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Unit 1: Introduction. Welcome General Emergency Preparedness Protection for CERT Members Disaster Psychology.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 1: Introduction. Welcome General Emergency Preparedness Protection for CERT Members Disaster Psychology."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 1: Introduction

2 Welcome General Emergency Preparedness Protection for CERT Members Disaster Psychology

3 Introduction Welcome  Tell us who you are.  What city do you live in?  Why are you taking CERT?

4 Introduction Exercise Exercise: Building a Tower

5 Introduction General Emergency Preparedness Inverness Winter Storm 1982

6 Introduction General Emergency Preparedness Bay Bridge 1989

7 Introduction General Emergency Preparedness Inverness Fire 1995

8 Introduction General Emergency Preparedness Inverness Fire 1995

9 Introduction General Emergency Preparedness San Geronimo Winter Storm

10 CERT Organization Team Organization CERT Functions  Size-up.  Conduct light search and rescue.  If necessary, locate and turn off utilities.  Extinguish small fires.  Triage and treat injuries.  Gather resources.  Comfort.

11 Introduction General Emergency Preparedness Emergency Pack Power Bar Bottled Water Flashlight/Batteries Medications First Aid Kit Socks Pocketknife / Leatherman Pen & Paper or pad

12 Introduction General Emergency Preparedness Are you prepared for 5 to 7 days? One gallon per person per day

13 Introduction General Emergency Preparedness Utilities

14 Introduction General Emergency Preparedness Shutting Off Utilities

15 Introduction Protection for CERT Members  Good Samaritan Law.  Volunteer Protection Act of 1997.  Disaster Service Workers-State sponsored program. Provides Worker’s compensation benefits Oath of Loyalty Photo Identification Acting in a prudent and reasonable manner in accordance with your training received as a CERT member.

16 Introduction Protection for CERT Members Disaster Service Worker Form

17 Introduction Disaster Psychology Objectives 1.Describe the disaster / post-disaster emotional environment. 2.Describe the steps that rescuers can take to relieve their own stress and those of disaster survivors.

18 Introduction Disaster Psychology Disaster Effects  Cognitive Functioning Irrational, difficulty making decisions, acting out of character…  Physical Health Exhaustion, can’t sleep, do sleep a lot …what else?  Interpersonal Relationship Temporary or long term personality changes What are some disaster stressors?

19 Introduction Disaster Psychology Range of Emotions Denial Anger Acceptance Despair Hopelessness

20 Introduction Disaster Psychology Team Well-Being CERT team leaders should: Have knowledge of pre-disaster stress management. Brief personnel before response. Emphasize teamwork. Allow opportunities for proper nutrition. Encourage breaks. Rotate teams, phase out workers gradually. Conduct a brief discussion. Arrange for a post-event debriefing.

21 Introduction Review Disaster Psychology Review Cognitive Functioning: Many emotions: confusion, denial, anger, acceptance. Physical Health: Manage the stressors. Be kind, be patient. Take care of yourself. Mental Health: Be aware of what you’re feeling (PTSD, CISM). Be nice.

22 Introduction Review CERT, doing the greatest good for the greatest number of people.

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