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Current activities of the SFS in Poland International Cooperation Department National Headquarters of the State Fire Service.

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1 Current activities of the SFS in Poland International Cooperation Department National Headquarters of the State Fire Service

2 Project activity in the Baltic Sea region European Territorial Cooperation Poland-Germany: common exercises and workshops; joint rope rescue team; additional rescue equipment Poland-Lithuania: specialized training for decontamination; additional CBRN equipment Erasmus+ Programme Poland-Sweden-Netherlands: firefighters exchange programme, common training

3 BaltPrevResilience „a better community awareness and resilience in Baltic Sea Region” From Gaps to Caps

4 Seventh Framework Programme: DESTRIERO ELITE PRACTICE SECTOR

5 FP7 DESTRIERO Developing a next generation post-crisis needs assessment tool for reconstruction and recovery planning. ELITE Knowledge gathering, categorisation, analysis and evaluation for the goal of post-crisis lessons learning process. To secure the best way for acquisition, categorisation, and analysis of tacit, fragmented knowledge acquired by crisis management responders, and to ensure best practice insights. PRACTICE To improve the preparedness and resilience of EU member states and associated countries from an attack by a terrorist group using non-conventional weapons, specifically an attack with CBRN materials. SECTOR establishing the foundations of future Common CCM Information Spaces by expanding the European scientific knowledge base on (cross- border) multi-agency CCM processes and the complications these imply when aiming at setting- up and design cross-border supporting information Systems

6 Other important activities in 2014

7 Reclassification of Heavy USAR Team IER 2014 Exercises - Żagań, 9-11 April 2014 Reclassification of the Polish Heavy USAR Team according to the INSARAG standards 92 rescuers, 12 rescue dogs IER Exercises gathered 350 participants including CZERT Medium USAR Team from Czech Republic and observers from Armenia, Belarus and Ukraine Exercises conducted in cooperation with the Police, Border Guard Service and Military Service

8 INSARAG AEME Regional Group Meeting Kraków, 1-2 November 2014 Meeting during the Polish Presidency in INSARAG AEME Regional Group, Organized together with the FCSS-INSARAG Secretariat 60 participants from 29 countries Agenda: development of search and rescue teams new INSARAG Guidelines Action Plan 2015-2017 for AEME Region

9 Specialized Rescue Conference Arłamów, 16-17 October 2014 3rd edition of International Scientific & Training Conference Preceded by signing the Agreement between the State Fire Service of Poland and the State Emergency Service of Ukraine Participants from Ukraine, Lithuania and Estonia Agenda: coordination of rescue operations disaster medicine specialized rescue scientific support communication

10 Humanitarian Aid for Ukraine 2014 Goal: transportation of humanitarian aid for Ukraine in 2014 Decision of the Ministry of Internal Affairs to assure the transportation of humanitarian aid (17 December 2014) Duration of mission: 18-22 December 2014 Relief items of Polish NGOs: PCK, Caritas, PCPM 39 trucks, 6 tons: food, sleeping bags, matterasses, blankets beds, clothes, etc. Total cost of the Polish Humanitarian Aid for Ukraine in 2014 – 7 millions PLN

11 Zgaś Ryzyko – „Extinguish the Risk” Programme Reducing the Number of Fire Victims Programme 2015-2024 reduce the number of fire victims - 30% till 2024 decrease the number of house fires and fire losses increase significance of fire prevention create the self-responsibility attitude of citizens build the coalition of stakeholders for better fire safety Safety areas: Man Building Rescue System

12 The National Centre for Research and Development (NCBiR) Satellite system of optoelectronic earth observation Project submitted together with the Polish MoD and MoI 2015 – scheduled consultations with Police, Border Guard Service, Fire Service Goal of the project: to build 2 satellites to secure the information provision and geospatial data for the defence and crisis management, public order authorities, fire service and border guard service Timeline: 2013-2021 Costs: 700 millions PLN

13 Contact: International Cooperation Department Multilateral Cooperation Division e-mail:

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