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DNA Barcodes: Linking GenBank records to Museum Specimens David E. Schindel, Executive Secretary, CBOL Robert Hanner, University of Guelph.

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Presentation on theme: "DNA Barcodes: Linking GenBank records to Museum Specimens David E. Schindel, Executive Secretary, CBOL Robert Hanner, University of Guelph."— Presentation transcript:

1 DNA Barcodes: Linking GenBank records to Museum Specimens David E. Schindel, Executive Secretary, CBOL Robert Hanner, University of Guelph

2 Washington Airport Gate 3 Dulles, National, or Baltimore-Washington? Dulles, National, or Baltimore-Washington? 2 concourses at BWI concourse A or B? 2 concourses at BWI concourse A or B? 3 concourses at National 3 concourses at National 4 Dulles concourses 4 Dulles concourses

3 The Controlled Vocabulary of Airport Codes

4 Biodiversity Informatics: What Connects the Parts? ??

5 DNA Barcodes: A Key Variable for Biodiversity Informatics Authority files of taxonomic names Museum databases of associated data Databases of species occurrences and distribution (OBIS)

6 A DNA barcode is a short gene sequence taken from standardized portions of the genome, used to identify species

7 The Mitochondrial Genome Cyt b D-Loop ND5 H-strand ND4 ND4L ND3 CO III CO I L-strand ND6 CO I ND2 ND1 CO II Small ribosomal RNA Large ribosomal RNA ATPase subunit 8 ATPase subunit 6

8 Promote barcoding as a global standard Build participation Working Groups BARCODE standard International Conferences Increase production of public BARCODE records Projects, Networks, Organizations

9 Uses of DNA Barcodes Research tool for improving species-level taxonomy: Associating all life history stages, genders Associating all life history stages, genders Testing species boundaries, finding new variants Testing species boundaries, finding new variants Applied tool for identifying regulated species: Disease vectors, agricultural pests, invasives Disease vectors, agricultural pests, invasives Environmental indicators, protected species Environmental indicators, protected species Using minimal samples, damaged specimens, gut contents, droppings Using minimal samples, damaged specimens, gut contents, droppings “Triage” tool for flagging potential new species: Undescribed and cryptic species Undescribed and cryptic species Taxonomic groups with few morphological features Taxonomic groups with few morphological features

10 Adoption by Regulators US Federal Aviation Administration – All Birds US Federal Aviation Administration – All Birds US Environmental Protection Agency US Environmental Protection Agency $250K pilot test, water quality bioassessment $250K pilot test, water quality bioassessment US Food and Drug Administration US Food and Drug Administration Reference barcodes for commercial fish Reference barcodes for commercial fish FISH-BOL and fish regulatory agencies FISH-BOL and fish regulatory agencies CBOL workshop in Taipei, September 2007 CBOL workshop in Taipei, September 2007 FAO International Plant Protection Commission FAO International Plant Protection Commission Proposal for Diagnostic Protocols for fruit flies Proposal for Diagnostic Protocols for fruit flies CITES, National Agencies, Conservation NGOs CITES, National Agencies, Conservation NGOs International Steering Committee, identifying pilot projects International Steering Committee, identifying pilot projects


12 International Nucleotide Sequence Database Collaboration

13 Direct Submission to GenBank

14 BOLD Data System Developed/hosted by Univ. Guelph Developed/hosted by Univ. Guelph Workbench for assembling data Workbench for assembling data 300,000 records from 30,000 species 300,000 records from 30,000 species Management and Analysis System Management and Analysis System Identification system for matching unknowns to reference records Identification system for matching unknowns to reference records Uploading to GenBank Uploading to GenBank

15 Barcode of Life Data Systems (BOLD)

16 BARCODE Data Standards Consensus results of Front Royal meeting Consensus results of Front Royal meeting GBIF  ITIS  GRIN GBIF  ITIS  GRIN NBII  Species2000  IPNI NBII  Species2000  IPNI ICZN  ZooRecord  OBIS ICZN  ZooRecord  OBIS Structured link to voucher specimen Structured link to voucher specimen Species name selected from authority Species name selected from authority Trace files, primers, and quality scores Trace files, primers, and quality scores Minimum sequence length Minimum sequence length

17 Barcode Sequence Voucher Specimen Species Name Specimen Metadata Literature (link to content or citation) BARCODE Records in INSDC Indices - Catalogue of Life - GBIF/ECAT Nomenclators - Zoo Record - IPNI - NameBank Publication links - New species Georeference Habitat Character sets Images Behavior Other genes Trace files Other Databases Phylogenetic Pop’n Genetics Ecological Primers Databases - Provisional sp.


19 Link from GenBank to Museums


21 Linkout from GenBank to BOLD

22 Linkout from GenBank to Taxonomy

23 Barcode Sequence Voucher Specimen Species Name Specimen Metadata Literature (link to content or citation) BARCODE Records in INSDC Indices - Catalogue of Life - GBIF/ECAT Nomenclators - Zoo Record - IPNI - NameBank Publication links - New species Georeference Habitat Character sets Images Behavior Other genes Trace files Other Databases Phylogenetic Pop’n Genetics Ecological Primers Databases - Provisional sp.

24 Structured Link to Vouchers Institutional Acronym Collection Code Catalog ID ::

25 Structured Link to Vouchers NHMLEP123456 :: personalDHJanzenSRNP12345 ::

26 NCBI’s Biorepository List Compiled from literature sources, GenBank submissions Compiled from literature sources, GenBank submissions 6,936 institutions 6,936 institutions 1,177 institutions with non-unique acronyms 1,177 institutions with non-unique acronyms 660 homonymous acronyms 660 homonymous acronyms 514 shared by two institutions 514 shared by two institutions 146 shared by three institutions 146 shared by three institutions

27 CBOL/GBIF/NCBI Registry of Biorepositories





32 Long-term data curation of BARCODE records Data records assembled in BOLD IDs consistent with other records? Compliant with BARCODE standards? Data records released on INSDC Data records published in BOLD Community feedback Update records (audit trail of species names retained) CBOL control of BARCODE flag GenBank adds BARCODE flag

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