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K to Grade 12 Reform Agenda Capturing Issues and Solutions from the Perspective of the Private Education Providers By: Mr. Mike Latham & Prof. Honesto.

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Presentation on theme: "K to Grade 12 Reform Agenda Capturing Issues and Solutions from the Perspective of the Private Education Providers By: Mr. Mike Latham & Prof. Honesto."— Presentation transcript:

1 K to Grade 12 Reform Agenda Capturing Issues and Solutions from the Perspective of the Private Education Providers By: Mr. Mike Latham & Prof. Honesto Nuqui ADB EISDP

2 Senior High School Needs NationalRegion VIRegion VIIRegion VIII No. of SHS enrolment in 2016 (G 11 only ) 10,79,49387,83082,60355,390 201720,76,8351,68,6911,59,9251,06,207 No. of SHS Teachers needed in 2016 (G 11 only) 54,2403,6653,4092,309 201756,7593,6333,5712,309 No. of SHS Rooms needed in 2016 (Gr 11 only ) 35,0091,5532,6951,226 201740,7691,9113,2021,364

3 Designing the Program Plans need to be constructed with particular features Key issues for discussion revolve around three areas: I.The process of selection of SHS schools and grantees II.The value of the SHS grant and the methods used for determining that value III.The methods for ensuring quality and accountability for the new SHS

4 I. The Selection Process ‘Schools’ Key Questions i.Which PHS/HEIs can participate in SHS? ii.Who will select the PHS/HEIs? Sub Questions Will existing PHS/HEIs have to apply for permission to operate the SHS grades? Should there be criteria for minimum size of the SHS, or for the health and standards? Do we have existing criteria that we can use (such as # of classrooms, # of teachers per section, labs, teaching load and # of students)?

5 I. The Selection Process ‘Students’ Key Questions i.What are the requirements for students to be eligible for SHS grants? ii.Who will select the students? For an ESC grant or for a voucher? Sub Questions Must the students only come from public junior high schools? What happens for ESC grantees who are in private schools currently? Who will select the students that will stay in public school for G11 and how many will go to PHS/HEI?

6 II. The Value of the Certificate ‘Schools’ Key Questions i.What value will be placed on the 'certificate‘ or grant? ii.Will schools be able to charge a ‘top up’ on the ESC grant? Sub Questions On what basis will this value be estimated? For equity purposes, would it be possible and, if so, desirable to tier the value according to criteria such as location, type of school or program, or means of the grantee? If so what tools do we have for assessing this value by location or means? If a top up is permitted, should there be a cap to this top up? If so how much should this top up be?

7 II. The Value of the Certificate ‘Students’ Key Questions i.How can families make a choice by comparing the 'top up' charged against the performance of a range of different PHS or HEI? Sub Questions Is it possible for cost and performance data on PHS/HEIs to be made accessible to the consumer? If so, what public (or private?) agency should have responsibility for maintaining this data?

8 III. Quality and Accountability ‘Schools’ Key Questions i.Who will have responsibility for auditing the quality of the PHS/HEIs? ii.What performance criteria should be used to monitor the quality of PHS/HEIs provision? Sub Questions Are joint mechanisms needed between DepEd/CHED and FAPE for auditing the quality? Do we need to establish a common public and private entity that monitors and analyses information on the SHS? Are the current FAPE Certification tools fit for purpose for SHS? Does FAPE have the capacity to manage this additional workload? Are there alternative accountability measures that need to be established?

9 III. Quality and Accountability ‘Students’ Key Questions i.How can the performance criteria on a per ESC grantee student be measured? Sub Questions Should ESC grantee payments be contingent upon the student maintaining certain performance and attendance criteria? If so based on what criteria? Who would measure and record that information?

10 Activity Issues and Solutions Working in Groups on the tables provided to: i.Complete the ‘Answer’ Column of the Selection Process, Value of Certificate and Quality tables ii.Identify if there are any Operational Requirements as a result of your answer iii.List some Key Risks and how you might solve them Be prepared to share your Group answers with the full Forum!

11 Maraming salamat po If you have any further views you wish to share, please contact either Michael Latham Bong Nuqui

12 Senior High School Needs NationalNCR No. of SHS enrolment in 2016 (G 11 only ) 10,79,493 134,390 201720,76,835 255,270 No. of SHS Teachers needed in 2016 (G 11 only) 54,240 5,601 201756,759 5,247 No. of SHS Rooms needed in 2016 (Gr 11 only ) 35,009 6,657 201740,769 7,913

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