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Fire Extinguishers 5 10 RACE R escue A ctivate C onfine E vacuate 5.

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Presentation on theme: "Fire Extinguishers 5 10 RACE R escue A ctivate C onfine E vacuate 5."— Presentation transcript:


2 Fire Extinguishers 5

3 10

4 RACE R escue A ctivate C onfine E vacuate 5

5 Remove anyone in immediate danger to a safe area 7

6 the Fire Alarm System 8

7 the Fire 6

8 OR 9

9 Spreading Not trained with extinguisherNot trained with extinguisher Blocking exit 12

10 Trained 16

11 30 Second Rule 7

12 When You Choose to Fight 6

13 WoodWood PaperPaper ClothCloth Class A Extinguishers 10

14 Class A Extinguishers Electrical Fires 11

15 Class B Carbon Dioxide Class B Extinguisher 8

16 Class C 8

17 Class D Magnesium 13

18 Class K 9

19 P A S S P ullP ull A imA im S queezeS queeze S weepS weep 18

20 1. Pull the pin. This will let you discharge the extinguisher Fire Extinguisher 4

21 Aim the Nozzle 2. Aim at the base of the fire. 3

22 Squeeze the Handle 11

23 Sweep – Side to Side 16

24 Remember when to fight 14

25 Flight Is Best Toxic fumes Not trained Wrong extinguisher Instincts say “run” 17

26 Be Sure Right extinguisher for this fire 12

27 15

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