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Agenda Welcome – Introductions & Class Expectations PeopleSoft - eProcurement Overview Intro to the online tool Demo how to create a Requisition - Small.

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Presentation on theme: "Agenda Welcome – Introductions & Class Expectations PeopleSoft - eProcurement Overview Intro to the online tool Demo how to create a Requisition - Small."— Presentation transcript:


2 Agenda Welcome – Introductions & Class Expectations PeopleSoft - eProcurement Overview Intro to the online tool Demo how to create a Requisition - Small Cost Demo - Online inquiries & running queries Break Demo how to create a Purchase Order & a Receipt Demo Questions & Answers Introduction to UPK Create a Req for a SW Contract Individual Work on UPK - Create a Req for RFB Asset Accounts Payable/Asset Management Integration Next Steps in Training Questions & Answers

3 Introductions Tony MelaniJoni

4 Expectations for Today’s Class Introduction to PeopleSoft eProcurement Overview of PeopleSoft eProcurement Process Flow Demonstrate how eProcurement works Examples Introduction to UPK Hands-on Testing Instructions on how to use at your desk Expectations You will not leave this class as an expert of the system You will leave with a knowledge of how the process works You will leave with a good knowledge of how to use the UPK tool to increase your knowledge of the system We have 3 hours scheduled – Please hold questions to the end

5 Why did the County choose PeopleSoft? Replace systems that are out of date or failing; take advantage of current technology Implement one integrated system to replace multiple stand-alone and “shadow” systems Ensure access to real-time reporting to support decision making Look at doing business a new way: be more efficient, use data better, be more accountable Allows the County to implement an “off the shelf” solution with little customization

6 36

7 Glossary - New Terms (Link to the PeopleSoft Glossary) (Link to the PeopleSoft Glossary) Query Dispatching Category Matching – 2 Way Matching – 3 Way Suppliers Program Sourcing Voucher

8 Glossary - New Terms Link to the PeopleSoft Glossary) Link to the PeopleSoft Glossary) Old AMS TermNew PeopleSoft Term Match 2-way - Purchase Order to the Voucher (Services, Blanket, amount only) Match 3-way - Purchase Order, Invoice/Voucher and Receipt (Goods) ObjectAccount Agency/DeptDepartment VendorBidder or a Supplier Master AgreementContract POContract or PO AgencyDepartment GAXDirect Pay Voucher Commodity CodeItem Category ActivityProgram Money is available in the Budget. Not Encumbered Provisionally Valid DO (Delivery Order)Purchase Order Requisition ClerkRequester Smart NumbersSystem Generated Numbers - Robust Queries InvoiceVoucher

9 Process Review – Small Cost Reqs Requester / Agency 1. Enters Req info into PS. (Req Name = "SM - ", Supplier, Category, Description, Accounting Info, Line Detail Info, Shipping info etc) 3. Source the Req to a PO (budget check the req) 4. Dispatches PO to Supplier 6. Receives product in PS Approver 2. Approves Req Buyer Bidders / Suppliers 5. Receives emailed PO Contracts

10 Process Review –Contract Purchase

11 Process Review – RFP – “BID” Requester / Agency 1. Enters Req info into PS. Sets Supplier to "BID" and provides draft RFP/Specs to C&P 3. Provides RFP document & Notification Letter to C&P buyer and agency attorney if necessary 5. Reviews RFP Packet and obtains Department Director approval 14. Delivers Agreement to Supplier for signature 19. Receives Signed Contract - Sends to Supplier Selection Committee 9. Reviews / Evaluates Proposals 10a. Interviews and Scores Finalists Agency Approver 2. Approves Req Buyer 4. Receives & Prepares RFP Packet 6. Posts RFP and Issue Notification 8. Prepares Committee Packets, Reviews / Evaluates Proposals 10. Facilitates Scoring and Interviews 11. Prepares Recommendati on for Mayor's Approval 12. Prepares Agreement Request for Attorney 21. Cancels Original Req Bidders / Suppliers 7. Responds to RFP Solicitation 10c. Interviews (if necessary) 15. Signs Contract and returns to County 20. Receives Signed Contract and begins work Contracts 16. Sends contract to Mayor for signature 18. Enters Executed Contract in SIRE and PS - sends copy to Agency Attorneys 3a. Reviews RFP document 13. Prepares Agreement and Sends to Agency Mayor 12. Approves Recommendati on 17. Signs Contract

12 eProcurement Demo PS - Test Link PS - Test Link

13 UPK – eProcurement 9.2

14 Accounts Payable AP Mailbox – – Subject Line N/A (Mark on the subject line if the payment is a “Rush” – Attachments PO Vouchers – Supplier Name / PO Number Direct Payment – Supplier Name

15 Accounts Payable – Attachments (continued) Excel Upload File – Use same description for PO Vouchers/Direct Payment Vendor/Supplier Mailbox – – Supplier name included on subject line

16 PO/Non-PO Invoice Expectations Invoice Approvals Required Information on Invoices – Supplier Code – Accounting Distribution (Direct Payment) Fund Agency Department Account Program (if applicable) Project BU/ID/Activity (if applicable)

17 Matching Expectations Match Exceptions Report Issues resolved by: – County Departments – Accounts Payable – Contracts & Procurement

18 Excel Upload Files Allows for the mass upload of invoices when: – Multiple invoices/accounting lines – Similar payments to multiple Suppliers Excel Upload for Non-PO Vouchers Excel Upload for PO Vouchers

19 Next Steps….. Make time at your desk and go through the UPKs Proficiency takes time and practice… Practice… Don’t be afraid to make a mistake Post Questions – FAQ – PeopleSoft page (Procurement FAQs) System goes live January 1, 2014 Hands-On Lab January 6 th (afternoon) January 7 th (morning) January 14 th (afternoon) January 16 th (morning) May schedule more if needed Hands-on work Bring actual work… we will access the production database

20 Questions & Comments

21 Glossary - New Terms (Link to the PeopleSoft Glossary) (Link to the PeopleSoft Glossary) Query Dispatching Category Matching – 2 Way Matching – 3 Way Suppliers Program Sourcing Voucher

22 Expectations for Today’s Class Introduction to PeopleSoft eProcurement Overview of PeopleSoft eProcurement Process Flow Demonstrate how eProcurement works Examples Introduction to UPK Hands-on Testing Instructions on how to use at your desk Expectations You will not leave this class as an expert of the system You will leave with a knowledge of how the process works You will leave with a good knowledge of how to use the UPK tool to increase your knowledge


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