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2 Pre-Learning Debit & Credit rules
Debit the Receiving – opening balance, imprest Credit the Giving – expenses paid Balancing Rules Balance in on the short side Total each side Bring down the balance to the opposite side Headings for Petty Cash Book Analysis headings given in question All expenses go into the Total column + one analysis column Analysis Headings Date Details Total V. No. Post Travel Clean

3 Petty Cash Sample Q1 Record the following transactions in the petty cash book: 1/1/2012 Opening Petty Cash Book balance €200 3/1/2012 Postage €2.50 Voucher No. 1 5/1/2012 Taxi €7.50 Voucher No. 2 18/1/2012 Cleaning €12.00 Voucher No. 3 25/1/2012 Postage €5.50 Voucher No. 4 Balance the account at the end of the month and restore the imprest Use the following headings: Postage, Travel, Cleaning

4 1/1/2012 Opening Petty Cash Book balance €200
Date Details Total V. No. Post Travel Clean 1/1/2012 Opening Petty Cash Book balance €200

5 Petty Cash Book Date Details Total V. No. Post Travel Clean 1/1/2012
Opening Bal. 200.00

6 Petty Cash Book Date Details Total V. No. Post Travel Clean 3/1/2012
Postage €2.50 Voucher No. 1 Petty Cash Book Date Details Total V. No. Post Travel Clean 1/1/2012 Opening Bal. 200.00 3/1/2012 Postage €2.50 Voucher No. 1

7 Petty Cash Book Date Details Total V. No. Post Travel Clean
1/1/2012 Opening Bal. 200.00 3/1/2012 Postage 1 2.50 3/1/2012 Postage €2.50 Voucher No. 1 5/1/2012 Taxi €7.50 Voucher No. 2 18/1/2012 Cleaning €12.00 Voucher No. 3 25/1/2012 Postage €5.50 Voucher No. 4

8 Petty Cash Book Date Details Total V. No. Post Travel Clean 5/1/2012
Taxi €7.50 Voucher No. 2 Petty Cash Book Date Details Total V. No. Post Travel Clean 1/1/2012 Opening Bal. 200.00 3/1/2012 Postage 1 2.50 3/1/2012 Postage €2.50 Voucher No. 1 5/1/2012 Taxi €7.50 Voucher No. 2 18/1/2012 Cleaning €12.00 Voucher No. 3 25/1/2012 Postage €5.50 Voucher No. 4

9 Petty Cash Book Date Details Total V. No. Post Travel Clean
1/1/2012 Opening Bal. 200.00 3/1/2012 Postage 1 2.50 5/1/2012 Taxi 2 7.50 3/1/2012 Postage €2.50 Voucher No. 1 5/1/2012 Taxi €7.50 Voucher No. 2 18/1/2012 Cleaning €12.00 Voucher No. 3 25/1/2012 Postage €5.50 Voucher No. 4

10 18/1/2012 Cleaning €12.00 Voucher No. 3
Petty Cash Book Date Details Total V. No. Post Travel Clean 1/1/2012 Opening Bal. 200.00 3/1/2012 Postage 1 2.50 5/1/2012 Taxi 2 7.50 3/1/2012 Postage €2.50 Voucher No. 1 5/1/2012 Taxi €7.50 Voucher No. 2 18/1/2012 Cleaning €12.00 Voucher No. 3 25/1/2012 Postage €5.50 Voucher No. 4

11 Petty Cash Book Date Details Total V. No. Post Travel Clean
1/1/2012 Opening Bal. 200.00 3/1/2012 Postage 1 2.50 5/1/2012 Taxi 2 7.50 Cleaning 3 12.00 3/1/2012 Postage €2.50 Voucher No. 1 5/1/2012 Taxi €7.50 Voucher No. 2 18/1/2012 Cleaning €12.00 Voucher No. 3 25/1/2012 Postage €5.50 Voucher No. 4

12 Petty Cash Book Date Details Total V. No. Post Travel Clean 25/1/2012
Postage €5.50 Voucher No. 4 Petty Cash Book Date Details Total V. No. Post Travel Clean 1/1/2012 Opening Bal. 200.00 3/1/2012 Postage 1 2.50 5/1/2012 Taxi 2 7.50 Cleaning 3 12.00 3/1/2012 Postage €2.50 Voucher No. 1 5/1/2012 Taxi €7.50 Voucher No. 2 18/1/2012 Cleaning €12.00 Voucher No. 3 25/1/2012 Postage €5.50 Voucher No. 4

13 Petty Cash Book Date Details Total V. No. Post Travel Clean
1/1/2012 Opening Bal. 200.00 3/1/2012 Postage 1 2.50 5/1/2012 Taxi 2 7.50 Cleaning 3 12.00 25/1/2012 4 5.50 3/1/2012 Postage €2.50 Voucher No. 1 5/1/2012 Taxi €7.50 Voucher No. 2 18/1/2012 Cleaning €12.00 Voucher No. 3 25/1/2012 Postage €5.50 Voucher No. 4

14 Petty Cash Book Date Details Total V. No. Post Travel Clean 31/1/2012
Balance c/d Petty Cash Book Date Details Total V. No. Post Travel Clean 1/1/2012 Opening Bal. 200.00 3/1/2012 Postage 1 2.50 5/1/2012 Taxi 2 7.50 Cleaning 3 12.00 25/1/2012 4 5.50 3/1/2012 Postage €2.50 Voucher No. 1 5/1/2012 Taxi €7.50 Voucher No. 2 18/1/2012 Cleaning €12.00 Voucher No. 3 25/1/2012 Postage €5.50 Voucher No. 4

15 1. Balance in on the short side
Petty Cash Book Date Details Total V. No. Post Travel Clean 1/1/2012 Opening Bal. 200.00 3/1/2012 Postage 1 2.50 5/1/2012 Taxi 2 7.50 Cleaning 3 12.00 25/1/2012 4 5.50 31/1/2012 Balance c/d 172.50 3/1/2012 Postage €2.50 Voucher No. 1 5/1/2012 Taxi €7.50 Voucher No. 2 18/1/2012 Cleaning €12.00 Voucher No. 3 25/1/2012 Postage €5.50 Voucher No. 4 Debit Credit 200 27.50 172.50

16 Petty Cash Book Date Details Total V. No. Post Travel Clean
2. Total Each Side Petty Cash Book Date Details Total V. No. Post Travel Clean 1/1/2012 Opening Bal. 200.00 3/1/2012 Postage 2.50 5/1/2012 Taxi 7.50 18/1/2012 Cleaning 12.00 25/1/2012 5.50 31/1/2012 Balance c/d 172.50 8.00

17 3. Bring down balance to opposite side
Petty Cash Book Date Details Total V. No. Post Travel Clean 1/1/2012 Opening Bal. 200.00 3/1/2012 Postage 2.50 5/1/2012 Taxi 7.50 18/1/2012 Cleaning 12.00 25/1/2012 5.50 31/1/2012 Balance c/d 172.50 8.00 1/2/2012 Balance b/d

18 Petty Cash Book Date Details Total V. No. Post Travel Clean
Restore the Imprest Petty Cash Book Date Details Total V. No. Post Travel Clean 1/1/2012 Opening Bal. 200.00 3/1/2012 Postage 2.50 5/1/2012 Taxi 7.50 18/1/2012 Cleaning 12.00 25/1/2012 5.50 31/1/2012 Balance c/d 172.50 8.00 1/2/2012 Balance b/d Imprest 27.50

19 Petty Cash Sample Q2 Record the following transactions in the petty cash book: 1/2/2012 Opening Petty Cash Book balance €200 3/2/2012 Paper €4.50 Voucher No. 11 5/2/2012 Bus fare €3.50 Voucher No /2/2012 Detergents €21.00 Voucher No /2/2012 Envelopes €5.50 Voucher No. 14 Balance the account at the end of the month and restore the imprest Use the following headings: Stationery, Travel, Cleaning

20 Petty Cash Book Date Details Total V. No. Stationery Travel Clean
1/1/2012 Opening Petty Cash Book balance €200

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