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Graph Substructure Search Xuemin Lin School of Computer Science and Engineering University of New South Wales Sydney, Australia.

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1 Graph Substructure Search Xuemin Lin School of Computer Science and Engineering University of New South Wales Sydney, Australia

2 Applications of Graphs Chem-informatics  Chemical Compounds (Small Size) Bio-informatics  Protein Interaction Networks (Medium Size) Other Applications  Social Networks (Large Size)  … …

3 Fundamental Problems in Graph Database Given a graph database D = {g 1,..., g n } of n data graphs and a query graph q,  Substructure Search Retrieve all data graphs which contain q.  Application : Chemical Compounds’ substructure Identification et al.  Supstructure Search Retrieve all data graphs which are contained by q.  Application : Molecule Function Prediction et al.

4 Substructure Search

5 Similarity Search? Input Mistake Exploration Queries......

6 Outline Substructure Search (VLDB08) Substructure Similarity Search (SIGMOD10) Superstructure Search (SSDBM10) Superstructure Similarity Search (ICDE2010) Conclusions and Remarks

7 Substructure Search: gIndex (SIGMOD04)  Index a set F of features from D. , sup(f): set of graph ids in D contain f  Filtering:  Verification: verify each data graph in C q.

8 gIndex (SIGMOD04) q g1g1 g2g2 g3g3 ID-List: {g 1,g 2 } Feature A: PrunedPass (Feature A) False PositiveAnswer Filtering: Verification:

9 Tree+Delta (VLDB07) Objective: reduce the costs for  building index Observation:  lower costs for generating tree-based features.  most (95%) frequent subgraphs (in sparse graphs) are trees. Tree+Delta: select frequent tree features, and then add a small number of effective subgraphs.

10 FG Index (SIGMOD07) Objective: Index only query processing.  q is a frequent subgraph: if q is indexed, then return sup(q). if a supergraph q’ of q is indexed, no verification for sup (q’).  q is not a frequent subgraph: # of verifications is bounded by

11 QuickSI (VLDB08): our work Objective: develop efficient verification algorithm  speed up both verification and filtering. QuickSI: An efficient verification algorithm. ―Encode query graphs: terminate earlier. ―Enforce connectivity ―Three novel pruning techniques Up to orders of magnitude speed up.

12 QuickSI q gDepth-First Traversal 1 1 2 2 34 5 67 34 5 67 Forwarding Backtracking

13 QuickSI q g 1 1 2 2 3 4 56 7 34 5 67 Depth-First Traversal Forwarding Backtracking

14 QuickSI q g 1 1 2 2 34 5 67 34 5 67 Depth-First Traversal Forwarding

15 QuickSI q g Access infrequent labels as early as possible Depth-First Traversal

16 QuickSI q g 1 1 11 11 11 1 1 1 Access infrequent labels as early as possible Depth-First Traversal

17 Synchronized Depth- First Traversal QuickSI q g 1 1 2 1 22 2 22 Sparse Graph! 2x5=10 possible matching pairs Access infrequent labels as early as possible Retain connectivity

18 QuickSI q g 1 12 1 2 2 Sparse Graph! ONLY 2 possible matching pairs Access infrequent labels as early as possible Retain connectivity Depth-First Traversal

19 QuickSI q g 1 1 2 2 34 5 67 34 5 67 Access infrequent labels as early as possible Effectively use degree information Deg=3 Deg=2 Stop here 2 2 Retain connectivity Depth-First Traversal

20 QuickSI q g 1 1 2 2 34 5 67 34 5 67 Access infrequent labels as early as possible Retain connectivity Effectively use degree information Deg=3 Deg=2 Stop here 21 Deg=3 Continue Determine the access order for q. Depth First Traversal

21 Experimental Results Settings NotationsFilteringVerification GSIgIndex (SIGMOD ’04) QuickSI SSISwift Index (This Paper) QuickSI FGFG Index (SIGMOD ’07) AIDS Antiviral dataset, a popular benchmark, 43k chemical bonds, “C” “N” “O” are the most frequent labels. The data sets and query sets are same as in gIndex and FG Index

22 Experiments – Response Time Constructi on Time # of Features Index Size FG167164112.5M GSI146.6327613M SSI26.64625.5 Real dataset Large real dataset Constructi on Time # of Features Index Size FG2188710053.8M GSI306.2439413M SSI17092211.8

23 Substructure Similarity Search – Grafil (SIGMOD07) Maximum Common Subgraph MCS: Given g 1 and g 2, the common graph of g 1 and g 2 with the maximal number of edges, mcs(g 1, g 2 ). Grafil: find all g in D s.t. (|q| - |mcs(q, g)|) ≤ σ (|q| - |mcs(q, g)|): number of missing edges Some variants...

24 Substructure Similarity Search Subgraph Similarity ?

25 Connected Substructure Similarity Search: our work (SIGMOD10) Maximum Connected Common Subgraph MCCS: Given g 1 and g 2, the connected common graph of g 1 and g 2 with the maximal number of edges, mccs(g 1, g 2 ). dis (q, g) := |q| - |mccs(q, g)| Goal: find all g in D s.t. dis(q,g) ≤σ NP-Complete.

26 Filtering: triangular inequality? dis(Q,D)+dis(D,F) ≥ dis(Q,F)  dis(Q, D) ≥ dis(Q,F) – dis(D,F) dis(Q,D) dis(Q,F) dis(D,.F) Query (Q) Feature(F) Data (D)

27 dis(Q,D)+dist(D,F) ≥ dist(Q,F) ? 1 Filtering: triangular inequality? Query (Q) Data (D) 1 dis(Q,D)

28 Feature(F) Data (D) 1 2 dist(Q,D)+dist(D,F) ≥ dist(Q,F) ? Similarity Search (triangular inequality) 2 dist(F,D)

29 Filtering: triangular inequality? dis(Q,D)+dis(D,F) ≥ dis(Q,F) ---- HOLD! 2 dis(Q,F) Query (Q) Feature(F) 1 2 2

30 0 1 3 Query(Q) Feature(F) Data (D) dist(Q,D) dis(Q,D)+dis(D,F) ≥ dis(Q,F) X Triangular inequality: not always hold dist(D,F)dist(Q,F)

31 Connectivity Dominance Connectivity Dominance: The connectivity of mccs(g 1, g 2 ) dominates the connectivity of g 2 if there is a subgraph isomorphic mapping F from mccs(g 1, g 2 ) to g 2 such that if removing a set S of edges in mccs(g 1, g 2 ) causes mccs(g 1, g 2 ) disconnected, then removing F(S) always causes g 2 disconnected. Theorem. Given three graphs g 1, g 2, and g 3, if the connectivity of mccs(g 1, g 2 ) dominates g 2 or the connectivity of mccs(g 2, g 3 ) dominates g 2, then dist(g 1, g 3 ) ≤ dist(g 1, g 2 ) + dist(g 2, g 3 ). Remark: Linear Algorithm given embeeding.

32 dist(Q,F)+dist(F,D) ≥ dist(Q,D) Validation Rule 1 – index only dist(Q,F)+dist(F,D) ≤ => dist(Q,D) ≤ (if mccs(Q, F) dominates F or mccs(F, D) dominates F) dist(Q,D)+dist(D,F) ≥ dist(Q,F) Pruning Rule 1: dist(Q,F)-dist(D,F)> => dist(Q,D)> (if mccs(D, F) dominates D) dist(F,Q)+dist(Q,D) ≥ dist(F,D) Pruning Rule 2: dist(F, D)-dist(F, Q)> => dist(Q,D)> (if mccs(F, Q) dominates Q)

33 Basic idea: 1. enumerate sub-spanning trees of query graph such that the # of missing edges ≤ ; try to terminate the algorithm as early as possible. 2. sharing the enumeration costs by two ways: a. not enumerate every thing from scratch. b. once enumerated, keep enumerated spanning trees. – organized in a binary tree to reduce storage space. 3. extend QucikSI [VLDB08]. Verification Algorithm

34 Experiments


36 cIndex [VLDB’07]: super structure search Filtering-Verification Framework  Filter false results by a feature-based index: exclusion based.  Verify each candidate against the query graph. DatabaseIndexQuery Filtering (gc)(gc) (gb)(gb) (ga)(ga) fafa fbfb fcfc q Filtered! Filtered! Candidate! Verification Answer!

37 GPTree [EDBT’09] Enhanced Filtering-Verification Framework  Share test cost in filtering and verification, respectively. ba caa ba cab fafa (ga)(ga) (gb)(gb) bc cac (gc)(gc) a fbfb c b a a aab (ga)(ga)(gb)(gb) c b c a c a (gc)(gc) sharing across groups? b c ac (fa)(fa)(fb)(fb) Sharing between two phases? sharing across suffixes?

38 PrefIndex [SSDBM10] Sharing-based Filtering-Verification Framework  Share test cost in filtering and verification, respectively. ba caa ba cab fafa (ga)(ga) (gb)(gb) bc cac (gc)(gc) a fbfb c b a a aab (ga)(ga)(gb)(gb) c b c a c a (gc)(gc) sharing across groups b c ac (fa)(fa)(fb)(fb) sharing between two phases No sharing across suffixes

39 Computation Sharing Cost Model Cost Gain (Computation Sharing Benefits)  Given k master groups of data graphs, assume that 1) all data graphs in each group G i contain a master feature f i ( 1 ≤ i ≤ k ); 2) the subgraph isomorphism test from f i to a query graph q is cost fi ;  The total cost gain (computation sharing benefits) from each master group G i can be represented as follows: Maximized Gain  Cluster the database into a disjoint set of master groups such that the total gain is maximized (NP-hard).

40 Efficiency Test Database and Query Sets  Database: AIDS10K;  Query Sets: Q20, Q40, Q60 Q80, Q80+;

41 Superstructure Similarity Search: our work (ICDE10) Given a q and a g, dis(q, g) = |g| − |mccs(q, g)|. Superstructure Similarity Search: find all g from D such that dis(q, g) ≤ σ. Note: dis(q, g) = |q| − |mccs(q, g)| in substructure similarity search. Observations:  filtering framework in SIGMOD10 is immediately applicable.  techniques in SIGMOD10 may not be effective for a nearly “super- containment” relationship.  Sharing is possible just like PrefIndex.

42 SG-Enum Index (ICDE2010) Key Ideas: 1.For a g, enumerate all subgraphs with at most σ edges removed, σ-missing subgraphs. 2.dis(q, g) ≤σ if and only if q contains a σ-missing subgraph. Key issues:  Automorphic subgraphs?  Prefix-sharing?  in one g  among different data graphs  Query processing?

43 SG-Enum Index (ICDE2010) Top-down Construction: 1.Enumerate all σ-missing subgraphs. 2.Iteratively, choose an edge as follows: a)Always select an edge contained by most σ-missing subgraphs. b)Split the group into 2: one contain the edge and another does not contain the edge. Bottom-up Construction: 1.Generate a sequence for each σ-missing subgraph. 2.Merge the prefixes by chance. Bottom-up among data graphs. Query algorithm: extends QuickSI.

44 Experiments – Query Response Time

45 Conclusion and Remarks  Substructure search and its similarity search  Superstructure search and its similarity search. (VLDB08, ICDE10, SIGMOD10, SSDBM10) Issues:  Similarity measures?  Large data graphs?

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