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photo light Example: photograph – picture drawn by light

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Presentation on theme: "photo light Example: photograph – picture drawn by light"— Presentation transcript:

1 photo light Example: photograph – picture drawn by light
This goes on the FRONT of your # 1 flap at the BACK of your notebook photo light This information goes on the BACK of the #1 flap at the back of your notebook Example: photograph – picture drawn by light telephoto – light from far away photosynthesis – a process of putting things together using light. 1 1

2 graph write or draw phonograph – (phono – sound) – machine for writing (or recording) sound telegraph – (tele – distant) – writing from far away autograph – (autos – self) – to write one’s own name 2 2

3 tele far away television – (video, visum – see) – seeing distant things telephone – (phone – sound) – sound from far away telescope – (skopeo – look at) – device for looking at distant objects 3 3

4 metron measure geometry – (geo – earth) – measurement of the earth
thermometer – (thermos – heat) – measure heat diameter – (dia – through, across) – measuring across 4 4

5 tropos turn tropics – the area of the earth from the equator north to the Tropic of Cancer and south to the Tropic of Capricorn tropical – the climate of the earth in the tropics phototropic – (photos – light) – turning toward light as leaves and flowers do 5 5

6 philia love, friendship
philosopher - (sophia - wisdom) – one who loves wisdom Philadelphia – (adelphos - brother) – city of brotherly love philanthropist – (anthropos – man) – one who cares about his fellow man 6 6

7 phobos fear phobia – irrational fear
claustrophobia - (claustrum – lock or bolt) – fear of closed (locked or bolted) places phobophobia – fear of fear itself 7 7

8 syn with, together sympathy – (pathos – feeling) – to feel with someone else synonym - (onoma – name) – two words with same meaning synchronize – (chronos – time) – to do things at the same time. “Synchronize your watches!” 8 8

9 thesis put, place thesis – a position taken in an argument supported by a set of reasons parenthesis – (para – beside) – statement beside (or inside) a main sentence synthetic – (syn – together) – elements put together to make a material like a natural one (synthetic rubber) 9 9

10 kinesis movement kinetic – relating to movement of bodies
kinesiology – (logos – word or study) – study of human movement cinema – motion pictures (Greeks had no “c”. They used “k”.) 10 10

11 phone sound euphony – (eu – well, good) – good or pleasant sound
megaphone – (mega – big) – device to make sounds BIG microphone – (mikros – small) – device to transmit or record small sounds 11 11

12 sonus sound sound – vibrations perceived by our ears
sonnet – a form of rhyming Italian poetry sonar – device that hears sound under water 12 12

13 skopeo see scope - all that the eye can see
microscope – (mikros – small) – device to look at small objects kaleidoscope – (kalos – beautiful, eidos – form) – device for seeing changing beautiful forms or arrangements of small fragments of glass, etc. 13 13

14 video, visum see television – (tele – far away) – machine for seeing things that are far away video – picture portion of television evidence – (e, ex – out) – out of what one can see 14 14

15 logos word, study logic – reasoning to gain knowledge and wisdom
biology – (bios – life) – study of physical life legend – a story to be read 15 15

16 verbum word verb – the action word in a sentence
verbal – of, or pertaining to, words verbose – (-osus – full of) – wordy, full of words 16 16

17 nomen, nominis name nominate – suggest someone’s name for office
Nom de plume – (French) – pen name of an author denominator – part of a fraction below the line 17 17

18 pro before, for prologue – (logos – word study) – words before beginning a play or book proceed – (cedo, cessurus – move, yield) – move forward 18 18

19 pre before predict – (dico, dictum – say) – say before hand, foretell
prejudice – (judicium – judgment) – make judgment beforehand 19 19

20 ad to, toward adjective – (jacio, jactum – throw) – word “thrown at” a noun to modify it admire – (miror, miratum – be amazed, wonder) - look at with wonder or amazement advertise – (verto, versum – turn) turn people to what you are offering 20 20

21 jacio, jactum throw eject – (e, ex – out) – throw out
interject – (inter – between) – throw between project – (pro – forward) – throw forward reject – (re – back, again) – throw back 21 21

22 pono, positum put postage – payment for messages sent from post to post deposit – (de – down, away from) – lay away; put aside 22 22

23 quom with, together cooperate – (operor, operatum – work) – work with
collect – (lego, lectum – gather) – gather together combat – (battuo – beat, fight) – fight with 23 23

24 figo, fixum attach fix – fasten or make firm; set in place
prefix – (prae – before) – letter or syllable added to the beginning of a word suffix – (sub – under) – letter or syllable added to the end of a word 24 24

25 jungo, junctum join joint – place where two parts are connected
conjugation – a set of verb endings joined with the stem subjugate – (sub – under) – to connect under the yoke of power 25 25

26 digitus finger, toe, inch
digit – finger, numerals from 0 to 9, unit of measure the width of a finger (3/4 of an inch) digital computer – a computer which uses numerals to mean whole numbers and decimal fractions prestidigitation – (praesto – at hand, prompt) – a fast-fingered or sleight-of-hand performance of magic or of card tricks 26 26

27 caput, capitis head caput – “off with his head”
capital – top of a column; head, chief or foundation money recapitulate – (re – again) – to list again the “headings” in a piece of writing 27 27

28 manus hand manufacture – (facio, factum – making) – make by hand
manicotti – (manica – sleeve) – sleeve-like pasta manuscript – (scribo, scriptum – write) – writing, written by hand 28 28

29 pes, pedis foot pedestal – foot of a column pedal – foot lever
pedicure – (curo, curatum – care) – care for the feet pedigree – (“pied de grue” – crane’s foot) – genealogy charts 29 29

30 bracchium arm brace – a tool to support an injured arm or limb
embrace – (em – in, into) – to take into one’s arms bracelet – ornament for the arm or wrist 30 30

31 des, dentis tooth dentist – tooth doctor
indent – set a line of print in from the margin dandelion – (French – dent de lion) – plant called “tooth of the lion” with dentate leaves 31 31

32 corpus, corporis body corporeal – pertaining to the body
corps – military division organized as a body corporation – legally formed group – a body corpse – dead body 32 32

33 unus one unit – one part of a series or of a whole
universe – (verto, versum – turn) – star galaxy which turns as one entity (like a cosmic pinwheel) university – (verto, versum – turn) – many colleges joined together to function as one body 33 33

34 duo two duet – music played or sung by two people
duplicate – (plico, plicatum – fold) – make a second copy dubious – “of two minds” – doubtful 34 34

35 tres three trio – three acting or performing together
triangle – (angulus – corner angle) – a figure with three straight sides and three corner angles tribe – early Rome was divided into three family social groups 35 35

36 quattuor four quadruped – (pes, pedis – foot) – four-footed animal
quadrilateral – (latus – side) – having four sides quatrain – a stanza or verse of poetry four lines long 36 36

37 quinque five quinquennial – (annus – year) – five-year period or celebration quinquagenarian – (quinquageni – fifty each) – person who is years old quinquesyllable – (syllaba – several letters taken together to make one sound) – a word of five syllables (e.g., quin-que-syl-la-bic) 37 37

38 sex six sexennial – (annus – year) – six-year period or celebration
sexdigital – (digitus – finger, toe) – having six fingers or toes sexcentenary – (centum – hundred) – a 600-year period or celebration 38 38

39 septem seven September – seventh month in the Roman calendar
septennial – (annus - year) – seven-year period or celebration septangle – (angulus – corner) – a plane (flat) figure with seven sides and seven angles 39 39

40 octo eight October – eighth month in the Roman calendar
octopus – (pous, podos - foot) – eight-footed ocean creature octagon – (gonia – angle) – figure with eight sides and eight corners or angles 40 40

41 novem nine November – ninth month in the Roman calendar
novena – devotions for nine days in the Roman Catholic church novendial – (dies – day) – lasting nine days 41 41

42 decem ten December – tenth month in the old Roman calendar
decemdentate – (dens, dentis – tooth) – having ten teeth decemplicate – (plico, plicaturm – fold) – tenfold or ten copies. (think of duplicate, triplicate) 42 42

43 centum hundred cent – one hundredth of a dollar
century – a set of one hundred centurion – Roman military officer over 100 men 43 43

44 mille thousand mile – a thousand paces (1 pace = 2 steps – one with each foot) millimeter – (metron –measure) – one thousandth of a meter millipede – (ped, pedis – foot) – thousand-footed “bug” 44 44

45 pyro fire pyrotechnics – (techne – work, skill) - fireworks
pyre – huge bonfire for burning bodies at ancient funerals (and even today in India) empyrean – (em –in) – the heavens – home of the fiery sun 45 45

46 ignis fire igneous – (ous – full of) – pertaining to fire
ignite – to set on fire ignition – act of “firing up” or starting an engine; setting anything afire 46 46

47 Vulcan – Roman god of fire
Vulcanus Vulcan – Roman god of fire volcano – a crack in the earth pouring out hot magma (molten rock) and hot gases vulcanize – to treat raw rubber with heat and sulphur to make it harder and more durable vucanology – (logos – word, study) – the study of volcanoes 47 47

48 hydros water hydroplane – (planus – flat surface) – boat that glides on the surface of the water dehydrate – (de – down, away from) – take water away hydrogen – (genos – origin) – a gas which, when burned, produces water 48 48

49 aqua water aquarium – a pond or tank of water where fish or water plants can live aqueduct – (duco, ductum – lead) – a structure for bringing water to where it is needed. Aquarius – a constellation called “Water Carrier” 49 49

50 bonus good bonus – something extra good
bon bon – (French) – beautifully decorated candy; a good “goody” bonanza – (Spanish – fair weather, prosperity) – rich find in a gold mine 50 50

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