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We have the potential to become the food supplier of the world whereas it is projected that India will need to grow its agricultural output to feed its.

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Presentation on theme: "We have the potential to become the food supplier of the world whereas it is projected that India will need to grow its agricultural output to feed its."— Presentation transcript:


2 We have the potential to become the food supplier of the world whereas it is projected that India will need to grow its agricultural output to feed its people in 2020. Much of this has to come by growing more on the same amount of land. Farmers of Maharashtra have tenaciously fought and achieved remarkable results. Their tremendous courage has always kept Maharashtra amongst the top positions in farming sector Considering the importance of agriculture for our future generations, let’s share the vision for future of Maharashtra Agriculture

3 “You may ask, what can one person do? Then let me tell you a story I remember from my childhood” A terrible fire had broken out in the forest. All the animals were running away, including the lion, king of the forest. Suddenly, the lion saw a tiny bird rushing towards the fire. He asked the bird, "what are you doing?" To the lion's surprise, the bird replied "I am on my way to extinguish the fire." He laughed and said, "how can you kill the fire with just one drop of water, in your beak?" The bird was adamant, and said, "But I am doing my bit" There is a famous story of a Humming Bird

4 are the questions Why it is..? How it is…? Let’s deal with these questions together Let’s underline the strengths of Maharashtra Agriculture to overcome the weaknesses of Maharashtra Agriculture Join Us with your “Precious Bit”

5 Krushi Sanman Puraskar is a mission to promote social awareness amongst urban citizens regarding the farmers' fraternity to sensitize them. & Felicitation of the Hero's of Maharashtra Agriculture in the grand event. MahaAgri – Vision 2020 is a special initiative by Krushi Sanman Puraskar to bring awareness about the importance of agriculture amongst the urban youth and make them supporters of Agriculture in their future roles as leaders Encourage some to engage in careers related to Agriculture

6 Inauguration & Introduction Presidential Speech Guest Of Honour Speech A V “Ajacha Maharashtra – Ek Vastav ” Topic 1 – Watershed Area Development Topic 2 - Water Resource Management, distribution, utilisations Topic 3 – Cropping Pattern and Integrated Farming Topic 4 – Horticulture, Processing & Production Break Topic 5 – New future prospects in Maharashtra Agriculture Topic 6 – Agriculture Research & Education Topic 7 - Role of Agriculture Department & Agricultural Institutions Topic 8 – Positive participation of Urban community towards agriculture Speech on aggregate agriculture conditions Vision Document Presentation vote of thanks FORMATFORMAT

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