment. Microsoft Partner Conference 2004
Email to SAB Admin V6.3 Enrolment captures SAB Admin details
There is a new link to access the Volume License Keys for installing the software from the main page of MVLS. Once a user is logged in they will see the link for the VLKS on the left hand side of the screen. Clicking the link will take the users to the list of Volume License Keys for all of the products in their agreement/enrollment. Microsoft Partner Conference 2004
Email to SAB Admin sample
There is a new link to access the Volume License Keys for installing the software from the main page of MVLS. Once a user is logged in they will see the link for the VLKS on the left hand side of the screen. Clicking the link will take the users to the list of Volume License Keys for all of the products in their agreement/enrollment. Microsoft Partner Conference 2004
Summary Microsoft Partner Conference 2004
General Changes - Review
Bulk Upload: Customers can now add multiple users to TechNet Plus, TechNet OCC, Problem Resolution Support and Training Vouchers with the bulk upload feature Benefit Subscription Transfer When a customer signs a new agreement, all of their old contacts and IDs will be transferred automatically Terms and Conditions are now part of the activation of the benefits Expiring agreements provide a grace period to utilize benefits MVLS has a new easy to access link to retrieve VLKs Microsoft Partner Conference 2004
Benefits Review: Problem Resolution Support: HUP and EPP review:
The Problem Resolution Support benefit now recognizes the 2 support incident benefit and tracking for Open Value customers Usage tracking for all support incidents is now supported in MVLS HUP and EPP review: The communication template for both HUP and EPP is now available as a download from within MVLS Customers can view an HUP usage report from within MVLS Microsoft Partner Conference 2004
Benefits Review Continued:
eLearning review: The eLearning benefit for Open customers will be displayed in eOpen with descriptions of the eOpen entitlement Training Voucher review: The new correct terminology has been updated changing all instances of CTEC to Microsoft Learning Solutions Partner The limit of the 38 approved classes has been dropped, now any Microsoft class offered by a participating Microsoft Learning Solutions Partner is eligible for use with a Training Voucher Extra days on training vouchers will now be returned to the usable pool rather than being lost if a class is shorter than the number of days on a voucher Microsoft Partner Conference 2004
Benefits Review Continued:
Tools review: In all screens WinPE has been changed to reflect the correct name – Windows Pre-installation Environment SA Exchange Server Applications Review SA Exchange Server Applications provides a new benefit kit/download - Intelligent Message Filtering – this benefit helps reduce spam Other items review: ESLP is now listed in the benefit summary in MVLS A new benefit called Disaster Recovery allows customers to have backup installations for every SA covered server product Microsoft Partner Conference 2004
Your Customers Need help on SAB Activation?
Phone: Australia: New Zealand: Microsoft Partner Conference 2004
Microsoft Partner Conference 2004
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