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Project Name: Youth have a handfull of work to do Team: IRBO Country: Montenegro University of Montenegro, Faculty of Economics Podgorica.

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Presentation on theme: "Project Name: Youth have a handfull of work to do Team: IRBO Country: Montenegro University of Montenegro, Faculty of Economics Podgorica."— Presentation transcript:

1 Project Name: Youth have a handfull of work to do Team: IRBO Country: Montenegro University of Montenegro, Faculty of Economics Podgorica

2  Montenegro is a small country with a population of 625 266 people. According to Statistical Office of Montenegro, MONSTAT, the number of youth (15-24 year) in 2011 census was 86 909 people, of which 40,1% is officially unemployed. Experiencing the problem In order to experience the youth unemployment, in our country, we took several surveys and discussion groups. Surveys were made for youth, and they were taken by phone, Facebook and random testing on the street. Following cities were included: Podgorica, Nikšić, Budva and Pljevlja. Discussion groups meetings were run with the aim of detailed, first person problem expirience. Participants were student from different faculties, ages between 18 and 24. 2

3 Results of survays were astonishing: Only 19% of youth is working (full time/part time job or volunteering) Approximately about 77% of examinees are willing to work or volunteer during studies, but only 38% of them were actively searching for job last three weeks. 49% of youth said that educational system does not provide adequate knowledge nor practice during their education, required for their employment. When it comes to leaving the country and studing abroad, 76% of examinees belive that they have better opportunities in life and work abroad, than in Montenegro, and 68% of them are willing to take a risk, and go abroad. Concerned about the results, we organized several discussion groups. The aim was to understand in more detail what is the reason of youth not searching for the job, and reasons why didn’t they got a job, when they applied for it. Most particularized problems were: underdevelopment, nepotism, „experience-needed syndrom“, lack of knowlage needed for job etc. RESULTS : 3

4 After doing the survey and conducting discussion groups we tried to define the problem of youth unemployment. Using cause-consequence analysis and meeting peers, finding out more about their prejudices and perspectives regarded to find job, we discovered a complex network of major and minor problems, which in synergy are creating still unsolvable problem of today. 4 Increasing population Longer life Development of technology Lack of knowledge experience- needed syndrom Cultural background Nepotism Pension erosion Asymmetric information Undevelopmed third sector Crisis and recesions

5 In order to find an appropriate solution, we explored existing services for decreasing unemployment in Montenegro. There were a lot of online sites and organisations for connecting employers and potential employees, government implementation of the plan for employment of trainees with higher education, two business incubators in Podgorica and Berane and increasing number of Non-government organizations. Although the existence of various organisations and government efforts to employ youth, actions are usually shorth term and the results are barely noticeable. Exigency Solution 5

6 Our solution is to establish an non profit organisation which will connect all universities and vocational schools with existing and future provision of courses and organisations which are organising seminars and both of them with companies, ventura capitals, business angels, business incubators and government. So we can all fight together and win against unemployment of youth and unemoloyment in general, and develop our country. Organisation will be developed in three phases, which will have no explicit duration. 6 Unus pro omnibus, omnes pro uno!!! One for all, all for one!!!

7 First phase is designed as educational phase. It will be two stage model of educating Enterprises. First stage will be to cooperate with existing organizations and companies who hold seminars for companies. After introducing our mission to companies we could start to educate and affect, first of all, on small and medium Enterprises of southern region to employ domestic workers over the summer season, and what effects it will have. Second stage will be compund of series of seminars which will present the benefits of the business Internet presentations in business, unemployment and its effects on long term in our country etc. 7 First phase - Education

8 Second phase is main purpose of our organisation, and it will start year after setting up first phase. Companies that were willing to attend our seminar will be offerd a prospect and detailed plan of collaboration of our organisation with domestic universities and schools and domestic and foreign capital investors. The main object is to initiate development of northern region, which includes: development of transport infrastructure, starting up numerous different businesses in industrial, agricultural and tourism sector. 8 Second phase – Connecting dots

9 In addition to provide sustainable organisation, we will start third phase, parallel with a second phase of developing our organisation. We will have an independent sector of our organisation which task is to control, our organisation and established and existing companies which are participating in the project. How we could manage full control of the system, we would be willing to be monitored by multiple domestic and foreign organisations. 9 Third phase – Control

10 Results we came accross while conducting our analysis of the current situation in the labor market in Montenegro and expectations od montenegrin youth, we can expect that our solution to this problem can make important progress towards higher employment rates In next two years, we are expecting a 20% raise in domestic emplyment, especially during summer season in southern region In next five years we plann to help recovering and developing road infrastructure and industry in the northern region. 10 Expetations

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