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Introduction to Upgraded Version of UTS(T-Pax) PSC Travel Branch.

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction to Upgraded Version of UTS(T-Pax) PSC Travel Branch."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction to Upgraded Version of UTS(T-Pax) PSC Travel Branch

2 UTS (Tpax) Index Page Initial Logon & Profile Information Request for Travel Authorization Request for Travel Advance Request for Travel Settlement Request for Travel Voucher Summary (TVS) Request for Supplemental Retrieve Claim Request Questions? To return to Index Page…

3 Welcome to UTS Version 6.05 Upgraded Version More user friendly Easier to navigate Additional features –Print TVS –Status of UTS & Manual claims –Retrieve Request –Est. Cost/Reimbursement

4 Initial Logon & Profile Information First Initial Log on –Required Information on Address & Information tabs Update profile as changes occur

5 Initial Logon & Profile Information First Initial Log on –Required Fields –Authentication Information used for Forgotten Password feature –Default AO is not a required field –Passwords are to be 8 alpha/numeric characters

6 Request for Travel Authorization From the main traveler’s screen –Click the Fill Out button for options of forms –Travel Authorization is electronic orders

7 Request for Travel Authorization Type in the TONO, Type of Order, and complete the Description of orders, dates –Organization fields will prefill from profile when tabbed passed –Select appropriate Fund Type –End date will auto fill if number of days is completed & vice versa Click the “What’s Authorized” tab

8 Request for Travel Authorization Entitlements authorized on orders. –This screen will change including more specific entitlements Check appropriate blocks Click OK

9 Request for Travel Authorization When reaching this screen, click the Add Itinerary button on the Entitlement tab to enter the itinerary If modifying an existing order or settlement, highlight the leg to be changed and click the View/Modify button

10 Request for Travel Authorization What’s Authorized tab is where you indicate what major mode of travel is authorized. Verify information and click on Itinerary tab

11 Request for Travel Authorization When entering in the itinerary and reach the location, a separate screen appears (Location traveler departed from or arrived to) Enter two character code for the state or type full name of state/country Enter City if Conus – pay close attention to county codes (or type in zip codes if known) make sure county designation is correct Enter Locality if Oconus

12 Request for Travel Authorization This is a completed itinerary Note the lodging taxes have been added to the itinerary – this is the nightly rate for taxes same as the nightly lodging rate System is now connected to DTOD and mileage will pre-fill when in conus IAW JFTR When completed, click reimbursables tab

13 Request for Travel Authorization Click the Reimbursable tab to enter in expenses When completed, click OK

14 Request for Travel Authorization When you return to this screen, click the Next button or click on the Calculations tab to view Estimated Cost of Orders or Estimated reimbursement

15 Request for Travel Authorization After verifying the calculations on this screen, click the Next button or click on the Financial tab to enter in the accounting information

16 Request for Travel Authorization On the Financial tab verify the estimated obligation and then click on the Modify Accounting button

17 Request for Travel Authorization Enter the assigned accounting string, hit tab button into the amount field and it will pre-fill with the estimated amount when you tab to the field Click the OK button

18 Request for Travel Authorization If remarks are required click the Remarks tab.

19 Request for Travel Authorization Enter in Remarks necessary (limit 10 lines) Note – these remarks will appear on documentation/forms –Orders –Settlements –Advances –Supplementals Click OK

20 Request for Travel Authorization When all tabs are completed, you may click the Daily Calcs button to see what is being obligated to each day or to make daily changes to lodging or meals Click OK when finished

21 Request for Travel Authorization You will return to main traveler view Highlight the appropriate document by clicking on the desired line once Click the Send to AO button The Default AO will auto fill – or you may type in a different AO as needed Click enter to complete the name field (drop down menu should disappear) Click the OK button

22 Request for Travel Authorization Enter in Secondary Password and click the OK button Status on that line will change from Entered to Awaiting Authorization

23 Request for Advance Member may request advance of funds on an authorization already in the system Click the Fill Out button and click Request for Advance

24 Request for Advance Type in appropriate Tono or click on the order number itself Click the OK button

25 Request for Advance Once the tono is selected, click the calculations tab to see entitlement information that was entered on the authorization –If an authorization was not done in the UTS system, member will need to complete the entitlement section of the advance to get the information on the calculations tab Max. amount of advance is located in the Total row under the Total column (example: $172.50) or at the bottom of the screen Enter advance amount requested in the advance authorized field Click Financial Tab

26 Request for Advance On the Financial tab, click the Modify Accounting button to enter appropriate advance amount in the accounting string

27 Request for Advance If Amount field is incorrect, tab over and system should enter amount requested. Click OK button

28 Request for Advance At this screen, the member can print the advance request, then click OK to complete the request

29 Request for Advance Highlight the Advance request by clicking on the line once Click Send to AO button Default AO will pre-fill or member can type a different AO into the field Click OK Enter in secondary password and click OK Advance is now in an Awaiting Authorization Status

30 Request for Settlement Click the Fill Out button and Request for Settlement

31 Request for Settlement Member can select an existing tono by highlighting it or a new tono by typing it into the tono field.

32 Request for Settlement Most fields are auto filled from the authorization if the authorization was input into system Input settlement information just as you would fill these fields out in the authorization section

33 Request for Settlement If entitlements need to be entered, click on the Entitlement tab (or if changes need to be made from original authorization) Click Add Itinerary if it is not there or click View/Modify to make changes to existing Itinerary

34 Request for Settlement Verify the major mode of transportation on the What’s Authorized tab Click the Next button or click on the Actual Itinerary tab

35 Request for Settlement Enter the Itinerary or make the necessary changes from the authorization form Note: Lodging and taxes are based on a per night rate…Do not use total amounts Miles are filled based on the DTOD tables

36 Request for Settlement Click on the Reimbursable tab Make the necessary adjustments from the authorization or input any other reimbursable expense on this screen Note: IBOP is a field for “Where did you spend US currency for this item” and it defaults to US Click the OK button

37 Request for Settlement Click the Calculations tab to verify estimated amount of travel reimbursement (Due member) Click the Next button or the Financial tab

38 Request for Settlement Amount due traveler Click Modify Accounting even if only making changes to authorization Note: split payments are not available at this time

39 Request for Settlement Enter accounting string if needed Tab through to the amount field and verify auto entry Click the OK button

40 Request for Settlement Click on the Remarks tab to enter any comments or justifications Note: these comments will appear on all documents/forms Click the OK button

41 Request for Settlement Once you have completed your settlement request and clicked on the OK button, you will be returned to the Main Traveler View screen Click the Send to AO button, highlight the AO’s name and double click to fill the field Click OK and enter password

42 Request TVS Once any settlement is in a COMPLETED status, the member can request a TVS (Travel Voucher Summary) on that tono regardless if it was a UTS(T-Pax) originated claim or a manual claim processed by PSC Tvl Branch

43 Request TVS Scroll using the right arrow key to find the status of the settlement you are wanting a TVS on If it is in a completed status, highlight it by clicking the line once Click the Print button

44 Request TVS If the claim in fact is in a completed status, two options for printing will appear Click the Print Travel Voucher to print the document to local printer

45 Request TVS Member’s printers will be listed, select the appropriate printer and click print

46 Request for Supplemental Claim When it has been determined that there was an error on a previously completed claim, a supplemental claim may be done From the main Traveler View screen, click the fill out button and click Request for Settlement.

47 Request for Supplemental Claim Select the appropriate tono from the Travel Order Selection screen by clicking it once to highlight and then click OK.

48 Request for Supplemental Claim The main Settlement Against an Order screen will appear with the type of settlement indicating it is a supplemental Click on the appropriate tab/button and only add or delete the missing or incorrect information

49 Request for Supplemental Claim Click on the Entitlement tab to see each leg of the trip, highlight the one to be changed Click on View Modify button to go to the itinerary or click on Add Itinerary to add an additional leg

50 Request for Supplemental Claim Click on the tab that needs to be changed Enter in the appropriate changes –In this case we are adding parking to reimbursables Click the OK button

51 Request for Supplemental Claim Click on the Calculations button to verify the changes Verify final total amount –Due Member –Due US Click Next or Financial tab

52 Request for Supplemental Claim Verify amount Due Traveler/US Click Modify Accounting button even though accounting string is present

53 Request for Supplemental Claim Verify the accounting string is correct Scroll to the right using the right arrow to ensure the proper amount (positive or negative) is in the amount field Click the OK button

54 Request for Supplemental Claim Click on the Remarks tab to enter comments or justification for supplemental Note: remarks will appear on the documentation/forms Click the OK button Continue to process supplemental by sending the claim to the AOsending the claim to the AO

55 Retrieve Claim Request Retrieve Request feature is for two specific cases –Retrieving document from AO prior to approval –Taking control of document after PSC Travel returns it to member Highlight appropriate claim by clicking once on line Click File and Retrieve Request Document is now back in the control of the member for any necessary actions It is important to read Remarks for any additional comments made

56 If you have any questions: Contact PSC Customer Care Branch at: 1-866-PSC-USCG (772-8724) 1-866-PSC-USCG (772-8724) or you may email them at: "" ""

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