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Travel Advance Request E- Payment In the RF CUNY Website, Sing in 1.Go to forms 2. Click OTPS/Purchasing 3.Under accounts Payable find Travel Advance form.

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Presentation on theme: "Travel Advance Request E- Payment In the RF CUNY Website, Sing in 1.Go to forms 2. Click OTPS/Purchasing 3.Under accounts Payable find Travel Advance form."— Presentation transcript:

1 Travel Advance Request E- Payment In the RF CUNY Website, Sing in 1.Go to forms 2. Click OTPS/Purchasing 3.Under accounts Payable find Travel Advance form ( for e-payment) 4. Complete form and obtain necessary approval signature 5. Attach Copies of: Original receipts for expenses, including airline, toll charges, car rental, meeting registration. Copies of the conference brochure, seminar agenda, hotel bill, or other evidence of duration of the trip. Copy of the Travel Advance request if payment was obtained. 6. Send complete form, with attachments to the RF OTPS Team A check for the net amount due to the traveler will be issued after receipt of properly completed Travel Expense Voucher and Request for Payment and all required supporting documentation. 7. Keep a copy of entire submission for your records 8. For additional information refer to the instruction s in the back of the from. Bar-coded form, ORSP at Lehman 1.Obtain Travel Advance request form from ORSP at Lehman College (SH-303) 2. Follow steps from 4 to 7 from above

2 Travel Expense and Request for Payment E- Payment In the RF CUNY Website, Sing in 1.Go to forms 2. Click OTPS/Purchasing 3.Under accounts Payable find Travel Expense form ( for e-payment) 4. Complete form and obtain necessary approval signature 5. Attach Copies of: Original receipts for expenses, including airline, toll charges, car rental, meeting registration. Copies of the conference brochure, seminar agenda, hotel bill, or other evidence of duration of trip. Copy of the Travel Advance request if payment was obtained. 6. Send complete form, with attachments to the RF OTPS Team A check for the net amount due to the traveler will be issued after receipt of properly completed Travel Expense Voucher and Request for Payment and all required supporting documentation. 7. Keep a copy of entire submission for your records 8. For additional information refer to the instruction s in the back of the from. Bar-coded form, ORSP at Lehman 1.Obtain Travel Advance request form from ORSP at Lehman College (SH-303) 2. Follow steps from 4 to 7 from above

3 Submitting t for Purchase Equipment and other supplies 1.Obtain both forms from ORSP at Lehman College (SH-303) Purchase Requisition (more than $ 5000) 2. Complete form and obtain necessary approval signature 3. Submit an equipment Screening Certificate ( Found in the RF CUNY website) signed by an authorized college official. 4.Attach three written bids and /or justifications for vendor selection if total cost exceeds $15,000/$25,000. 5. If sole vendor ( attach supporting documentation) 6. State or City contract number 7. If there are orders containing chemical substances a Material Safety Data Sheets will be requested from the vendor selected. 8. Send complete form, with attachments to the RF OTPS Team 7. Keep a copy of entire submission for your records 8. For additional information refer to the ORSP office team at Lehman. Small Order Form ( Purchase less than $ 5000) 2. Complete form and obtain necessary signature. 3. After having all the information of the vendor, return completed form to the OTPS Team for processing. 4.If there are orders containing chemical substances a Material Safety Data Sheets will be requested from the vendor selected. 5. Keep a copy of submission for your records 6.For additional information refer to the ORSP office team at Lehman. How to Submit for purchases less than $5000 and more than $5000

4 1. Letter of Intent 2. Budget 3. Budget Justification 4. Scope of Work To go of Prime Institution Optional: Biosketches Current & Pending COI Optional: Biosketches Current & Pending COI

5 1. Effort/ Fringe /F&A Budget 2. No cost sharing 3. Letters of Support ( If applicable) 4. Fonts, Margins, ect 5. Proposal Summary page complete 6. COI (compliance document) release time 7. Bio sketch in appropriate format 8. No errors in CAYUSE 9. Review Program Announcement 10. CAYUSE Profile NSF/NIH ID user/password Proposal Checklist NSF-Data management/ Post Doc mentoring NIH-SFI Forms NSF-Data management/ Post Doc mentoring NIH-SFI Forms

6 1. Scope of Work 2. Letter of Commitment go 3. Budget 4. Budget Narrative (Justification) 5. Biosketch (CV) Formatted for NIH or NSF, Key senior Person 6. Review Sponsor Guidelines Sub award Requirements (collaborations) 7. COI disclosure Language

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