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HOT WORK PROCEDURES Welding and Hot Work, such as brazing or grinding present a significant opportunity for fire and injury. CCR Title 8 Sub Chapter 7,

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Presentation on theme: "HOT WORK PROCEDURES Welding and Hot Work, such as brazing or grinding present a significant opportunity for fire and injury. CCR Title 8 Sub Chapter 7,"— Presentation transcript:

1 HOT WORK PROCEDURES Welding and Hot Work, such as brazing or grinding present a significant opportunity for fire and injury. CCR Title 8 Sub Chapter 7, sections , & sections

2 Welding / Hot Work Procedures
Hot Work Procedures Are - Any activity which results in sparks, fire, molten slag, or hot material which has the potential to cause fires or explosion. All combustibles shall be relocated at least 35 feet from the work site. Where relocation is impractical, combustibles shall be protected with flameproof covers, shielded with metal guards, curtains or wet down to help prevent ignition of materials. Where cutting or welding is done near walls, partitions, ceiling, or a roof of combustible construction, fire-resistant shields or guards shall be provided to prevent ignition. Ducts, conveyor systems, and piping that might carry sparks to distant combustibles shall be protected, shut down or closed off. Designate a fire watch, a second fire watch may be required on the back side of walls were welding is taking place.

3 Welding / Hot Work Procedures (continued)
Portable welding curtains or shields installed to protect other workers in area Insure “Hot Work Permit” is initiated. By Supervisor Required PPE on site. Respirator or dust mask Gloves Face shield with required tent protection Equipment inspected: hoses, fittings, tips cleaned, regulators & gages, electric leads checked, correct voltage setting on unit, e.g…

4 When Cutting or Welding Shall “Not Be Permitted”
In areas not authorized by management. If sprinkler protection is impaired. In potentially explosive atmospheres, e.g…a flammable atmosphere. In storage areas of exposed, readily ignitable materials. Were dust accumulation is 1/16 of an inch within 35 feet of the area. All dust accumulation shall be removed before welding / hot work is started.

5 The Fire Watch It is their ONLY duty, during welding.
How to operate a fire extinguisher to extinguish a fire. Not to cool beer! Know location of fire alarm and how to activate. Remain on site at least one half hour after completion of work.

6 Fire Prevention Measures
Welding areas should meet the following requirements: Floors swept & cleared of combustibles 35 ft. radius of work area. Flammable and combustible liquids kept 35 ft. radius of work area. Adequate ventilation providing 20 air changes per hour Suction hood or fan – draw air out of area At least one Co2 or dry chemical fire extinguisher – on site Protective dividers to contain sparks and slag Welding curtains Non-combustible walls Fire resistant tarps & blankets

7 SOP – Electric Welding Perform Safety Check:
Ensure electrical cord, electrode holder and cables are free from defects – no cable splices within 10 feet of electrode holder. Ensure welding unit is properly grounded. This helps to avoid over heating All defective equipment shall be repaired or replaced before using. Remove all jewelry – rings, watches, bracelets, etc… Ensure PPE e.g.. welding hood, gloves, rubber boots or soled shoes, apron, fume mask are available and in good condition. Ensure fire extinguisher is charged and available. Ensure adequate ventilation and lighting is in place. Set Voltage Regulator to Manufactures specifications. Avoid electrical shock DON’T wrap cables around any body part.

8 SOP – Gas Welding Perform Safety Checks: Ensure fittings are tight
Inspect hoses for for cuts and frayed areas. Repair or replace any defective equipment before using Set gauges to desired PSI. Ensure that sufficient PPE is made available – they are ? Fire extinguisher charged and ready. Locate welding screens to protect employee’s – DON’T block you exit. Ensure that adequate ventilation and lighting are in place.

9 Hot Work Permit Identifies the procedures to be followed:
Managers / Supervisors Employee performing the welding Fire watch Contractors Permit remains on the job site Exceptions to the permit requirements General Safety Rules for Welding, Cutting and Hot Work Permit and check list.

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