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United Way Start Ups in Africa JM Tuakli MD, MPH Savoy Hotel, London, England October 29, 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "United Way Start Ups in Africa JM Tuakli MD, MPH Savoy Hotel, London, England October 29, 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 United Way Start Ups in Africa JM Tuakli MD, MPH Savoy Hotel, London, England October 29, 2014

2 JM Tuakli MD, MPH Savoy Hotel, London, England October 29, 2014 United Way Start Ups in Africa

3 United Way in Africa “Men can starve from a lack of self realization as much as they can from a lack of bread — Richard Wright, Native Son May 25, 2015 3

4 Start Ups - United Ways in Africa Regional Overview Second largest and second most populous continent (after Asia) Total Population: 1.111 billion (2013) Has fastest-growing middle class in the world; 313 million people Economic Growth rate: (expected) 5.2% in 2014 Urban/Rural: 40%/60% (2010) 70% of population under 30 500 million people have mobile phones Among the 25 RGMs are Ghana, Egypt, Nigeria and South Africa at rates between 2.8% to > 7.5% In eight of the last 10 years, Africa’s lion states have grown faster than the Asian tigers. The fastest-growing economy in the world in 2011 (at 13%) was Ghana May 25, 2015 4

5 Start Ups - United Ways in Africa United Way Context Less than 15% of the regional population covered by local United Ways Annual revenue in 2013 < USD 200,000 Primary source of funding – corporate grants (not GCL) and events United Way Ghana (11 years; undergoing retrenchment) United Way Nigeria (12 years; recently delisted due to local registration dispute; re-start expected in 2014) United Way Uganda (10 years; currently on membership probation) Newly established United Way in South Africa; former partner in South Africa (Community Chest) terminated membership in 2013 Former member in Kenya de-listed; Process of establishing a new United Way in Kenya underway May 25, 2015 5

6 Start Ups - United Ways in Africa Strengths Brand recognition low therefore United Way an open page Alignment with MDG’s* / national development goals Africa Rising - present time of opportunity Growing middle class Aging, prosperous Diaspora Young population (70% under 35 years age) Global Standards espouse transparency United Way addresses root cause of multi-issue needs; Holistic approach *Millennium Development Goals May 25, 2015 6

7 Start Ups - United Ways in Africa Challenges United Way brand name and operational model complex Colonial familiarity only just waning in favor of New World (US) Charity and Philanthropy seen as one and same, reinforced by newspapers replete with “local philanthropists giving succor or supplies to….” Philanthropy as provision of infrastructure for opportunities to those who would otherwise not have, not yet appreciated Resource flow still considered an outside - in activity; Trade, Aid, volunteers, development monies, etc. Dependency mindset Attracting the right managerial talent Volunteerism not intrinsic culturally outside family structures May 25, 2015 7

8 Start Ups - United Ways in Africa Challenges (continued) Leadership models different (Feudal vs Servant Leadership) Non governmental organizations (NGO) generally not esteemed Reluctance of high net worth individuals to publicize wealth Board start up sponsorship expectation May 25, 2015 8

9 Start Ups - United Ways in Africa Leveraging Strengths; Overcoming Challenges Develop and market a signature, regional issue Build sustainable succession structures Provide real time mentorship with successful, similar LUW elsewhere Be uncompromising in ensuring right Board membership Provide extensive up front sensitization and training to prospective Board members on “What is United Way” and role of United Way Board member Institute process of signed MOU with each new Board member that clarifies role expectations and financial obligations UWW to ensure on-the-ground admin. support early on to keep the momentum going Implement a “pre-qualification” process prior to embarking on application for UWW membership May 25, 2015 9

10 Thank you

11 Start Ups - United Ways in Africa Opportunities A single, regional, signature issue High mobile phone and IT penetration Fastest growing markets in the world Role of women changing; point of leverage Growing need for United Way given ineffective nongovernmental sector Indigenous corporate Foundations growing rapidly offer United Way role as resource, advisor and facilitator Desire for change May 25, 2015 11

12 Start Ups - United Ways in Africa Challenges (continued) Need emphasis on constant education ID of Local support sources Global awareness Corporate coaching and education needed locally but can be helped by US /parent office Aid language feeds into culture of dependency May 25, 2015 12

13 Start Ups - United Ways in Africa Threats Growth of Corporate Foundations; everyone wants to do their own thing (and be recognized for it) Single issue NGOs easier to understand and support May 25, 2015 13

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