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Removal and Disposal. Write the derivative… ed er ion al ment.

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Presentation on theme: "Removal and Disposal. Write the derivative… ed er ion al ment."— Presentation transcript:

1 Removal and Disposal

2 Write the derivative… ed er ion al ment

3 discard Verb To throw away Remember to discard your empty bottles in the recycling bin.

4 dispel Verb To rid one’s mind of an idea In order to dispel the myth that walking under a ladder is bad luck, Marie did it four times.

5 disperse Verb To scatter in different directions The picture seemed to disperse before our very eyes.

6 displaced Adjective Remove from a place The displaced family moved into the shelter.

7 disqualify Verb To declare unfit to participate Students who don’t maintain passing grades will be disqualified from playing on school athletic teams.

8 evict Verb To force out of place The family was evicted from their home because they would not pay their rent.

9 excise Verb To cut out, or to remove as if by cutting The student excised many unnecessary words in her essay.

10 exile Noun: Forced removal from one’s country Noun: A person forced out of a country Verb: To force out of a country The government exiled the spy.

11 extinguish Verb To put out a fire or light To put an end to The firefighter extinguished the fire. Her hopes to the relay were extinguished when she sprained her ankle.

12 purge Verb Purify; completely get rid of something harmful The filter purged the water of unhealthy chemicals.

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