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Join the world’s fastest growing Racket Sport Christoph Krenn (AUT), World Champion 2009.

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1 Join the world’s fastest growing Racket Sport Christoph Krenn (AUT), World Champion 2009

2 Rules of Racketlon You play your opponent in the order Tabletennis, Badminton, Squash and Tennis Four sets (one in each sport) first to 21 points (two points difference at 20:20) Running score, each rally counts Gummiarm (one single serve in Tennis) decides in Tennis if score is equal after four sets Lots are drawn once before the match who serves in Tabletennis and Squash. Opponent serves in Badminton and Tennis Each player serves twice in all sports before change of service Change ends when one player has 11 points in each set All other rules of the individual sports apply

3 History/Organization of FIR 1988/89 Racketlon tournaments in Finland and Sweden 2001 First World Championships in Gothenburg 2003 FIR World Tour started IRF founded in 2005 Gothenburg, Sweden FIR established in Austria FIR head office in Vienna FIR has 40 member countries FIR Council with 9 members from 9 countries FIR Executive-President Marcel Weigl Annual General Meeting with all the member countries Around 2500 players on FIR World Rankings

4 40 FIR member countries (1.12.2014) 27 EUROPE Armenia Austria Belgium Bulgaria Czech Republic Denmark England Estonia Finland France Germany Greece Hungary Ireland Italy Latvia Liechtenstein Macedonia Netherlands Poland Romania Russia Scotland Slovakia Slovenia Sweden Switzerland 6 ASIA Hong Kong, China India Iraq Israel Malaysia Turkey 2 AFRICA Ghana South Africa 3 AMERICA Brazil Canada USA 2 OCEANIA Australia New Zealand Potential new members China Egypt Iceland Luxemburg Malta Portugal Ukraine Zimbabwe

5 Aims for the future and 2015 A recognized worldwide sport SportAccord member The game also attracts the world class stars of the individual racket sports World Tour 2015 with 16 tournaments in 14 countries 1 st European Championships, November 2015 1 st European University Championships in Szombathely/Hungary from 16 – 18 June 2015

6 Join the World of the fastest growing Racket Sport Racketlon – One Game, Four Sets, One thrilling Show Copyright: FIR December 2014

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