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The UK’s 1 st live fire testing of the FirePro LifeSaver 1 st Response Fire Fighting Grenade With Great Thanks to Bedfordshire & Luton Fire & Rescue Service.

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Presentation on theme: "The UK’s 1 st live fire testing of the FirePro LifeSaver 1 st Response Fire Fighting Grenade With Great Thanks to Bedfordshire & Luton Fire & Rescue Service."— Presentation transcript:

1 The UK’s 1 st live fire testing of the FirePro LifeSaver 1 st Response Fire Fighting Grenade With Great Thanks to Bedfordshire & Luton Fire & Rescue Service In Association with Master Distributors Trade Fire Suppression Ltd & Vimpex Rescue Technology

2 Q. What is the FirePro LifeSaver ? A. It is a 1 st fire fighting first response condensed aerosol grenade. It is designed to buy time for fire fighting operations by reducing temperature & slowing escalation

3 Q. Where else is the LifeSaver used ? A. Following extensive trials and testing in Sweden by Lund University, Insurers, Government Bodies, & Nuclear Fire & Rescue, It is now used by Sweden's Fire & Rescue Services as a first response fire fighting aid.

4 Q. So this is the UK 1 st trials of the FirePro LifeSaver ? A. Yes. We are very grateful for the support extended by Bedfordshire Fire & Rescue Service to conduct the tests Here is a brief summary of the day - 6 th Dec 2013

5 We met with Area Commander Jon Roberts and his test team who were in full BA – and would be inside the enclosure during the test using the ISG Infra Red Thermal Heat Camera to record events as they occurred

6 A class A wood pallet fire was prepared to create a 1.5MW load fire within a 50M 3 enclosure. Two fire fighters remained in the enclosure equipped with an ISG Thermal image camera to record video from inside.

7 The fire was ignited, and in little time, was well alight. The fire fighters remained still and recorded the thermal reactions from inside. The entrance door was then closed, leaving a rear safety door for escape.

8 Room temperature was measured from the control room whilst full radio contact was maintained with the firefighters inside the enclosure

9 After another 3 or 4 minutes, with the door shut, the internal temperature was confirmed at 290 degrees. The LifeSaver was deployed by a 3 rd firefighter and the door was closed over

10 The below images are from the video recording taken on the day, showing time & temperature There is no claim whatsoever that the FirePro LifeSaver will extinguish a fire – or prevent re-ignition. It will however knock down a fire, reduce temperature which buys time for fire fighting operations – as proven by Swedish Fire & Rescue.

11 Further tests continued throughout the morning as more pallets were added and more FirePro LifeSavers were deployed to see what results could be achieved. Feedback from the day was positive. We are now arranging further tests – in January 2014 - this time on real kitchen chip pan fires & front room furniture fire once again with Bedfordshire & Luton Fire & Rescue.

12 Potential Applications for 1 st response use are high rise fire fighting / private fire service / military / mobile security patrols / areas where use of portable extinguishers may be deemed dangerous…………………….

13 The FirePro LifeSaver is exclusively supplied in the UK by Trade Fire Suppression & Vimpex Rescue Technology For details about FirePro UK and the LifeSaver first response fire fighting grenade and a copy of the test video footage from the day please click Firepro UK Limited 3000 Hillswood Drive Chertsey Surrey KT16 0RS United Kingdom W. T – +44 (0)1932 895551 E – Once again, our thanks to go to Bedfordshire & Luton Fire & Rescue Service

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