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Strategic Marketing. Outline Overview Market leaders Industry future and challenges Q&A References.

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Presentation on theme: "Strategic Marketing. Outline Overview Market leaders Industry future and challenges Q&A References."— Presentation transcript:

1 Strategic Marketing

2 Outline Overview Market leaders Industry future and challenges Q&A References

3 Overview

4 Insurance Industry Overview The role of the insurance sector is to be a cornerstone of the Saudi financial services sector by providing reliable risk transfer mechanisms, promoting long-term savings, and being a key enabler of a healthy Saudi economy The industry has emerged as one of the fastest growing insurance industries in GCC and across the world Regarding the global economic crisis the insurance industry has marinated its 30-35% annual growth rate The first Saudi Arabian legislation regulating insurance was enacted in 2003 The regulator is the Saudi Arabian Monetary Agency (SAMA)

5 Regulatory Environment Co-operative Insurance Regulations Foreign Ownership Management and finances Board members, senior managers, mergers and takeovers of insurance companies must be approved by SAMA. Any change of ownership in shares exceeding 5% must be notified to SAMA. SAMA has the right to set minimum and maximum limits of cover and of premiums Retention of risk must not be below 30%

6 Gross Written Premiums 2006-2010 Industry Growth

7 Industry Drivers Low Penetration (total insurance premiums to gross domestic product) Insurance Density (total insurance premiums to total population) The number of companies is increasing Strong government spending Economic diversification are likely to increase the number of persons opting for insurance plans

8 Market Leaders

9 It was the steppingstone to create a viable insurance industry in Saudi Arabia Providing all types of insurance invested heavily in the development of professional Saudi insurance employees Contributed to the education and awareness of the society in regards to insurance Developed new strategies and business plans concentrate on improvements in customer service, new products, and internal working environment

10 Others Companies Long experience New products Customer satisfaction Work environment Long experience Tailor-maid solutions International Experience Specialized in healthcare Market Share for 2011

11 Others Companies Market Share for 2010

12 Strategic Group For Insurance Industry Service & Credibility Extend of ProductsLow High Malath ACIG

13 Industry Future and Challenges

14 Industry Future Takaful, Islamic insurance will be the fastest growing segments in the insurance industry in Saudi Arabia and expected to reach 12 billions in 2015 The share of gross health insurance is likely to reach around 60% by 2015 Non-life penetration will rise from 0.98% in 2010 to 1.25% by 2015 General insurance sector is expected to grow around 13% from 2011-2015

15 Challenges Issues with Islamic finance increasing levels of competition Lack of awareness No official organization No specialized human resources Moral Hazards and Frauds Too many parties involved in the process Official organization (SAMA) Insurance companies Service providers Customers (insured)

16 Q&A

17 References px “Saudi Arabia Insurance Market Analysis”, Research report by RNCOS

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