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Fundamentals of Instruction Training Presentation For conducting internal training.

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Presentation on theme: "Fundamentals of Instruction Training Presentation For conducting internal training."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fundamentals of Instruction Training Presentation For conducting internal training

2 INSTRUCTIONS This presentation deck is intended for individuals who are planning to deliver internal training. The recommendations for lesson structure and delivery contained within is designed to capitalize on the theoretical concepts regarding adult learners that are presented in Stage 2 of this lesson. Although this deck may be formally delivered in a group setting as a “Train the Trainer” session, you are encouraged to use it for the following purposes:  As an instructional reference. Detailed explanations for each slide are located in the Speaker Notes. Go to Normal View to read these in conjunction with the Slide content.  As a formatted lesson template. The format of this presentation deck is designed specifically in accordance with the lesson plan format outlined in Stage 3. Hence, this deck includes content (such as review questions) that is intended to provide further illustration.

3 Introduction  A conceptual framework for training delivery  Focus is on process (i.e. HOW) as opposed to content (i.e. WHAT)  Key deliverables for the trainer:  ramp-up is completed more efficiently  training is delivered more effectively  timelines are adhered to more accurately  essential objectives are met more consistently  Key deliverables for the trainee:  greater satisfaction  greater accountability

4 Objectives  Identify the desired characteristics of  the learning environment;  the trainer; and  the training lesson.


6 Elements in the Learning Environment  Seating  Noise  Ventilation  Lighting

7 Elements in the Learning Environment  Visuals  Projectors  Lecterns  Participants

8 Training Room Preparation  Orientation board  Training objective  Trainer name  Scheduled time  References  Training room arrangement  Materials

9 Training ObjectiveTrainer Name Timeframe Audience

10 Trainee Workstations Trainer Desk Projection Screen Whiteboard Training Room Arrangement Plan


12 Roles of Trainers  As a Leader  As an Evaluator  As a Coach  As a Tutor

13 Philosophy of Effective Training “Trainee centered learning is preferable to trainer centered learning.”

14 Characteristics of Trainees  Personality / self concept  Experience  Readiness to learn  Orientation to learn  Motivation

15 Characteristics of Effective Training  Supportive environment  Intellectual freedom  Trainee respect  Self-directed learning  Intellectual challenge  Active involvement  Regular feedback

16 Characteristics of Effective Trainers  Ability  Attitude  Activity  Articulation

17 Effective Training Techniques nterest omprehension mphasis articipation ccomplishment onfirmation

18 Interest  Motivation  Enthusiasm  Variety  Realism  Participation

19 Comprehension  Research and plan  Review  Ask questions  Observation  Handouts / assignments

20 Emphasis  Oral emphasis  Repetition  Reinforce  Time allocation  Handouts

21 Participation  Knowledge  Skill

22 Accomplishment  Motivation factor  Trainees should know…  Reinforce / extinguish

23 Confirmation  Questions  Practice  Exercises  Test  Assignments  Final word

24 Review  What is the most effective seating arrangement for training?  What does the acronym ICEPAC stand for and what does it refer to?  What items are included on an Orientation Board?  What is the key learning philosophy to remember?


26 Methods of Training  Lecture  Demonstration-Performance

27 Main Components of a Lesson Plan  Introduction  Body  Conclusion

28 10% for the Introduction 85% for the Body 5% for the Conclusion Time Allocation

29  The time to introduce yourself and the purpose of the lesson  Must answer the questions WHAT, WHERE and WHY  Must include the APPROACH and CONTROL STATEMENTS The Introduction

30 Introduction What the trainee will learn during the lesson Where it fits into training or it will be applied Why it is important to the trainee Approach “This lesson will be taught in five stages” Control “Please hold questions until after the demo” Check “There will be a practical check at the conclusion” Key Elements of the Introduction

31  The Body is the “meat” of your lesson  The Body is divided into stages, each of which must consist of the following:  Introduction;  Training Points; and  Practice and Confirmation.  The Body also contains a Final Summary The Body

32 Stage Introduction 1 x Question1 x Training Aid Repeat for Each Training Point Key Elements of the Body Demonstration and Discussion Practice and Confirmation Review and Questions Final Summary Explanation

33 Using Verbal Support omparisons easons xamples tatistics estimony

34 Using Questions – Purpose  Stimulate mental activity  Evaluate learning  Arouse and maintain interest  Guide and provoke thought  Emphasize problem-solving skills  Control training

35 Using Questions – Types  Lead off  Follow up  Overhead  Direct  Reverse and relay

36 Using Questions – Wording  Comprehension  Language  Difficulty  Relevance

37 Using Questions – Technique  Posing Questions  Handling Answers  Handling Questions

38 The Conclusion  Final portion of the lesson  Should never include new material

39 Conclusion Question to Class TP - 1 Question to Class TP - 2 Question to Class TP - 3 Review TPs “…we have discussed…” “Are there any questions?” Re-motivation Key Elements of the Conclusion

40 Ask Yourself…  When instructing, do I do the following?  Present detailed introductions?  Present material in a structured manner?  Ask periodic questions?  Summarize the lessons?

41 Review  In the Introduction, what 3 critical questions must you answer?  What other items are included in the Introduction?  What items are included in the Conclusion?  What elements are required to support each training point?

42 Summary  Identify the desired characteristics of  the learning environment;  the trainer; and  the training lesson.

43 Questions?

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