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1 Innovations in Vehicle Depollution Presented by: Ernie Jackson


3 Our industry has changed a lot in 20 years! 1.Analyze your cost to depollute vehicle. 2.Find buyers!! Companies want your oil, fuel, coolant, cats 3.Streamline your labor cost. 4.Implement a depollution protocol that is teachable, measurable & accountable

4 Cost vs. Return How long will it take to see a return on your investment? Determine your needs vs. what a manufacturer wants to sell you.

5 New Ideas for an Old Problem! FIRE New Jersey, Oct. 2013 Oklahoma, Aug. 2013 Idaho, July 2013 N. Carolina, Oct. 2013 N. Carolina, Oct. 2013

6 FACTS about fires… Tire Fires burn at 2000 degrees and spread at rate of 2 sq. ft/ 5 minutes. Water is useless in extinguishing tire fires. Typical fire can require over 1,000,000 gallons of water to combat it. Water will explode if used to fight high temperature fires. Fire treating “foams” have limited effects on specific types of fires. Fires have several classifications, with each classification requiring specific methods and products to control and extinguish them. Reaction time is the best way to slow the spread of any fire.

7 Combating Fires. What can you do? 1 st - You are not firefighters, so don’t ask your employees to do more than they are trained to do. 2 nd – Install a fire extinguishing plan that utilizes bio-degradable, environmentally-friendly by-products that require less water usage. 3 rd – If you have a larger facility, consider installing a discharge extinguishing system into your water sprinkler system to quickly extinguish fires before they spread. 4 th – Call the experts to help lay out a plan.

8 Tying it all together….. Just like when you depollute a vehicle, you are trying to keep the gas, diesel, oil, coolant, brake fluid off the ground and away from water supplies. The same applies for preventing and fighting fires at your facility. Besides the pollution the fire sends into the atmosphere, the run-off from the water used in fighting fires has the same harmful effect on the environment. As a provider of innovative vehicle depollution equipment, I want to make sure that I provide you with the most innovate clean up tools available if you do find yourself having to deal with a fire at your facility.

9 Best practice example: FIRE Insurance deal Scandinavia: A new SEDA customer will get lower fire insurance costs and can save up to 20% ! Reason: the system is a closed system from the car tank into the storage reservoir, there is no hand rolling, dripping or spilling, so the risk of fire is much more less then without SEDA. (ex-rated equipment) Container Solution, Scandinavia Europe view: General conditions and responsibilities for the ELV Recycling Industry will change! The Benefits of this agreement: 1)Customers benefit from modern and safe equipment and a good reputation. 2)Customers benefit from lower insurance costs and higher rare material quality. 3)Safety standards for dangerous fluids for members of the organization.

10 Drainage Station Canada 2006 Fluid Extraction Germany 2002 ELV de- pollution Japan 2008 Environmental friendly Fuel de-pollution is a global problem „Take care about environmental damage & don’t lose important recycling resources!“

11 SPEED Efficient Easy to learn & do Little to no downtime HEALTH Fumes exposure Liquids exposure Ergonomics ENVIRONMENT Containment Extraction Rate (95%) Re-use/Re-sell/Recycle SAFETY minimized Risks Fire/Explosion Operator Accidents Trainings ECONOMIC lower operation cost time efficient profitable SEDA´s 5 steps of ELV dismantling and recycling Technology & processes hand in hand. SERVICE Service range Customer Service Education

12 Facts: Faster technical changes in shorter time than so far New specific requirements Quality faults and workers excessive demand Global adjustment SEDA Solution: Car manufacturer are our customers and partners Own research and development department and showroom Co-operation with VW, Porsche, Mercedes, Ford, Audi, Opel, MAN, Tesla,etc. Partner at world-wide conferences and trade fairs. Working together with Associations, Groups & Experts ARA, IRT, ARN, IARC, ACEA, and much more. Feedback development Mercedes, Germany

13 13 Where are car manufacturers, dismantling companies and at least the Industry itself, take the scrap car recycling business? We are there to support you and your business! Industrial ELV Recycling facilities. The Future?

14 THANK YOU FOR ATTENDING! ARA 70th Annual Convention & Exposition Diamond Sponsors

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